oddyseus charecters
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- King of the Phaecians, to whom Oddyseus tells his story
- Alcinous
- sea goddess who loves Odysseus
- Calypso
- enchantress who helped Oddysseus
- Circe
- god of music, poetry prophecy and medicine
- Appollo
- god of sea, earth quakes, horses, and storms at sea
- Poseidon
- goddess of wisdom, skills, and warfare
- Athena
- the cyclops who imprisoned Odysseus
- Polyphemus
- Blind prophet who advised odysseus
- Tiresias
- wife of hades
- Persephone
- Odysseus\'s son
- Telemachus
- creature that lure sailors to their death
- sirens
- sea monster of gray rock
- Scylla
- big dangerous whirlpool
- Charybdis