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Moon, Asteroids etc


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Small bits of rock in space
Small bits of rock-an asteroid or comet nucleus- that burn as they enter Earth's atmosphere
When a meteroid strikes the earth it is called a
What is the difference between a meteoroid meteor meteorite?
Oid- in space Ite-hits earth Meteor-no ending- burns out in Earth's atmosphere
What are the cosmic bodies that orbit the sun from the Kuiper belt or Oort cloud.
What are the cosmic bodies that are made of ice (frozen gases) and dust?
What is the part of the comet that is the cloud of bright gas and dust surrounding the nucleus?
The Coma
What is the SOLID, MAIN MASS of the comet?
What forms on the comet as solar wind from the sun pushes gas and dust away from the coma?
The tail
True or FALSE? The comets tail always points away from the sun
If a comets tail is pointing West, in what direction is the sun?
EAST-in the opposite direction from the tail's pointing
What are the 3 parts of a comet?
The Coma (think of it like a head) The Nucleus (inside the coma like a brain inside a head) The tail -like the body
What is the cloud located beyond the orbit of Pluto that has billions of comets?
The Oort Cloud
What causes comets to change their orbit?
The gravities of the sun and nearby stars interact with comets in the Oort Cloud. Comets either escape from the solar system or get captured into smaller orbits.
What happens in the Oort cloud?
Orbiting the sun at great distances, the orbits of comets in this cloud are occasionally disrupted by the gravitational influence of nearby stars sending them hurtling towards the inner solar system.
Oort and Kuiper-what's the diff?
Oort is huge ball shaped cloud that surround the outer part of solar system. Kuiper is a ring or belt- a frisbee (with no center) shaped belt that rings the solar system from outside of Neptune's orbit. Oort is much larger
What is the Kuiper belt?
It's a disc shaped region outside of Neptune's orbit that has some comets
Oort and Kuiper-what's similar?
Both supply comets
What happens when comets come near the sun?
it changes Ices of the frozen gases vaporize from sun's heat & from a bright cloud called a coma. Solar wind pushes on the gas and dust in the coma so it sprays away from the sun forming a tail.
Where is the asteroid belt?
Between inner planets and outer planets. That is between mars and Jupiter
What do we call rocks in space that are nicknamed "flying mountains" - big but not as big as a planet?
What's the diff in what an asteroid and a comet are made of?
Asteroid is of rock (a destroyed planet). Comet is of frozen gas and cosmic dust
What's the diff in where asteroids and comets come from?
Asteroids from in solar system between terrestrial and gaseous planets- that is between mars and Jupiter. Comets from edge of solar system-just outside Neptune's orbit and beyond the solar system- way beyond Pluto's neighborhood
What are Asteroids made of?
Rock similar in composition to the terrestrial planets. They may even be from a destroyed planet that hung out between Mars and Jupiter
What are meteors made of?
Small bits of rock-an asteroid or comet nucleus- that burn as they enter Earth's atmosphere
List all planets in order from the sun outward
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
4 differences between inner and outer planets
inner are hard and rocky outer are gaseous Inner rotate slower Outer rotate faster to keep gases together Inner -no rings Outer -rings Inner-few-to no moons Outer-lotsa moons
Inner or outer planet? Gaseous giants
Inner or outer planet? rocky/terrestrial(earth like)
Inner or outer planet? No rings
Inner or outer planet? few or no moons
Inner or outer planet? lotsa moons
Inner or outer planet? rotate quickly
Name the planet! Largest
Name the planet! No atmosphere causes a large range in temperature
Name the planet!Thick atmosphere gives extreme greenhouse effect; our sistah planet; rotates backwards (clockwise)
Name the planet! Has the "right" mixture of gases in an atmosphere
Name the planet! red planet due to soil-iron oxide (rust)
Name the planet! Most like earth in conditions
Mars- has small range in temperature like earth
Name the planet! Goldilocks conditions
Earth- perfect for life-not too hot or too cold
Name the planet! Has largest volcano in solar system
MARS- has Olympus Mons- is no longer active but is huuuuge
Name the planet! Has the great red spot which is a storm in its atmosphere
Name the planet! Has the most elaborate ring system
Name the planets-2 that are bluish green because of methane gas
Neptune and Uranus
Name the planet!Bluis green and rotates on its side
Name the planet!Bluish green and farthest from the sun
Name the planet!Has polar ice caps
Name the planet! similar temperature range to earth but slightly cooler
Name the planet! Appears to have had water at one time
Fill in the blanks: The Sun contains more than ___% of the solar system's ____.
