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Scientists and what they did


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Benjamin Franklin
experimented with electricity, discovered static electricity (electric spider) and attracting and repelling of particles
copper and zinc
voltaic pile alternates between these two metals with a pad of liquid in between each one
unbalanced charge
when an object does not have an equal amount of protons and electrons
Hans christian Oersted
created relationship between electricity and magnetism
Thomas Edison
improved telephone, invented phonograph, created the electric fuse and electric light bulb
Luigi Galvani
came up with "animal electricity"
Alessandro Volta
created first battery called voltaic pile and the volt was named after him
small parts that make up atoms
Michael Faraday
worked on changing magnetism to electricity
current carrying wire wrapped around a compass which makes the magnetic needle work
Andre Marie Ampere
created the galvanometer and the electromagnet, unit for current was named after him (ampere)

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