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What does SS stand for?
Sustainable Sites
What is the SS prerequisite?
Erosion and sedimentation control
What is the intent of the SS prerequisite?
Reduce negative impacts on water and air quality
What documents define best mangement practices?
EPA Storm Water Management for Construction Activities, EPA Document No. EPA-832-12-R-005, Chapter 3, OR local Erosion and Sedimentation Control codes
An erosion and sedimentation control plan must meet what objectives?
Prevent loss of soil during construction. Prevent sedimentation and/or air pollution from dust and particulate matter
What are strategies that might be incorporated into a site erosion and sedimentation control plan?
Sealing; mulching; earth dikes; silt fencing; sediment traps; sediment basins
What is SS Credit 1 called?
Site Selection
What is the intent of the Site Selection Credit?
Avoid development of inappropriate sites and reduce the environmental impact
How many points are available for Site Selection?
What are some characteristics of sites inappropriate for sustainable development?
Prime farmland; elevation lower than five feet above the 100-year flood; habitat for threatened or endangered species; within 100 feet of a wetland; previously public parkland
What is SS Credit 2 called?
Urban Redevelopment
What is the intent of the Urban Redevelopment Credit?
Channel development to urban areas with existing infrastructures
How many points are available for Urban Redevelpment?
What minimum site density determines that a site will qualify as urban redevelopment?
60,000 SF per acre (roughly equivalent to 2­story downtown development)
What is SS Credit 3 called?
Brownfield Redevelopment
What is the intent of the Brownfield Redevelopment Credit?
Rehabilitate sites with environmental contamination; reduce pressure on undeveloped land
How many points are available for Brownfield Redevelopment?
What is required for Brownfield Redevelopment Credit?
Develop a site classified as a Brownfield and provide remediation
What determines Brownfield redevelopment procedures?
EPA's Sustainable Redevelopment of Brownfield's Program
What submittals are needed to attain credit for Brownfield Redevelopment?
Letter from local regulatory agency or EPA confirming Brownfield site classification; documentation that remediation has been performed
What is SS Credit 4 called?
Alternative Transportation
What is the intent of the Alternative Transportation Credit?
Reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use
How many points are available for Alternative Transportation?
What is required for Alternative Transportation Credit 4.1?
Locate building within 1/2 mile from commuter rail, light rail, or subway station OR 1/4 mile from two or more bus lines
What is required for Alternative Transportation Credit 4.2?
Provide bicycle storage and changing/shower facilities for cyclists, for 5% or more of building occupants
What shower capacity is required for Alternative Transportation Credit 4.2?
Take number of bicycling occupants and divide by 8
What is required for Alternative Transportation Credit 4.3?
Install alternative-fuel refueling station(s) for 3% of the total vehicle parking capacity
What determines the maximum number of parking spaces allowed under Alternative Transportation Credit 4.4?
No more than the MINIMUM local zoning requirements, OR no added parking for rehabilitation projects
In rehabilitation projects, what percentage of preferred parking must be allocated for carpools or vanpools to receive Alternative Transportation Credit 4.4?
Sufficient spaces to serve 5% of the building occupants
What is SS Credit 5 called?
Reduced Site Disturbance
What is the intent of the Reduced Site Disturbance Credit?
Conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged areas
How many points are available for Reduced Site Disturbance?
What is required on greenfield sites for Reduced Site Disturbance Credit 5.1?
Limit site disturbance to 40 feet beyond the building perimeter; 5 feet beyond primary roadway curbs; 25 feet beyond pervious paving areas
What is required on previously developed sites for Reduced Site Disturbance Credit 5.1?
Restore a minimum of 50% remaining open area
What is required for Reduced Site Disturbance Credit 5.2?
Reduce the development footprint to exceed the local zoningÂ’s open space requirement for the site by 25%
What is SS Credit 6 called?
Stormwater Management
What is the intent of the Stormwater Management Credit?
Limit disruption of natural water flows by minimizing stormwater runoff, increasing on-site infiltration and reducing contaminants
How many points are available for Stormwater Management?
What is required for Stormwater Management Credit 6.1?
No net increase in the rate and quantity of stormwater run-off from existing to developed conditions OR if existing imperviousness is greater than 50%, decrease rate and quantity of stormwater run-off by 25%
What is required for Stormwater Management Credit 6.2?
Remove 80% of the average annual post development total suspended solids (TSS) and 40% of the average annual post-development of total phosphorous (TP)
What document describes the practices to be used to reduce stormwater TSS and TP?
EPA's Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Non-Point Pollution in Coastal Waters (EPA 840-B-92-002 1 93)
What is SS Credit 7 called?
Landscape and Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands
What is the intent of the Landscape and Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands Credit?
Reduce heat islands to minimize impact on microclimate and human and wildlife habitat
How many points are available for Landscape and Exterior Design to Reduce Heat Islands?
