Unit 2-Ecology
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- Species
- most specific level
- Population
- whole number of organisms occupying one area
- Community
- An interacting population of verious individuals
- Ecosystem
- the study of relationships between organisms and the living and nonliving factors in the environment
- Biome
- geographic/climatic region and the large community that lives there
- Biosphere
- the portion of earth that supports life
- Abiotic
- a non lving thing
- Biotic
- a living thing
- Herbivore
- a plant eating organism
- Carnivore
- a meat eating organism
- Omnivore
- a plant & meat eating prganism
- Decomposer
- an organism that breaks down dead organisms
- Predator
- moves energy through web, predator consumes prey
- Scavenger
- Organism that SEEKS out dead or dedcaying organisms for food
- food web
- a relatinship among organisms i which eah is linked to another that eats, absorbs, or decomposes
- Predator-Prey
- order in which things are eaten
- Commensalism
- one species benefits and the other neither benefits or is harmed
- Mutalism
- both species mutually benefits two species
- Parasitism
- the parasite benefits at the expense of the host, a good parasite never kills host because than it would have to find another host
- Name the three symbiotic relationships
- Commensalism, mutalism, parasitism
- Autotroph
- scientific term referring to any organisms that makes its own food
- Heterotroph
- the scientific term for any organisms that feeds on other organisms
- Succession
- a gradueal change in the structure of a community over time
- True or false -> no relationship exists between lving things and the nonliving environment
- false
- True or false -> Minerals are abiotic factors i the environment
- true
- True or false -> Typical biotic factors in a pond include plants, bacteria, and fish
- True
- true or false -> Organisms do not interact with their environment
- False
- True or false -> Heterotrophs re a;sp known as producers
- False
- grass --> rabbits --> hawks is an examaple of ...
- A food chain
- Nutrients
- chemical substances that an organism requires to live
- ONly 10% of heat of the nergy stored in an organism can be be passed to the next tophic level - of the remaianing energy some is used for its life procces and the rest is WHAT?
- lost as heat
- the toal portion of the earth that supports life is called ....
- biospehere
- predation
- interaction where an organism captures and feeds on another organism
- Host
- larger participant ina symbiont relationship
- what is successulf parasite?
- one that harms the host anad doesn't kill it
- what are the two conditions for a self-sustaining ecosystem
- needs a relative source of energu and inorgainc & organis nutrients being recycled
- what is the difference between chemical energy and free energy
- Chemical energy stored in the orgainc molecules which organisms are made & free energy is theportion of energy during a chemical reaction that us able to do work
- Habitat
- places where specific organisms live
- What si the sourceo f energy for a autotroph, heterotroph?
- autotroph-sun or inorganic chemicals, heterotoph-chemical energy in food
- what is the biggest difference between nonliving and living organisms
- a nonliving thing does'nt rekease energy when converting chemical energy
- Entropy
- measure of the degree of disorganization of a system
- what happens when an organism adapts to a new enviro
- it gets excluded from another
- trophic Structure
- of a community is a description of feeding or nutritional relationships among organisms in the community
- true or false --> Producers ssuch as plants make up the trophic level that supports the sustem
- true
- energy Pyramid
- a represntation of the tophic structure of an ecosystem i nwhich a decrease in the area at each level of the diagram illustrates the loss of energy available to those organisms living in that trophic levels
- 10 percent rule
- each level recieves one tenth of the energy level below it
- wjen two species consume the same resource ...
- they compete with each other
- NIche
- particular combinations of resources that a species is adapted to exploit
- Organisms absorb and release WHAT?
- nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon
- Carbon Cycle
- carbon fiaxtion and cell repiration move through the biosphere
- what are the 3 elements in the carbon cycle?
- carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen
- water cycle
- water returns through transpiration, cell respiration , and evaporation
- Nitrogen Cycle
- prokaryotes convert nitrogen in the atmosphere to amonia through nitrogen fixation
- Boundaries of biomes are usually indestinct because...
- changes in climate form place to place are gradual
- what determines where a biome is
- climate, temperature, precipitation,altitdue, latitdue
- Terrestrial biome
- living onor growing from land or relating to terrestiral organisms
- Aquatic bioiime
- growing or living in water
- What is a limiting factor ina aquatic biome?
- the amountof light it gets
- Primary succession
- begins on bare rock, glacier deposits, or ina lake bed
- Secondary succession
- takes place on a disturbed site where soil is present
- Climax Community
- when a web of interaction is so interaction is so intricate no other species can fit unless another disappears