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gre vocabulary i


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very small quantity. She hadn't an iota of common sense
incapable of injury. Achilles was invulnerable exceptin his heel
call upon; ask for. She invoked her advisor's aid in filling out her finanical aid forms
prayer for help; calling upon as a reference or support. The service of Morning Prayer opens with an invocation during which we ask God to hear our prayers
secure from corruption. attack, or violation; unassailable Batman considered his oath to keep the people of Gotham City safe inviolable; nothing on earth could make him break this promise
unconquerable. Superman is invincible
designed to create ill will or ency. WE disregarded her invidius remarks because we realized how jealous she was
deep-rooted; habitual. She is an inveterate smoker and cannot break the habit
turn upside down or inside out. When he inverted his body in a hand stand, he felt the blood rush to his head
opposite. There is an inverse raito between the strength of light and its distance
lead astray; wheedle. She was inveigled into joining the club after an initial reluctance
denounce; utter censure or invective, shout, yell. He inveighed against the demagoguery of the previous speaker and urged that the audience reject his philsophy as dangerous
weaken; destroy. The relatives who receied little or nothing sought to invalidate the will by claiming that the deceasd had not been in his right mind when he signed the document
accustomed; hardened. She became inured to the Alaskan cold
overwhelm; flood; submerge. This semester I am inundated with work; you should see the piles of paperwork flooding my desk. Until the great dam was built, the waters of the Nile used to inundate the river valley every year
trespass; enter as an uninvited person. She hesitated to intrude on their conversation
one who is introspective; inclined to think ore about oneself. In his poetry, he reveals that he is an introvert by his intense interest in his own problems
look within oneself. Though young Francis of Assisi led a wild and worldly life, even he had introspective moments during which he examined his soul
essential; inherent; built-in. Although my grandmother's chian has little intrinsic value, I shall always cherish it for the memories it evokes.
fearless, brave. For her interpid conduct nursing the wounded dring the war, Florence Nightingale was honored by Queen Victoria.
refusal of any compromise; stubborness.The negotiating team had not expected such intransigence from the striking workers, who rejected any hint of a compromise
unruly; stubborn; unyielding. Charlie Brown's friend Pigpen was intractable; he absolutely refused to take a bath.
frighten. Ill learn karate and then those big bullies won't be able to intimdate me anymore
hint. She intimated rather than stated her preferences
come between. When two close friends get into a fight, be careful if you try to intervene; they may join forces and gang up on you.
question closerly; cross-examine. knwing that the Nazis would interrogate him about his background, the secret agent invented a cover story that would help him meet their questions.
period between two reigns. Henry VIII desprately sought a male heir because he feared the civil strife that might occur if any prolonged itnerregnum succeeded his death
insert between. Seh talked so much that I could not interpolate a single remark
mutally destructive. The rising death toll on both sides indicatees the internecine nature of this conflict
periodic; on and off. The outdoor wedding reception had to be moved indoors to avoid the intermittent showers that fell on and off all afternoon
endless. ALthough his speech lasted for only 20 minutes, it seemed interminable to his bord audience.
intruder. The merchant though of his competitors as interlopers who were stealing away his trade
meantime. The company will not consider our proposal until next week; in the interim, let us proceed as we have in the past
prohibit; forbid. Civilized nations must interdict the use of uclear weapons if we expect our society to live
bury. They are going to inter the body tomorrow at Broadlawn Cemetry
intellectuals; members of the educated elite (often used derogatorily). She preferred discussions about sports and politics to the literary conversations of the intelligentsia.
higher mental powers. He though college would develop his intellect
uprightness; wholeness. Lincoln, whose personal integrity has inspired millions, fought a civil war to maintain the integrity of the republic, that these United States might remain undivided for all time
make whole; combine; make into one unit. She tried to integrate all their activities into one program
complete; necessary for completeness. Physical education is an integral part of our curriculum; a sound mind and a sound body are complementary
not able to be perceived by touch; vague.Though the financial benefits of his Oxford post were meager, Lewis was drawn to it by its intangible rewards; prestige, inteelectual freedom, the fellowhsip of his peers
rebellion; uprigin. In retrospect, given how badly the British treated the American colonists, the eventual insurrection seem inevitable
overwhelming; unbeatable; insuperable. Facing almost insurmountable obstacles, the members of the undergroud maintained their courage and will to resist
rebellious. Because the insurgent forces had occupied the capital and had gained countrol of the railway lines, several of the war correspondents covering the uprising predicted a rebel victory.
insurmountable; unbeatable. Though the odds against their survival seemed insuperable, the Apolo 13 astronauts reached earth safely
lacking substance; insignificant; trail. His hopes for a career in acting provedinsubstantial; no one would cast hi, even in an insubstantial role
disobedience; rebelliousness. At the slightest hint of insubordination from the sailors on the BOunuty, Captain Bligh had them flogged; finally, they mutinied
urge; start;provoke. Delighting in making mischief, Sir Toby sets out to instigate a quarrel between Sir Andrew and Cesario
indifferent; without concern or care. Your insouciant attitude at such a critical moment indicates that you do not understand the gravity of the situation
wakefulness; inability to sleep. She refused to join us in a midnight cup of coffee because she claimed it gave her insomnia
bankrupt; lacking money to pay. When rumors that he was insolvent reached his creditors, they began to press him for payment of the money due them
impudent disrespect; haughtiness. How dare yout reat me so rudely! The manager will hear of yourinsolence
lacking in flavor; dull. Flat prose and flat gigner ale are equally insipid; both lack sparkle
hint; imply; creep in. When you said I looked robust, did you mean to insinuate that I'm getting fat?
