Art History Vocabulary
undefined, object
copy deck
- Anthropormorphic
- half human, half animal in many ancient belief systems
- canon
- a rule of proportion for example used in Egyptian art, all the figures were drawn by the rule
- conceptual
- combination of profile and frontal views on a figure
- corbeling
- overlapping courses of material to create project, like in The Lion Gate
- cromlech
- a circle of standing stones, used in Stonehenge
- cyclopean wall
- walls built by Myceneans, Greeks used this word because the didn't think that humans made them
- dolmen
- upright stones with a cap stone, they were tombs originally
- fresco
- a wall painting with fresh plaster where water pigments are painted on top then seep in making it permanent as the wall
- helladic
- culture of the greek mainland during the ancient aegean period
- hypostyle
- greek term (hypo meaning under - style meaning column) referring to any building supported by columns like in the temple of amen re
- idealized
- resembles a person, but that is flawless and ageless, many of the egyptian statues were presented this way to emphasis their power and eternal reign
- Labyrinth
- Palace of Knossos, mythological story about a Minoutaur
- Limestone
- sedimentary rock most common stone in building, soft and easy to cut, it's everywhere and abundant used in most ancient buildings including the pyramids
- Mesopotamia
- the land between the rivers (tigris and the euphrates) Modern day Iraq Site of the earliest civilizations
- naturalistic vs. abstract
- an image represented as the viewer sees it in reality
-simplification or distortion of an image - neolithic
new stone age
agriculture starts
civilization starts
domestication of animals
animal husbandry - palimpsest
- a situation where you have an older image under a newer one and you can still see the old one
- provenance
- where something comes from
- pylon temple
- New Kingdom, most common temple til the end of Egyptian History ex. Temple of Amen-Re
- absolute vs. relative chronology
-find something with a date or an event that corresponds with a date; carbon dating
-based on the idea that the further down you dig the older it is, and similar objects are the same age regardless of depth - theocratic socialism
- Government ruled by a god, people work for the government and all goods are made for everyone and distributed
- volume vs. depth
-appearnce of third dimension on figures and objects
-shows the third dimension on a practically 2-D surface - votive
- Something that perpetuates prayer like the Sumerian Statues from Abu Temple