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mrs. Will's 1st and 3rd period


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man who challenged the Ptolemaic view by claiming earth and other planets revolved around the sun
Nicolaus Copernicus
means of investigation based on the combination of logical deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning
scientific method
Portuguese ships equipped with lateen sails that were smaller and more maneuverable
Flemish physician and professor of medicine, who conducted his own dissections of bodies for his classes
Andreas Vesalius
sponsored by Spain/discovered the New World
Christopher Columbus
used a telescope to make more accurate observations to prove the heliocentric model correct
Galileo Galilei
large, triangular sails that could be trimmed or adjusted to take advantage of the wind, which gave ships greater maneuverability
lateen sail
Copernicus's sun-centered model of the universe
believed in questioning all ideas before accepting them as knowledge
Rene Descartes
a magnetized needle that pointed north-south
used the scientific method to discover a unified set of laws that transformed the European worldview by describing the universe as a well-ordered system
Sir Issac Newton
device for observing far away objects
brilliant mathematician who was able to prove Copernicus's heliocentric theory
Johannes Keppler
rejected deductive reasoning and believed that only experimental data could be the foundation of true knowledge
Sir Francis Bacon
invention that permitted people to see tiny forms of life that had never been seen before
English doctor who discovered blood through veins and arteries and described the a beating heart as being like a mehanical pump
William Harvey
Portuguese explorer who set sail for and made it to the coast of India
Vasco da Gama
circumnavigated the world
change in scientific thought in the early 1500's that questioned and destroyed the basic explainations past authorities had provided about how the world worked
Scientific Revolution
Portuguese captain who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and founnd a way into the Indian Ocean
Bartholomeu Dias
Aristotle's earth-centered model of the universe
made advances in ship-building, cartography, and navigation; also inspired Portuguese explorers to make voyages into the Atlantic and and to the coast of Africa
Prince Henry

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