discerning; perceptive. Sol thought he was very insightful about uman behavior, but actually he was clueless as to why people acted the way they did
treacherous; stealthy; sly. The fifth column is insidious because it works secretly within our territory for our defeat.
unconscious; unresponsive. Sherry and I are very different; at times when I would be covered with embarrassment, she seems insensible to shame
without feeling. She lay there as insensate as a log.
impenertrable; not readily understood; mysterious. Experienced poker players try to keep their expressions inscrutable hiding their reactions to the cards behind a so-called poker face
not easily satisfied; unqeunchable; greedy. The young writer's thirts for knowledge was insatiable; she was always in the library
unwholesome; not healthful. The mosquito-ridden swamp was an insalubrious place, a breeding groud for malarial contagion
questioner (especially harsh); investigator. Fearing being grilled ruthlessly by the secret police, Marsha faced her inquisitors with trepidation
unrestrained; excessive. She had an inordinate fondness for candy, eating two or three boxes in a single day
untimely; poorly chosen. A rock concert is an inopportune setting for a quiet conversation
hint; insinuation. I can defend myself against direct accusations; innuendos and oblique attacks on my character are what trouble me.
change; introduction of something new. Although Richard liked to keep up with all the latest technological innovations, he didnt' always abandon tried and true techniques in favor of something new.
harmless. An occasional glass of wine with dinner is relatively innocuous and should have no ill effect on most peope
inborn. Mozart's parents soon recognized young Wolfgang's innate talent for music
hint. This came as a complete surprise to me as I did not have the slightest inkling of your plans.
harmful. Smoking cigarettes can be injurious to your health
begin; originate; receive into a group. The college is about to initiate a program for reducing math anxiety among students
wicked; immoral; unrighteous. Whether or not king RIchard III was responsible for the murder of the two young princes in the Tower, it was an iniquitous deed
matchless; not able to be imitated. We dmire Auden for his inimitable use of language, he is one of a kind.
unfriendly; hostile; harmful; detrimental. I've always been friednly to Martha. Why is she so inimical to me?
restrain; retard or prevent. Only 2 things inhibited him from taking a punch at Mike Tyson; Tyson's left hook, and Tyson's right jab. The protective undercoating on my car inhibits the formation of rust.
firmly established by nature or habit. Katya's inherent love of justice caused her to champion anyone she considered to be treated unfairly by society.
become popular with. He tried to ingratiate himself into her parents' good graces
ungrateful person. That ingrate Bob sneered at the tie I gave him.
deeply established; firmly rotted. Try as they would, the missionaires were unable to uproot the ingrained superstitions of the natives.
naive and trusting; young; unsophisticated. The woodsman did not realize how ingenuous LIttle REd Riding Hood was until he heard that she had gone off for a walk in the woods with the Big Bad Wolf
clever; resourceful. Kit admired the ingenious way that her computer keyboard opened up to reveal the built-in CD-ROM below
violate; encroach. I think your machine infringes on my patnet and I intend to sue
violation (of a rule or regulation); breach. When basketball start Dennis Rodman butted heads withthe referee, he committed a clear infraction of NBA rules
flowing into. The influx of refugees into the countr has taxed the relief agencies severely
exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas). His claims about the new product were inflated; it did not work as well as he had promised.
weakness. Her greatest infirmity was lack of willpower.
very small. In the 20th C, physicists have made their greatest discoveries about the characteristics of infinitesimal objects like the atoms and its parts
pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily. In order to infiltrate enmy lines at night without being seen, the scouts darkened their faces and wore black coverails
unbeliever. The Saracens made war against the infidels
pertaining to hell; devilish. Batman was baffled; he could think of no way to hinder the Joker's infernal scheme to destroy the city
deduce; conclude. From the students' glazed looks, it was easy for me to infer that they were bord out of their minds
childish; infantlike. When will he outgrow such infantile behavior?
notoriously bad. Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer are two examples of infamous killers
unerring. We must remember that none of us is infallible; we all make mistakes.
relentless; unyielding; unforgiving, cold blood. implacable. After listening to the pleas for clemency, the judge was inexorable and gave the convicted man the maximum punishment allowed by law
unavoidable. Though death and taxes are both supposedly inevitable, some people avoid paying taxes for years
inactive; lacking power to move. "Get up, you lazybones' Tina cried to Tony, who lay in bed inert. inertia N,
infallibility. Jane refused to believe in the pope's inerrancy, reasoning: "All human beings are capable of error. The popoe is a human being. There're, the pope is capable of error.
lacking skill; unsuited; incompetent. The inept glovemaker was all thums. ineptness N.
irresstble; not to be escaped. He felt that his fate was ineluctable and refused to make any attempt to improve his lot
unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech. Such ineffable joy must be experienced; it cannot be described
habitually intoxicated; drunk. Abel was inebriated more often than he was sober. Because of his inebriety, he was discharged from his job as a bus driver.
diligent; hard-working. Look bus when the boss walks by your deskl it never hurts to appear industrious. industry N.
humor; yielding; lenient. Jay's mom was excessively indulgent; she bougth him every computer game on the market. In fact, she indulged Jay so much, she spoiled him rotten

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