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Exam Review Part 2a

Terms 1 through 61 of "First Term Review Part 2-Reformation" By: Laura, Allen, and Zach.


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John Calvin
went to the University of Paris; wrote The Institutes; known from the Genevan Theocracy
War of Three Henries
After the massacre in 1572, King Henry III stood up and took rightful control of France, he formed an alliance with Henry of Navarre to defeat the Henry of Guise. This basically is a list of assassinations of the Guise Family members. At the end Henry III finally causes some stability, but is suddenly murdered by a crazed monk who was unhappy about the reiligious status.
Leo X
A Medici. Best known for Renaissance culture.
"On the Freedom of Man"
(1520) A short treatis on the doctrine of salvation,"Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works"
(became The Omish and Mennonites) Hated because their thoughts of: Adult baptism (dunked underwater), Muntser became the new Jerusalem (had to overthrow Munster), no such thing as private property. In the end, Lutherans and Protestants united to slaughter the Anabaptists.
Leader of Swiss Reformation. Agreed to disagree with Luther about communion. He thought it was only a symbol, and that it wasn't Christ's body or blood untill it touched your mouth, only symbolic. Found on the battlefield of the Swiss Civil War wounded and the Lutherans found him, cut him up into little pieces, then burn them and scattered the ashes over the land. Luther said Zwingli got what he deserved.
Spiritual Exercises
written by Ignatius of Loyola, described how to be a Christian
Marburg Colloquy
(1529) The Protestants failed to make an alliance or agreement with the Lutherans, "shattering of Protestantism"
A Lutheran country of the age.
Edward VI
(1547-1553) King Henry VIII's only son. Sickly, and became King at 9 years old. Since he wasn't capable of governing his country the Protestant church was soon brought in through his advisors Cromwell and Cranmer.
Thomas Moore
was an English writer, who wrote "Utopia"
French Calvinists.
Frederick the Wise
The elector(duke) of Saxony, Chose to protect Luther to proove that he had full rein over his lands, not Charles V.
Catholic Reformation
brought critical thinking...could also be called a counterrevolution because Paul IV made Index of Forbidden books
Spanish Netherlands
Seventeen provinces, (Belgium, Modern Netherlands, Luxemborg) which are basically the Low Countries. They are called low be cause they are below sea level, the are surrounded by dikes and wind mills.
Pope Paul IV
tried to counter the Protestant refromation with theRoman Inquisition and the Index of Forbidden Books
Intstitutes of the Christian Relgion
written by John Calvin in 1536, said that the bible was the only source of christian doctorine, two sacraments, predestination
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
When the sister of Charle IX (the reinig king at that time) and Henry of Navarre (who was a leader in the Calvinist party) sought marriage. As soon as Church let out that day on August 1572, the Guise Family waiting at the doors of the churches slaughtered the Calvinists. During this attack, Protestants were able to cross the border into France to join the Calvinist side.
Charles V
Forced to focus on Turkish and French invasions while the Lutherans prosper. When it came time for him to fight the Shmalkaldic League he had already began to lose the battles.
Philip II
"The Prudent King" refused to delegate power. Controlled every single law that was passed in his land. A Spanish Governer once said "If death come by way of Madrid, I shall live forever" which expressed the slowness of his delegation. Habsburg Dynasty, King of Spain, in 1556 he sees his land is to much to rein and gives his brother Ferdinand of Aragon Austria. His Economy was low since he had removed most of his merchants in the Spanish Inquisition, his only real export was wool, which he taxed and he lost his economy even more. He gains controll of the Medittaranean Sea with the coclusion of the Battle Of Lepanto where he defeated the Turks. He thinks he is great so he trys to unify his land under one religion (Catholiscism). He taxes the Netherlands (Spanish's) and they rebell.
Spanish Armada
Gargantouis fleet organized by Knig Philip II to invade England because of the death of Mary of Scotts, the last hope for him to gain economic control in England.
Schmalkaldic League
An alliance is created between Norther German Lutheran princes and the Fench King Henry II (a Catholic) to revive the war in 1552.
Society of Jesus
"Address of Nobility of the German Nation"
(1520) Played on Nationalism, nobility importance; asked for German princes to overthrow the papacy and establish a reformed church in Germany.
Elizabeth I
Virgin queen who used marital status to bring stability to England (POLITIQUE)
Suleiman the Magnificent
Most powerful sultan(of the Ottoman Empire), captured Charles V's attention while Luther gained support.
John Knox
said Geneva was "The most perfect school of Christ on Earth."
