undefined, object
copy deck
- An/o
- anus
- Antr/o
- antrum, cavity
- Cec/o
- cecum
- Col/o
- the colon
- Colon/o
- the colon
- Duoden/o
- duodenum
- Enter/o
- Intestine
- Esophag/o
- Esophagus
- Gastr/o
- Stomach
- Ile/o
- Ileum, intestine
- Jejun/o
- jejunum
- Or/o
- Mouth
- Proct/o
- Rectum
- Rect/o
- Rectum
- Sigmoid/o
- sigmoid colon
- Stomat/o
- mouth
- Abdomin/o
- abdomen
- Appendic/o
- appendix
- Celi/o
- abdominal cavity
- Cheil/o
- a lip
- Cholangi/o
- bile duct
- Chol/e
- bile
- Choledoch/o
- common bile duct
- Diverticul/o
- diverticulum, or blind pouch, extending from a hollow organ
- Gingiv/o
- gums
- Gloss/o
- tongue
- Hepat/o
- liver
- Herni/o
- hernia or protrusion of an organ through a membrane or cavity wall
- Lapar/o
- abdomen
- Lingu/o
- tongue
- Palat/o
- palate
- Pancreat/o
- pancreas
- Peritone/o
- peritoneum
- Polyp/o
- a polyp
- Pylor/o
- Pylorus
- Sial/o
- saliva
- Uvul/o
- uvula
- Blephar/o
- eyelid
- Conjunctiv/o
- conjunctiva
- Cor/o
- pupil of the eye
- Core/o
- pupil
- Corne/o
- cornea
- Cry/o
- cold, frost
- Dacry/o
- tears, weeping
- Dipl/o
- double, two
- Irid/o
- iris of the eye
- Iri/o
- iris
- Kerat/o
- cornea
- Lacrim/o
- tears, weeping
- Ocul/o
- an eye
- Ophthalm/o
- the eye
- Opt/o
- the eye, vision
- Phot/o
- light
- Pupill/o
- the pupil of the eye
- Retin/o
- retina of the eye
- Sclera/o
- sclera
- Ton/o
- tension, pressure
- Acou/o
- hearing
- Audi/o
- hear
- Aur/i, aur/o
- an ear
- labrinth/o
- labyrinth (inner ear)
- mastoid/o
- mastoid bone
- myring/o
- the eardrum
- ot/o
- the ear
- staped/o
- the stapes, bone in the ear
- tympan/o
- tympanic membrane (eardrum), middle ear
- Bi-
- two, twice, double
- Bin-
- two, two at a time
- -opia
- vision
- -phobia
- fear, dread
- -plegia
- paralysis
- Carp/o
- wrist
- Clavic/o
- clavicle, collarbone
- Clavicul/o
- clavicle, collarbone
- Cost/o
- a rib
- Crani/o
- the skull
- Femor/o
- femur (upper leg bone)
- Fibul/o
- fibula (lower leg bone)
- Humer/o
- humerus (upper arm bone)
- Ili/o
- ilium
- Ischi/o
- ischium
- Lumb/o
- loin, lumbar region of the spine
- Mandibul/o
- mandible (lower jawbone)
- Maxill/o
- maxilla (upper jawbone)
- Patell/o
- patella (kneecap)
- Pelv/i, pelv/o
- the pelvis
- Phalang/o
- finger or toe
- Pub/o
- the region of the pubes
- Rachio
- the spine
- Radi/o
- the radius of the arm
- Sacr/o
- the sacrum
- Scapul/o
- scapula
- Spondyl/o
- a vertebra
- Stern/o
- sternum
- Tars/o
- the ankle
- Tibi/o
- tibia
- Uln/o
- the ulna, elbow
- Vertebr/o
- vertebra
- Aponeur/o
- aponeurosis
- Arthr/o
- a joint
- Burs/o
- bursa (cavity)
- Chondr/o
- cartilage
- Disk/o
- intervertebral disk
- Menisc/o
- meniscus (crescent)
- Synovi/o
- synovia, synovial membrane
- Ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o
- a tendon
- Ankyl/o
- crooked, bent
- Kinesi/o
- movement
- Kyph/o
- hump
- Lamin/o
- lamina
- Lord/o
- bent forward
- Myel/o
- marrow, or the spinal cord
- My/o, Myos/o
- a muscle
- Oste/o
- a bone
- Petr/o
- a rock, stone
- Scoli/o
- curved, crooked
- Inter-
- between
- Supra-
- above, over, beyond
- Sym-
- with, together
- Syn-
- with, together
- -asthenia
- weakness
- -clasia, clasis, -clast
- break, fragment
- -desis
- surgical fixation, fusion
- -physis
- growth
- -schisis
- split, fissure
- Cerebell/o
- cerebellum
- Cerebr/o
- cerebrum, brain
- Dur/o
- hard, dura mater
- Encephal/o
- the brain
- Gangli/o, ganglion/o
- ganglion
- Mening/i, mening/o
- meninges
- Myel/o
- spinal cord
- Neur/o
