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Religion Vocab


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Kingdom of Judea
the kingdom south of Israel that existed from the time following Solomon's death in 925 BC until the destruction of the temple in 586 BC
peoples enslaved in Egyupt who eventually became the community known as Israel
a solemn promise
symbolic characters that presents religious truths of generalizations about human nature
a succession of rulers in the same family line, frequently father to son
ark of the covenant
an ancient symbol of God's protection and presence
the founding mothers of Isral-Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah
refers to when the Israelites were "passed over" by the angel of death as dicatated by the 10th plague; a holiday celebrated by Jews as a day of deliverance
divine justice
the moral standard by which God judges human conduct; the realization of that standard by God; an expression of God's righteousness, pity, love, and grace
a nation ruled by God
term originally used to describe the people who resettled in the area of Judah following the Babylonian Exile; most commonly used to refer to followers of Judaism
Divided Kingdom
the result of the division of Israel into 2 separate nations: Israel and Judah
king or deliverer expected by the Jews; the "anointed one"
a sacred agreement between God and his people
a collection of Jewish oral law and commentary; a guide for conduct in particular circumstances
divine revelation
God's communicating of himself and his plan of goodness throughout history
ancient custom of completely destroying everything in a defeated city
the official collection of inspired books of sacred Scripture that contain the witness and instruction for our faith
salvation history
the saving action of God throughout human history
social sin
a collective, societal act or sign that society has distanced itself from God
the attributing of human characteristics to nonhuman realities
ordained Jewish teachers and spiritual leaders
concrete sensory images that make a litarary work vivid and realistic
one's call to love and serve God and others
male leader of a family or tribe
detailed history of a hero who demonstrates bravery and wisdom and goes through a series of trials
origin story
a story in which an explanation of how something came to be is given
something spoken, a deed, an attitude, or a desire contrary to God's law
belief in a messiah as the savior of the people
a class of people living in the countryside of Canaan, some of whom were former slaves; they may have been ancestors of the Hebrews
personal sin
the free choice to disobey God; to do something that is the opposite of the good
worship of one God
original sin
the human condition of the need for salvation based on the first humans' choice to disobey
a story that illuminates a detail within a geneology
the first 5 books of the Old Testament
communion of saints
all faithful Church members on earth, heaven, and in purgatory
repetition of words, phrases, or thought patterns
natural moral law
moral order that is part of God's design for creating the law that expresses the original moral sense, enabling people to discern good and evil through the use of reason
divine guidance and care
ancestors of the Israelites- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
the worship of many gods
Babylonian Exile
period of history where the Babylonians forced most of the inhabitants of Judah to migrate to Babylon; the Exile
false worship; honoring and revering a creature in place of God
an ordered poem in which the first letters of individual lines or verses, when combined in order, form their own pattern, phrase, or word
the words of God, delivered through a spokesperson known as a prophet; generally calls for the Israelites to live justly and avoid idolatry
short illustrative story that teaches a moral or religious lesson
1 of 12 charismatic military leaders of the Israelites during the period between the conquest of Canaan and the establishment of the monarchy who was animated by the spirit of God
a people who unified around 1050-1000 BC and included Canaanites, the hapiru, the shasu, Sea Peoples, and the original Hebrews
symbolic story that illuminates views of a particular people regarding the relationship between humans and the divine
biblical inspiration
the process by which God the Holy Spirit assisted a human author in writing a book of the Bible
departure of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery under the leadership of Moses, who was lead by God
composite of traditional customs, art forms, tales, and sayings preserved among a people
an official Church statement by which a person is declared to have lived a holy life of heroic virtue; in the last stage of the process of canonization, the person is named a saint
rule by a single head of state, often a hereditary office
oral tradition
unwritten, memorized accounts of historical events and stories passed down by word of mouth
deceased members of the Church, who have been canonized by the Church and are in heaven
figures of speech
comparisons meant to be taken imaginatively, not literally
Ten Commandments
the laws given by God to Moses that prescribe moral obligations for the Israelites as part of God's covenant with them
persons who have a close relationship with God and communicate a divine message
words of wisdom or advice given by God through a spokesperson
an account of ancestry
people banished from their home or land

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