Payments made to the pope and church that supposedly decreased the amount of time you or whoever you bought it for in purgatory before heaven.
Martin Luther
Found "Justification by Faith". Encouraged the Bible to be written in German vernacular. Cause of Lutheranism. Wrote The 95 Thesis, the three pamphlets: "Address to Nobilityof the German Nation" and "The Babylonian Captivity of the Church" and "On the Freedom of Man".
Ninety-Five Theses
95 statements against indulgences.
Index of Forbidden Books
prevented Catholics from reading "bad" books, including books by Descartes, Hobbes, Hume, Voltaire, Luther
Union of Arras
The Unon that was with Spain. Later on becomes the Spanish Netherlands dominated by the Habsburgs.
Act of Uniformity
restored the book of common prayer to church services
Thomas Cranmer
The new Archbishop of Canterbury, also an "in the closet Protestant" just like Crommwell.
Peace of Augsburg
Ended the religious wars. The division of Christianity was formally acknowledged, with Lutheranism granted equal legal standing with Catholicism.
"The Babylonian Captivity of the Church"
(1520) Different than French + Church, Church had stolen your spiritual experience; in Latin for theoligians to attack the sacrimental system, and the reform of the monasticism so cleregy could marry.
Sir Francis Drake
Pirate who stole Spanish (Philip II) gold under Queen Elizabeth
Henry VIII
Labled "Defender of the Faith" by the Pope. Needed a divorce, asked Cardinal Wolsey for an annulment from the Pope. He wasn't able beacuse of the Popes relationship with Catherine of Aragon (the soon to be X-wife). Wolsey is fired, and Cromwell and Cranmer are appointed as his advisers. They decide he should brake away from the Pope and Catholic Church. He succeeds and he grants himself a divorce.
Pope Paul III
started the Catholic reformation, council of Trent
Christian Humanism
a movement that developed in Northern Europe during the Renaissance combining classical learning (humanism) with the goal of reforming the Catholic Church
Believed that religion wasn't above politics and no civil war was worth a religious truth.
wanted to purify the English church of its remaining catholic elements
Sea Beggars
The Dutch pirates.
city of strict theocracy, established by Calvin
Henry of Navarre
became Henry IV and started the Bourbon dynasty, converted to Catholicism to save his dynasty, "Paris is well worth a Mass"
39 Articles
established by Elizabeth I of England...
William the Silent
also of Nasau, and the Prince of Orange. Wished to unify the seventeen province
Mary I
(Bloody Mary) Brought the Anglican Church back to Catholiscism. Killed all Protestants.
Henry III
assassinated Henry of Guise, he was assassinated by a crazed monk
Habsburg-Valois Wars
the Italian wars where Milan invited france into Italy to invade Florence, but then France also invaded milan. Spain wanted to check the power of France, making Italy a theatre of war.
Swiss Civil War
(1531) Between the Swiss Protestant and Catholic cantons.
Union of Utrecht
The union created for the Netherlands that were against Spain in effect of the Pacification of Ghent.
Henry of Guise
he was assassinated by Henry III
Council of Trent
initiated by Pope Paul III, it was a group that would use the critical mind to reform Catholic Theology, got rid of the selling of indulgances and simony
Diet of Worms
The Congress session held in Worms, by Charles V to establish a relationship with the Pope. When Luther was called to recant his beliefs, he gave his famous "Here I stand..." speach.
Thomas a Kempis
Wrote "Imitation of Christ" (you are responsible for imitating God's Christ) In it he said, "Truly, at the day of judgement, we shall not be examined by what we have read, but by what we have done."
Justification by Faith
"Saved by faith alone", while reading the bible, Luther found this line. It basically said there was no need for a Pope or indulgences.
Peasant's Wars
(1525) The reaction of the peasants after a long time of oppresion, which was sparked by Luther's ex-followers, the radical Thomas Müntzer, who inflamed the peasants against their rulers with his fiery language: "Strike while the iron is hot!". Luther reacted with his pamphlet "Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants" which called the German princes to "smite, slay and stab" the stupid stubborn peasants. By May 1525, the German princes had supressed the peasant hordes.
(1466-1536 Dutch) "Prince of Humanists" Wrote "Praise of Folly" (1509)
Ingatius of Loyola
Leader of the Jesuits, tried to convert people to Catholicism rather than use violence, wrote Spiritual Exercises
Edict of Nantes
(1597) Was said it was sometihing like "... where Hugonots make a majority they have special political, religious, and military rights. MADE IT A STATE WITHIN A STATE.
A rambunctious Dominican, hawked the indulgences in Germany with the slogan "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs."
Act of Supremacy
Act passed by Parliament, after England broke away from the Pope, that stated the King was the supreme head of the Church.

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