The Sun contains more than 99% of the solar system's mass.
The ____ contains more than 99% of the solar system's ____.
Sun Mass
What 2 forces hold the planets in orbit?
Gravity and Inertia Gravity keeps planets pulled in. Inertia keeps them rolling round n' round
What would happen to Earth if the sun's gravity pull disappeared?
earth may float out of the solar system
Where is the sun-moon and earth during the NEW MOON
Where is the sun-moon and earth during 1st quarter moon
Moon Earth--Sun
Where is the sun-moon and earth during FULL Moon
Moon-Earth-Sun Think ME! Like the moon says, "Look at me!"
Where is the sun-moon and earth during third quarter moon?
Earth Moon---Sun Earth and moon are opposite of ist quarter)
Which of these 3-rotation,revolution and tilt- cause Day and night
Which of these 3-rotation,revolution and tilt- cause Seasons?
Tilt (and revolution)
Which of these 3-rotation,revolution and tilt- cause the year?
Earth's seasons are caused by
the tilt of the earth as it revolves around the sun
When sun and moon and earth are all in a line, we get extra strong tides called
Spring tides (the oceans spring out-not related to the season spring)
When sun and moon and earth are all in a line, we get extra strong ( Spring ) tides. This happens during what phases of the moon
During new and full moon
When Earth-moon and sun are at right angles we get _-tides
Neap tides- these are moderate tides
How many spring tides are in a month?
2- one at a full moon and then 2 weeks later at a new moon
How many neap tides are in a month?
two- one at a first quarter and one at a last quarter
How many total spring and neap tides are in a month?
4 total 2 neap tides 2 spring tides
Why are spring tides higher than neap tides
Because of the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon
Why are neap tides low?
When the sun and moon are at right angles to each other, the solar tide partially cancels out the lunar tide and produces moderate tides known as neap tides.
When there is a spring (extra high) tide on the "front and the back of earth," what kinds of tides on are "right and left" sides of earth?
Extra loooow tides
TIdes are strongest or weakest (choose 1) when the sun, moon and earth are all in a line?
Tides are strongest during a ___ or ___moon
Weaker tides occur when the moon is in the ___ or ___ position
First or third quarter position
True or false, there is always a high tide on the side of the earth facing the moon and on the opposite side of the earth?
True- doesn't matter if there is a neap or spring tide, there are always 2 high tides daily-one on the side facing the moon and one on the other side. (2 low tides too- on the sides)
Winter occurs in the southern hemisphere when it is tilting away or towards the sun?
The asteroid belt lies between the planets of __ and ___.
mars and jupiter
If a meteor hits earth it is called a ...
Comets have how many parts? and what is the longest part?
3 tail
T/F The Oort cloud can be found in the farthest reaches of the solar system
The Oort cloud is affected by the sun's gravitational pull (T?F?)
Comets always move towards the sun? T/F?
A comet's tail always points towards or away from the sun?
Billions of Comets occur in the ___ ___ which lies beyond Pluto
Oort Cloud
Night & day are caused by the earth's
The phase of the moon that immediately precedes the new Moon is the
Waning crescent
A __(phase) occurs when the moon is directly between the Sun and the Earth
The yearly orbit of the earth around the sun is called its..
The moon ___ are the changing appearances of the moon from earth
moon phase when none of the lighted surface of the moon can be seen from earth
New moon
Moon phase when the earth is between the moon and the sun
Full moon
Where is the sun compared to the moon and the earth during a full moon
The sun is behind the earth and the moon is in front of the earth Moon---Earth-- Sun
Moon phases in which the amount of lighted surface seen on earth increases
Moon phase in which amount of lighted surface seen on earth decreases
Give order of moon phases starting with new moon
New moon, wax cres,; first 1/4, wax gibbous,FUll, waning gibb, last 1/4, waning crescent
turning of the earth on its axis
The earth __ on its axis and ___ around the sun
rotates Revolves
Amount of time of the moon's revolution and rotation
27.3 days
Waxing moon phase in which 1/2 of the moon's lighted surface can be seen from earth
Waning moon phase in which 1/2 of the moon's lighted surface can be seen from earth
Third quarter
The moon revolves around ___

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