Latin America
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- Voodoo
- religion in Haiti (catholic mixed with Zombies)
- Mexico
- 6th in debts
- Zedilco
- Private industries in Mexico
- Caribis
- trading indian that used large canoes
- 50
- ___% of Guatemala's population is of indian desent
- Land of the waters
- What does Guyana mean?
- Brazil
- 5th most populous country in world
- 50
- ___% of Central America's legal income comes from bananas, coffee, and cotton
- 1821
- On which date did most South American countries gain independance?
- 90
- Over ___% of Argentina's population are Catholic
- Real
- Monetary unit of Brazil
- Brazil
- Largest Portuguese country
- Calderon
- Leader of Mexico
- Lake Titicaca
- Highest navigatble lake
- Rice
- Staple of Suriname
- Ciudada Peridas
- slums or "lost cities" in Mexico
- Brazil
- Biggest coffee producing country
- 5th
- Venezuela's rank in oil exporting
- Hurricane Mitch
- Storm that hit Nicaragua and Honduras in 1998
- Cuba
- Largest population in Caribbean
- Commercial Rocket Launching
- Important industry in Freanch Guiana
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Hindu Temples and calypso music can be found in _________
- Kirchner
- Leader of Argentina
- 90
- Greater Antillies has ___% of the land in the Caribbean
- Dutch
- What is the most common language in Suriname?
- Ortega
- communsit leader of Nicaragua
- Brazil
- Largest iron producing country
- Ortega
- current leader of Nicaragua
- Correa
- Leader of Ecuador
- Uruguay
- Long history of prosperity and dictatorship
- Llanos
- Large grasslands in Venezuela/Colombia
- Quechua
- Incan Language
- Bauxite
- Major export of Guyana
- Mestizo
- Term for people of mixed European and Indian heritage
- Oil
- Mexico's chief resource/export
- Costa Rica
- First country in Central America to earn more from manufactoring than argiculture
- Noriega
- Panamian leader that fought the US
- Guantanamo Bay
- Beginning in 2002, this US Naval Base is used as a detainment cen
- 80
- ___% of Mexico's population lives on the Central Plateau
- Guyana
- Only English speaking country in South America
- Mulattoes
- Part European, Part African
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- Trade agreement among US, Mexico, and Canada
- Argentina
- 3rd most populous country in South America
- El Salvador
- Most densily populated country in Central America
- Morales
- Leader of Bolivia
- Wheat
- Staple of Brazil
- New Amsterdam
- The Dutch traded _______ to the British for Suriname
- Aztec
- Civilazation in mexico after Toltec
- Zambo
- mixed indian and african
- Battle of Ayacucho
- What great battle was fought by Simon Bolivar, freeing Peru from Spanish rule?
- Guadalajara
- 2nd largest city in Mexico
- Quito
- Cheapest capitol in the world
- Margaret Thatcher
- British prime minster during the Falklands War
- Pampas
- Large grasslands in Argentina
- Puerto Rico
- Highest income in Caribbean
- Over population
- Biggest problem in Caribbean
- Argentina
- Most Europe like country in South America
- Costa Rica
- Most stable Central American Country
- San Salvador
- Which city in Central Ameria has been destoried ten times?
- England; Argentina
- ______ and _______ fought in the Falklands War
- Aruba, Bonair and Curacao
- Netherlands Antillies
- Guatemala
- Largest population in Central America
- 2004
- When did Brazil launch its first rocket?
- 1979-1992
- Bloody cival war in El Salvador
- 1996-1997
- When was the Japanese Embassy Christmas Party incident?
- Haiti
- Poorest country in Western Hemisphere
- Mesa
- Bolivian leader that made the "centerpiece" of his administration getting Bolivia's beach back
- Brazil
- Largest Catholic country
- Bolivia
- Which country has the strongest Indian influence?
- Caudillos
- What is the name for the political strongmen in Latin America in the 19th century?