- nerve
- Radic/o, radicul/o, rhiz/o
- root
- Esthesi/o
- sensation
- Ment/o
- the mind
- Mon/o
- one, single
- Phas/o
- speech
- Phren/o
- mind
- Poli/o
- gray matter
- Psych/o
- mind
- Quadr/i
- four
- Tetra-
- four
- -iatrist
- physician
- -iatry
- treatment, specialty
- -ictal
- seizure, attack
- -paresis
- paralysis
- Aden/o
- gland
- Adren/o, adrenal/o
- adrenal glands
- Cortic/o
- cortex (the outer layer of a body organ)
- Endocrin/o
- endocrine
- Parathyroid/o
- parathyroid glands
- Thyroid/o, thry/o
- thyroid gland
- Acr/o
- extremities, height
- Calc/i
- calcium
- Dips/o
- dry, thirsty
- Kal/i
- potassium
- Natr/o
- sodium
- -drome
- run, running
- Sperm/a
- seed
- Gymn/o
- naked, bare
- Platy-
- broad, flat
- Dactyl/o
- finger or toe
- -branch
- a gill
- -poda
- foot
- -ptero, -ptera
- a wing
- Lepido
- a scale
- Hymen/o
- a membrane
- Curculio
- a weevil
- -chaeta
- mane
- -phagous
- eat
- -cephalo
- the head
- -dermata
- skin
- Pauro-
- little, small
- -phyta
- a plant
- Anth/o
- flower
- Pterido
- a fern
- gymno-
- bare
- nudi-
- bare
- psilo-
- bare
- barbat-
- bearded
- crinit-
- bearded
- pogono-
- bearded
- pappo-
- downy
- pubesc-
- downy
- campo-
- flexible
- aulaco-
- furrowed or grooved
- glypho-
- furrowed or grooved
- glypto-
- furrowed or grooved
- striat-
- furrowed or grooved
- strigat-
- furrowed or grooved
- sulcat-
- furrowed or grooved
- dasy-
- hairy
- hirsut-
- hairy
- lasio-
- hairy
- trichodo-
- hairy
- villos-
- hairy
- duri-
- hard
- sclero-
- hard
- carinat-
- keeled
- arcy-
- networked
- reti-, retin-
- networked
- punctato-
- punctured
- stricto-
- punctured
- asper-, aspr-
- rough
- scabr-
- rough
- trach-, trachin-
- rough
- tracho-, trachy-
- rough
- aphelo-
- smooth
- glabr-
- smooth
- leio-
- smooth
- lasso-
- smooth
- lito-
- smooth
- malaco-
- soft
- molli-
- soft
- acantho-
- spiny
- echino-
- spiny
- spini-
- spiny
- lachno-
- woolly
- lani-
- woolly
- mallo-
- woolly
- caperat-
- wrinkled
- corrugat-
- wrinkled
- rhysso-
- wrinkled
- rugos-
- wrinkled
- zoo-, -zoon
- animal
- avi-, -avis
- bird
- -ornis, ornitho-
- bird
- aeluro-, -aelurus
- cat
- feli-, -felis
- cat
- -campa, campo-
- caterpillar
- -eruca, eruci-
- caterpillar
- boo-, -bus
- cow
- -bos, bov-
- cow
- cani-, -canis
- dog
- cyno-, -cyon
- dog
- ichthyo-, -ichthys
- fish
- pisci-, -piscis
- fish
- -musca, music-
- fly
- myi-, -myia
- fly
- batracho-, -bactrachus
- frog
- -phynra, phryno-
- frog
- equi-, -equus
- horse
- hippo-, -hippus
- horse
- entomo-
- insect
- insecti-
- insect
- -bdella, bdello-
- leech
- hirudini-, -hirudo
- leech
- -lacerta, lacerti-
- lizard
- sauro-, -saurus
- lizard
- anthropo-, -anthropus
- man
- homini-, homo-
- man
- muri-, -mus
- mouse
- myo-, -mys
- mouse
- hyo-, hys-
- pig
- sui-, -sus
- pig
- herpeto-
- reptile
- concho-, -concha
- shellfish
- aspidi-, -aspis
- snake
- -coluber, colubri-
- snake
- ophio-, -ophis
- snake
- -arachna, arachno-
- spider
- -aranea, aranei-
- spider
- chelono-, -chelys
- turtle
- emydo-, -emys
- turtle
- -testudini, -testudo
- turtle
- -helmins, helmintho-
- worm
- vermin-, -vermis
- worm
- omni-
- all
- pan- panto-
- all
- toti-
- all
- coeno-
- common
- commun-
- common
- vulgar-
- comman
- equi-
- equal
- iso-
- equal
- pari-
- equal
- ceno-
- empty
- vacu-
- empty
- vani-
- empty
- artio-
- even-numbered
- oligo-
- few
- pauci-, pauro-
- few
- mesto-
- full
- pleni-, plero-
- full
- multi-
- many
- myria-
- many
- poly-
- many
