Final Review
undefined, object
copy deck
- The Pit and the Pendulum
- Edgar Allan Poe
- altruist
- interested in the welfare of others
- onomatopoeia
- when words sound like what they mean
- A Christmas Memory
- Truman Capote
- misogynist
- hates women
- extrovert
- focused on others
- thesaurus
- used to find similar or opposite words
- flashback
- a break in the story that goes back to an earlier time
- misanthrope
- hates people
- personification
- giving human qualities to non human thing
- sophomore
- a know-it-all whose thinking is really immature or foolish
- short story
- meant to be read in one sitting
- ambivert
- focused both on themselves and others
- setting
- time and place of a story
- egoist
- selfish
- By the Waters of Babylon
- Hundreds of years after nuclear war
- introvert
- focused on oneself
- Searching for Summer
- Seventy years after a nuclear war
- linguist
- one who studies languages
- The Carnival
- Population Control of the future
- misogamist
- hates marriage
- 1st person
- a character in the story, tells the story
- omniscient
- all knowing
- metaphor
- makes a comparison talking about one thing as if it were another
- There Will Come Soft Rains
- Days after a nuclear war
- egotist
- brags
- personification
- giving human qualities to something that is not human
- ascetic
- prefers a simple, unadorned life
- Test
- Hypnosis before allowing citizens to get a driver's license
- Of Missing Persons
- Chance to escape Earth and travel to Verna
- redundant
- needlessly repetitive
- ambiguous
- easily confused as to meaning
- allusion
- a reference for something the reader is supposed to be familiar with
- simile
- comparison using like or as
- 3rd person
- a character outside the story, tells the story
- sophomoric
- marked by shallow or immature thinking