- Ship Building and Automobile industry
- Large industries in Brazil
- Raul Castro
- Leader of Cuba
- Haiti
- First black republic
- English
- Language of Belize
- The Guyanas
- Which area in South America has lots of ex-slaves (Africans) and ex-indentured servents (Asians)
- 70
- ___% of Colombia's exports are coffee
- Little Venice
- What does Venezuela mean?
- Georgetown
- Capital of Guyana
- Costa Rica
- Highest standard of living in Central America
- 1903; Colombia
- Panama gained indepence in ____ from ______
- Costa Rica
- After gaining indepence gave citizens land and seeds
- 1/4
- ____ of Latin Americas economy is Brazils
- Who runs Mexico's oil companies
- Bachelet
- Leader of Chile
- 90
- ___% of Costa Ricans trace their ancestory to Europe
- The Andes
- Largest mountain range in the world
- Bauxite
- Major export of Jamaica
- 13th
- Mexico is ranked ___ in dollar exports from oil
- Cuba
- Biggest country in Caribbean
- empty spaces
- Amazon Basin is one the world's largest "_____"
- Marajo
- Island in the mouth of the Amazon River
- 75
- ___% of fertile land in Bolivia is used for growing coca
- Mount Aconcagua
- Biggest peak in the Andes
- Chile
- Leads world in sodium nitrate production
- Pinochet
- Dictator of Chile that took over in 1973
- Rio Grande
- River that forms the border between America and Mexico
- Aluminium
- What is bauxite used to make?
- Pitch Lake
- Largest natural asphalt lake
- 1980-2000
- Period of fighting between Peruvian government and communists
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Caribbean country with lots of Asians
- Brazil
- 5th biggest country in world
- Maracaibo basin
- _____ is responsible for half of Venezuela's oil
- Colombia
- Only country to touch the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean
- L'Ouverture
- Led revolt in Haiti
- Patagonia
- Grassland in Argentina; good for sheep raising
- Quito
- Capitol of Equador
- 2,300; Iquitos
- Small ships can go ______ miles up the Amazon River to ________
- Cortez
- Spanish conquistador that invaded Mexico
- 50
- ___% of South America's population is in Brazil
- Socialist
- What type of economy does Venezuela have?
- Oliver North
- US General that sold weapons to Iran
- Japan
- Peru has close ties to what other country?
- Aconcagua
- Largest mountain in South America
- English
- Language of Jamaica
- El Dorado
- Ancient city of gold; located in Colombia
- Argentina
- 2nd largest country in South America
- Shrimp
- Mexico's leading seafood export
- elevation
- Most important factor in the climate of Central Plateau
- Juan Peron
- Dictator of Argentina (1946-1955)
- Baja California
- Peninsula in Mexico
- Chile
- Most industrial country in Pacific coast South America
- Paraguay
- landlocked, poor, and long history of dictatorship
- 50
- ___% of Honduras' exports are banana and coffee
- Paramaribo
- Capitol of Suriname
- Belize
- Which country has the 2nd largest offshore coral reef?
- British Honduras
- Belize was called _____________ until 1981
- Iturbide
- What man captured Morelos
- Atacama Desert
- Driest place on earth
- Uruguay
- Highest standard of living in South America
- Santo Domingo
- First permentant settlement in Western Hemisphere
- Brazilian Highlands
- large shield in South America
- Mexico
- 6th largest producer of oil
- Belize
- Smallest population in Central America
- Favela
- Slums in Brazil
- Fujimori
- Peruvian president with Japanese desent
- 90
- ___% of Honduras' population earns less than $100 a year
- Bananas, coffee, and cotton
- Three major exports of central America
- Shining Path and Tupac Amaru
- Two famous communist groups in Peru
- Cayenne
- Capitol of French Guiana
- Colombia
- Which country ranks 2nd in the world in coffee production?
- Devil's Island
- Most famous pennial colony in French Guiana
- Venezuela
- Which South American country ranks in the top 10 for oil production?
- Carlos Salinos
- Corrupt leader of Mexico
- Cayenne Pepper
- Important crop in French Guiana
- Costa Rica
- Most democratic country in Central America
- Matriarches
- Latin American families are ______________
- Honduras
- Least developed country in Central America
- Marine
- What type of climate does southern Chile have?
