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Industrialization,french revolution


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the idea that government should not interfere with or regulate industries or businesses
laissez faire
political and social system that existed in france before the french revsolution.
Old regime
french king that made a large debt
Louise XVI
french congress established by representatives of the third estate to enact laws and reforms in the name of the french ppl
national assembly
a comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for france by napoleon
napoleonic code
a wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the bastille in 1789
Great Fear
a machine for beheading people used as a means of execution during French resolution
maximilien robespierre ruled france as a dictator, many were executed
reign of terror
a sudden seizure of political power in a nation
Coup d' etat
the use of troops or ships to prevent commercial traffic from entering or leaving a city or region
last battle napoleon lost
a series of meetings during which the eurpopean leaders sought to establish long lasting peace and security after the defeat of napoleon
congress of vienna
a political situation in which no one nation is powerful enough to pose a threat to others
balance of power
a series of aliances among european nations in nineteenth century
Concert of Europe
the system of growing a different crop in a field each year ot preserve the fertility of hte land
crop rotation
the developement of industries for the machine production of goods
a large building in which machinery is used to manufacture goods
the growth of cities and the migration of ppl into them
owning parts of a company without sharing in loss of money
an economic system in whihc the factors of production are owned by the public end operate for the welfare of all
an economic system in whihc al means of production are owned by the ppl private property does not exist and services shared equally
refusing to work in order to force and employer to eet certain demands
one in three social clases in france before the french revolution
an assembly of representatives from all thre of the estates of france
estates general
a pledge made by the members of frances national assembly in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution
tennis court oath
french congress with the power to create laws and approve declaration of war
legistlative assembly
dictator during reign of terror
Maximillion Robespierre
came to power by military, napoleonic code
napoleon bonaparte
a direct vote in which a country's people ahve the opportunity to approve or reject a proposal
naval battle in which napoleon made his last bid for power
everything used and then burned
scorched-earth policy
the brief period when napoleon made his last bid for power
hundred days
foreign minister of austria, distrust french
Klemens von metternich
the hereditary right of a monarch to rule
fenced or hedged fields created by wealthy brittish landowners
the shift from making goods by hand to machine
industrial revolution
resources needed to produce goods and services
factors of production
person who organizes manages and runs risk of a business
a social class made up of skilled workers professionals business ppl
middle class
a business of stockholders who wtore in its profits but not responsible for debts
econoimic situation everything based on private ownership

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