- plio-
- more
- pluri-
- more
- pleisto-
- most
- perisso-
- odd numbered
- mero-
- part
- parti-
- part
- haplo-
- simple, single
- simplici-
- simple
- henico-
- single
- eremit-, eremo-
- solitary
- aniso-
- unequal
- aga-
- very
- ari-
- very
- za-
- very
- holo-
- whole
- integri-
- whole
- pterido-, -pteris
- fern
- fungi-, -fungus
- fungus
- -myces, myceto-, myco-
- fungus
- -chondrium, chondro-
- grain
- -gramen, gramini-
- grass
- grani-, -granum
- grass
- -poa, -poo
- grass
- bryo-, -bryum
- moss
- hypno-, -hypnum
- moss
- mnio-, -mnium
- moss
- phyto-, -phytum
- plant
- arundi-, -arundo
- reed
- calamo-, -calamus
- reed
- donaci-, -donax
- reed
- thamno-, -thamnus
- shrub
- arbor-, -arbor, arbore-
- tree
- dendro-, -denron, -dendrum
- tree
- ampelo-, -ampelus
- vine
- viti-, -vitis
- vine
- pyro-, -pyrum
- wheat
- tritici-, -triticum
- wheat
- eco-
- house, abode
- antro-
- cave
- caverni-
- cave
- spel-, speleo-
- cave
- troglo-
- cave
- batho-, bathy-
- depths
- bentho-
- depths
- bysso-
- depths
- bytho-
- depths
- arid-
- dry
- azo-
- dry
- xero-
- dry
- bolito-
- dung
- copro-
- dung
- scato-
- dung
- spatilo-
- dung
- sterco-
- dung
- col-, coli-
- dwell
- -ecetes, -etes
- dwell
- -estr
- dwell
- chamae-
- earth
- chthono-
- earth
- geo-
- earth
- agri-, agro-
- field
- arv-, arvens-
- field
- camp-, campestr-
- field
- prat-, prati-
- field
- insul-, insular-
- island
- neso-
- island
- lacustr-
- lake
- limno-
- lake
- luci-
- light
- photo-
- light
- eleo-, elo-
- marsh
- helo-, heleo-, helod-
- marsh
- paludi-
- marsh
- alpestr-, alpin-
- mountain
- mont-, montan-
- mountain
- oreo-
- mountain
- borboro-
- mud
- limi-, lut-
- mud
- pelo-
- mud
- topo-
- place
- stagni-
- pond
- telmato-
- pond
- amni-
- river
- flumini-, fluvia-, fluviatil-
- river
- potamo-
- river
- ammo-
- sand
- areni-
- sand
- psammo-
- sand
- enalio-
- sea
- halio-
- sea
- marin-, maritim-
- sea
- oceano-
- sea
- pelag-, pelago-
- sea
- thalasso-
- sea
- scio-
- shade
- umbri-
- shade
- aegialo-
- shore
- litori-
- shore
- chiono-
- snow
- nipho-
- snow
- nival-
- snow
- dumi-
- thicket
- lochmo-
- thicket
- thamno-
- thicket
- xylocho-
- thicket
- aqua-, aquat-
- water
- hydro-, hygro-
- water
- drymo-
- woods
- sylvestr-, sylvi-
- woods
- BE
- barium enema
- A & P resection
- abdominoperineal resection
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
- endoscopic ultrasound
- gastroesophageal reflux disease
- GI
- Gastrointestinal
- H. pylori
- heliobacter pylori
- irritable bowel syndrome
- N & V
- nausea and vomiting
- percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
- Upper gastrointestinal
- uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
- acute otitis media
- Age-related macular degeneration
- Ast
- astigmatism
- Em
- Emmetropia
- eyes, ears, nose, and throat
- OD
- right eye (oculus dexter)
- OM
- otitis media
- Ophth
- Ophthalmology
- OS
- left eye (oculus sinister)
- OU
- each eye (oculus uterque)
- VA
- visual acuity
- C1-C7
- cervical vertebrae
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- electromyogram
- fx
- fracture
- herniated nucleus pulposus
- L1-L5
- Lumbar vertebrae
- MD
- Muscular dystrophy
- MG
- myasthenia gravis
- OA
- osteoarthritis
- Ortho
- orthopedics
- RA
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- T1-T12
- Thoracic vertebrae
- DI
- Diabetes insipidus
- Dm
- diabetes mellitus
- fasting blood sugar
- radioactive iodine uptake
- T4
- Thyroxine level