- Machu Picchu
- Famous Incan city that was abandoned before the arrival of the Spanish
- Sonoran Desert
- Major desert in Mexico
- Cuzco
- Capitol of Incan Empire
- Chile
- Leads world in copper production
- La Paz
- Highest capitol
- Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
- Terrorits group that Chavez has been accused of supporting
- 20; 50
- Top ___% of population get ___% of income (Mexico)
- 90
- ___% of the population of South America lives within 200 miles of the coast in large cities
- South
- Large middle class and highest standard of Argentina is in the ________
- Jose de San Martin
- Led indepence in Argentina, Chile, and Peru
- Orinoco River
- Important river that runs through the Llanos
- Dirty Wars
- Term for 1970s in Argentina when rulers would kidnap political enemies
- Sea Fog
- How does the Atacoma desert gets its moisture?
- shield
- Out cropping of ancient rock rich in minerals
- Catholic
- Argentina's constitution states the president must be _______
- 50
- ___% of Ecuador's population are mestizos
- Coffee
- Major export of Guatemala
- Institutional Revolutionary Party
- Mexico's primary political party
- 10
- ___% of the population of Honduras owns most land and wealth
- Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental
- What two "north-south" cordilleras run parallel in Mexico
- 1914
- US finished the Panama Canal
- Colombia
- Which South American country has the most ethnically diverse population?
- Costa Rica
- Longest period of peace/prosperity in Central America
- Bolivia
- Highest reserves of tin in the western hemisphere
- Iran-Contra Affair
- US sold weapons to Iran and gave money to the Contra to fight the communist government
- Grapes, apples, and fruits
- Major exports of Chile
- Mexican Plateau (Central Plateau)
- Major plateau in Mexico
- Mexico City
- 2nd largest city in the world
- Jim Jones
- Famous cult leader that made a camp in Guyana
- 1/3
- _____ of Chile's population lives in Santiago
- Gold; emerald
- Colombia is a major producer of ________ and ________
- Pennial
- Until 1951 French Guiana was known for its ________ colonies
- Coffee
- Chief export of Venezeula (exculding oil)
- Brazil
- Biggest banana producing country
- 50
- ___% of Mexico's oil comes from Gulf
- Greater Antillies, Lesser Antillies, and Bahamas
- Three regions of the Caribbean
- Altiplanos
- Broad, high plateaus in the northern Andes
- Zapata
- What person helped fight against Mexican dictator Diaz
- Dom Pedro
- What man was responsible for the independence of Brazil
- Eva Peron
- Argentina's "hero to the poor"
- Barbados
- Most densily populated country in Americas
- 25
- ___% of Ecuador's population are of indian desent
- Brazil
- Largest debt of any developing country
- South Western Chile
- Stormest place on earth
- Bob Marley
- 3rd worlds first superstar (Jamican)
- 1982
- When was the Falklands War
- Angel Falls
- Tallest waterfall
- Banana Republics
- Term for Central American countries
- Ecuador
- Dropped out of OPEC and is running out of oil
- Coca
- Cash crop used to make cocain
- Garcia
- Leader of Peru
- French Guiana
- Only country in South America control by a European country
- Toltec
- Civilazation in Mexico after Mayans
- El Salvador
- Smallest country in Central America
- 1,000; Manaus
- Large ocean ships can go ______ miles up the Amazon river to _______
- Carnival
- big festival in Brazi with large African influence
- 50; 50
- ___% speak Spanish and ___% speak Portuguese (South Americans)
- Sandinista
- Communist government of Nicaragua that fought the Contra
- Mediterranean
- What type of climate does middle Chile have?
- Salvador
- Cultural center of Brazil
- Simon Bolivar
- Led indepence in northwestern South America
- Tikal
- Largest/most well known Mayan ruins in Guatemala
- Sugar; coffee
- ___ and ___ are the Dominician Republics major exports
- Hugo Chavez
- Leader of Venezuela
- Amazon River
- Largest river in volume