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Bio parts of plant


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cells which occur in all 3 tissue systems, usually photsynthesis, elongated, loosly packed, thin, flexible cell walls
primary wall thickened at corners, irregular shapes, provide support
support and strengthen the plant, thick, even cell walls, dead cells provide framework for additional cells
lack chloroplasts, many air spaces (hold o2 from soil for all respiration)
parenchyma cells
form hard outer covering of seeds, nuts, and fruit stones
forms the outside covering of plants; epidermis, cuticle, cork, bark, stomata
dermal tissue
for storage, metabolism and support
ground tissue
phloem and xylem cosists of special conducting cells, along with support fibers
vascular tissue
conducts sucrose from leaves to roots
vertical column of sieve tube members joined by their end walls
sieve tubes
end walls, with opening between the members
sieve plates
specialized parenchyma associated with sieve tube members; responsible for secretion of substances in/out of sieve tube members
companion cells
conducts water and mineral from roots to leaves
long, thin cells that overlap one another at tapered ends
larger, more effective conductors of xylem
growing regions where cells divide
1st root growing from a plant, thick, tend to grow downward into water table
primary root
long, thin lateral roots that spread out over great distances, tend to be more shallow
secondary roots
dicot primary root; gives rise to later (or branch) roots; grows downward into earth
long, thin, lateral roots that spread out over great distances, tend to be more shallow
secondary roots
dicot primary root; gives rise to lateral (or branch roots
secondary roots that are shallower, far-reaching vertical migration outward
fibrous root
specialized; in monocots they develop from primary root; short-lived, develops from base of stem
adventitious roots
produced from above ground structures
above ground, from stem in some, tips bend upward for o2 (corn)
encloses entire surface of young root; for absorptioin and protection of internal tissues
fine, tubular outgrowths to increase surface area
root hairs
cells which occupy the most volume in young root
innermost layer, no air space
waxy band, not permeable to water, which encircles each endodermal cell (within a wall) purpose is to regulate passage of substances into rest of plant
casparian strip
tip of root that helps root burrow into ground
root cap
soft, central core of ground tissue in some monocots, inside of vascular tissue
primary root growth - 3 sections
zone of differention, zone of elongation, zone of cell division
naturally occuring substances transported in water thru xylem
uptake of minerals
ground tissue that lies outside vascular tissue
layer of immature tissue between vascular bundle

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