Ancient Americans
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- each native group had its own ____ , or way of life
- culture
- a spear thrower used by ancient hunters
- atlatl
- huge sheets of ice
- glaciers
- to have more than what was needed
- surplus
- to move from place to place
- migration
- a culture that has developed religion, government and learning (schools)
- civilization
- wandering people with no settled home
- nomads
- a place of worship
- temple
- scientists who study ancient cultures
- archeologist
- tales that told where people came from or how the earth was created wer called____ .
- origin stories
- groups of people wo work together
- band
- an extended period of time without rain
- drought
- develop scientific knowledge or tools to do or make something
- technology
- when an animal or other living thing dies out
- extinct
- when one people's culture spreads to another's