How much time is allowed for the growth of shade provided plantings, to meet the minimum standard to reduce non-roof heat islands in the Landscape/Exterior Design Credit 7.1?
5 years
What are the four alternatives to reduce non-roof heat island effects in Landscape/Exterior Design Credit 7.1?
Shade 30% of non-roof, impervious surfaces; use light-colored, high-albedo materials for 30% of the site's non-roof impervious surfaces; 50% of parking underground; open-grid pavement system for 50% of parking
What reflectance and emissivity standard tests are required for Energy Star roofing under Landscape/Exterior Design Credit 7.2?
Reflectance: ASTM E903; emissivity: ASTM 408
What characteristics must a qualifying roof possess for Landscape/Exterior Design Credit 7.2?
Initial refelctance of at least 0.65; 3-year reflectance of at least 0.5; emissivity of at least 0.9
What percentage of a roof's surface area must meet the defined performance criteria for Landscape/Exterior Design Credit 7.2?
Minimum of 75% of the roof surface OR install a green roof for at least 50% of the roof area
What is SS Credit 8 called?
Light Pollution Reduction
What is the intent of the Light Pollution Reduction Credit?
Eliminate light trespass from the site, improve night sky access, and reduce development impact on nocturnal environments
How many points are available for Light Pollution Reduction?
What is required for Light Pollution Reduction Credit 8.2?
Do not exceed IESNA footcandle level requirements AND design lighting such that zero direct-beam illumination leaves the building site
What does WE stand for?
Water Efficiency
What are the 2 goals for Water Efficiency Credits?
Reduce quantity of water required for the building; reduce the burden on municipal water supply and treatment
What is WE Credit 1 called?
Water Efficient Landscaping
What is intent of Water Efficient Landscape Credit?
Limit or eliminate use of potable water for landscape irrigation
How many points are available for Water Efficient Landscaping?
What is required for Water Efficient Landscape Credit 1.1?
High efficiency irrigation technology OR captured rain or recycled site water
What percent of potable water needs to be reduced to get Water Efficient Landscape Credit 1.1?
50% reduction over conventional means
What is required for Water Efficient Landscape Credit 1.2?
Use only captured rain or recycled site water OR do not install permanent landscape irrigation systems
What percent of potable water needs to be reduced to get Water Efficient Landscape Credit 1.2?
Potable Free System: 50% additional reduction (100% total reduction)
What are 2 strategies for Water Efficient Landscape Credits?
Design landscape with indigenous plants; Use high effieciency irrigation systems
What is WE Credit 2 called?
Innovative Wastewater Technologies
What is intent of Innovative Wastewater Techologies Credit?
Reduce generation of wastewater and potable water demand while increasing local aquifer recharge
How many points are available for Innovative Wastewater Technologies?
What is required for Innovative Wastewater Technologies Credit 2.0?
Reduce use of municipally provided potable water for building sewage by at least 50% OR treat 100% of wastewater on site
What are 2 examples of Innovative Wastewater Technologies?
Change 50% of urinals & toilets to composting toilets and waterless urinals; Reuse stormwater or graywater for sewage conveyance
What is WE Credit 3 called?
Water Use Reduction
What is intent of the Water Use Reduction Credit?
Maximize water efficiency to reduce the burden on municipal water supply
How many points are available for Water Use Reduction?
What is required for Water Use Reduction Credit 3.1?
Employ strategies that use 20% less water than baseline calculated for building
What fixture performance requirements need to be met in Water Use Reduction Credit 3.1?
Energy Policy Act of 1992
What is required for Water Use Reduction Credit 3.2?
Exceed the potable water use reduction by an additional 10%
What total efficiency percent increase is needed to earn Credit 3.2?
What must be calculated before employing any strategy?
Estimate water needs (identify number of building occupants)
What are some technologies that reduce water demand?
High efficiency fixtures, dry fixtures, and occupant sensors
What strategy can be used to reduce water demand?
Reuse of stormwater and graywater for non-potable applications
What are non-potable applications where water demand can be reduced?
Toilet flushing, mechanical systems, and custodial uses
What does EA stand for?
Energy and Atmosphere
How many prerequisites and credits are there in the energy and atmosphere section?
3 prerequisites, 6 credits
What is the name of the first prerequisites?
Fundamental Building System Commissioning
What is the intent of the 1st prerequisite?
Verify that fundamental building elements and systems operate as intended
What are the fundamental best practice commissioning procedures?
Engage commissioning authority; review design intent and documentation; include commissioning requirements in construction documents; use commissioning plan; verify installation, performance, training and documentation; complete commissioning report
What is a strategy to achieve EA Prerequisite 1?
Introduce standards and strategies into the design process early; clearly stating target requirements in the construction documents
What is the name of the 2nd prerequisite?
Minimum Energy Performance
What is the intent of the 2nd prerequisite?
Establish the minimum level of energy efficiency
Which standard must be met to meet this prerequisite?
ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1999 OR local energy code, whichever is the more stringent
What is the name of the 3rd prerequisite?
CFC Reduction in HVAC&R Equipment
What is the intent of the 3rd prerequisite?
Reduce ozone depletion
Does EA Prerequisite 3 allow any use of CFC-based refridgerants in new HVAC&R systems?
Does EA Prerequisite 3 allow any use of CFC-based refridgerants in existing base building HVAC&R systems?
Yes, but you must complete a comprehensive CFC phaseout conversion plan
What is EA Credit 1 called?
Optimize Energy Performance
How many points are available for Optimize Energy Performance?
How many subsections are there in Optimize Energy Performance Credit, and how many points are available for each?
5 subsections at 2 points each
What is the intent of Optimize Energy Performance Credit?
Achieve increasing levels of energy performance
What standard is used as a baseline for Optimize Energy Performance Credit?
ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1999
What metric is used when evaluating Optimize Energy Performance Credit?
What method is used to determine cost savings in Optimize Energy Performance Credit?
Energy Cost Budget Method (Whole building simulation)
What are the regulated energy components for Optimize Energy Performance Credit?
HVAC systems, building envelope, service hot water systems, and lighting
How much must you reduce energy design cost for a new and existing buildings for Optimize Energy Performance Credit 1.1?
20% for new, 10% for existing
For the 2nd through 5th subsections of Optimize Energy Performance Credit, by what percentage must energy design cost be reduced at each progressive level?
10% for both new and existing buildings. (i.e. For Credit 1.2: 30%/20%; for Credit 1.3: 40%/30%)
What is the EA Credit 2 called?
Renewable Energy
What is the intent of Renewable Energy Credit?
Encourage use of renewable technologies
How many points are available for Renewable Energy?
How do you measure percentage of renewable energy?
As a fraction of annual energy costs
What is the requirement for Renewable Energy Credit 2.1?
5% of total energy load cost in renewables
What is the requirement for Renewable Energy Credit 2.2?
10% of total energy load cost in renewables
What is the requirement for Renewable Energy Credit 2.3?
20% of total energy load cost in renewables
What are some renewable technologies to achieve EA Credit 2?
Solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydro and bio-gas
What is EA Credit 3 called?
Additional Commissioning
What is the intent of Additional Commissioning Credit?
Ensure entire building designed, constructed, and calibrated to operate as intended
What is the difference between Prerequisite 1 and Credit 3?
Prerequisite 1 is for "fundamental building", Credit 3 is for "entire building"
How many points are available for Additional Commissioning?
What is the 1st requirement of Additional Commissioning Credit?
1) Review design prior to the construction document phase
What is the 2nd requirement of Additional Commissioning Credit?
2) Review construction documents when close to completion
What is the 3rd requirement of Additional Commissioning Credit?
3) Selective review of contractor submittals of commissioned equipment
What is the 4th requirement of Additional Commissioning Credit?
4) Develop a recommissioning management manual
What is the 5th requirement of Additional Commissioning Credit?
5) Contract in place for 'near-warranty end' or 'post occupancy review'
What is EA Credit 4 called?
Ozone Depletion
What are 2 intents of the Ozone Depletion Credit?
Reduce ozone depletion and support compliance with Montreal Protocol
How many points are available for Ozone Depletion?
What is required for the Ozone Depletion Credit?
Install base building level HVAC, refrigeration equipment, and fire suppression systems that do not contain HCFCÂ’s or Halon
What are some strategies to achieve the Ozone Depletion Credit?
Building reuse: replace building systems that contain HCFCs or halons; new buildings: specify refrigeration and fire suppression systems that use no HCFCs or halons
What is EA Credit 5 called?
Measurement & Verification
What is the intent of Measurement & Verification Credit?
Accountability and optimization of building energy and water consumption
How many points are available for Measurement & Verification?
What is the framework used for Measurement & Verification?
US DOE's International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP)
What energy & water systems are included in the Measurement & Verification Credit?
Lighting systems & controls, motors, cooler load, boiler, indoor water, outdoor irrigation
What are some strategies to achieve the Measurement & Verification Credit?
Model energy & water to predict savings. Design with equipment that measure enery & water
What is EA Credit 6 called?
Green Power
What is the intent of the Green Power Credit?
Encourage the development and use of grid-source energy technologies on a net zero pollution basis
How many points are available for the Green Power?
What is the requirement for the Green Power Credit?
Engage in two-year contract to puchase power generated from renewable sources
What framework does the Green Power credit use?
Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) Green-e products certification requirements
What can Green Power be derived from?
Solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, or low inmpact hydro sources
3 - flying building systems commissioners were minding energy performance,) while cfc's escaped from the HVAC system.
3 prerequisites, Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning, Minimum Energy Performance, CFC Reduction in HVAC&R Equipment
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6 credits, Optimize Energy Performance, Renewable Energy, Additional commissioning, ozone depletion, measurement and verification, green power
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