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Nsg Concepts 1 Excellsior


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Schedule 1 drugs
high potential for abuse, not accepted for medical use.(herion,LSD, Marijuana)
Schedule 2 drugs
acceptable for medical use high potential for abuse phys/psychological dependency(codeine,morphine etc
Schedule 3 drugs
acceptable for medical use abuse potential less than schedule 2 drugs (some codeine)
Schedule 4 drugs
acceptable for medical use limited risk for abuse/dep (Benzodiazepines,propox,phenobarbital)
Schedule 5 drugs
acceptable for medical use with minimal risk for abuse/dep (Opoid diarheals/cough remedies
Where do nurses store Narcotics?
A double locked storage area
When should a nurses count the narcotics?
at the beginning, and end of each shift, by on going, and off going nurses.
How should the Nurse report a discrepancy in the Narcotic count?
according to facility protocalls
When should an ongoing record of the number of drugs used be kept?
Upon removal of the Narcotic for administration.
What does the Nurse chart when removing the Narcotic?
name of client, the date, and time of administration.
What should happen if a nurse disposes of any partial or full dose of narcotic?
another nurse must co-sighn and witness the disposal
an order for a medication containing clients name,med name,dose,route,freq,#doses #refills,providers signature
What groups of advanced practice nurses can write prescriptions.
Nurse Practitioners,Nurse Anesthesists,Nurse Midwifes, Clinical Nurse Speacialists in colaboration with Phys
Why should prescription drugs be used under supervision of a health care provider?
potential for harm and potential for abuse
Medication purchased without a script used to enhance personal health/treat common health problems?
Nonprescription drugs/OTC drugs
What is a chemical substance that alters the function of an organism and may or may not have a theraputic effect?
A Drug
A drug that is used for an intended therapeutic effect?
Describes the chemical and molecular structure of a medication and is often long and complex?
Chemical Name
Name assigned to a drug when first manufactured/official name assigned by the FDA and is not capitalized.
Generic Name
Known as the brand name of a drug/copyrighted name given by manufacturer Ex. Bayer Aspirin/ alway capitalized
Trade Name
Oral route / PO means ?
given by mouth
Name three ways to give a medication PO?
Sublingual, bucal , Oral
Medication placed in the mouth an swallowed
Medication placed under the tongue to disolve quickly absorbed by mucus membrane for systemic circulation?
A tablet or lozenge placed between cheek and gum acting locally on mucosa or systemic after swallowed in saliva?
Buccal (alternate cheeks to decrease irrition)
Safest and least expensive drug administration route as well as slowest to act?
Oral Administration Route
Given by injection into the body tissue using sterile technique usually fast acting?
Parenteral medication
Name the four routes to administer Parenteral medication?
Route involves inj into subcutaneous tissue for medication that doesnt need rapid absorbtion? EX. Insulin
Subcutaneous= SQ or SC
Route involves inj into the dermis layer of the skin usually to test for allergic reactions? Ex. TB screening
Intradermal= ID
Route involves inj into the muscle tissue where quickly absorbed?
Intramuscular injections are frequently used to administer what types of drugs?
Antibiotics, Analgesic opiods and Antiemetics
Method for giving IM inj that seals the medication in muscle tissue to minimize irritation/staining of skin
Z-track method
Four common sites for an intermuscular inj?
Vastus Lateralis
Rectus Femoris
IM route used infrequently near radial nerve & brachial artery located 1 to 3 finger breaths below scapula?
Detoid (given in thick area near mid axillary line)
IM/inj for infants/children/
adults? 1/3 distance from knee to G/trochanter of the center of the anterior thigh?
Rectus Femoris (lift muscle from bone give at right angle)
IM/Inj site for adults 1 hand breath ^ knee and 1 below G/Trocanter to medial outer thigh. Medial outer 1/3 for infants and children.
Vastus Lateralis *preferable for infants not walking
IM/inj commonly used found using finger to find G/Trocanter/Posterior
superior iliac spine then draw line straight between them?
Dorsogluteal *preferable for infants that have been walking
Route that involves injection into the vein and has the most rapid effect smaller dose required this way.
Route used to deliver a medication directly to a body site such as skin,eyes,ears,
nose,throat,vagina and rectum?
Topical Route
A system of measure based on units of ten?
Metric System
Three basic units of measurement used in the Metric System are?
The three basic units used in the metric system to calculate medication dosagesare
gram (g)
milligram (mg)
Microgram (ug)
1g = ?mg
1000 mg
1g = ?ug
1,000,000 ug
Measure system that originated in colonial England based on the weight of a single grain of wheat?
Apothecary System
The basic unit of measure in the Apothecary System?
grain (gr)
4 Weight measurements in the Apothecary System
grain (gr)
A system of measure used in the home that is not procise usually in cooking, but can be used with OTC meds
Ex. antacids and cough syrups
Household Measurements
Basic units of measure in Househlod Measurements
weight= ounces and pounds
Volume= teaspoon(tsp)tablespoon(tbsp) ounce(oz) pint(pt) quart(qt) gallon(gal)
Dose orderd/Dose on hand x amount on hand=
Amount to administer
Desired dose/ Dose you Have x Quantity you have=
Dose to be given
Drops/Minutes= Total Volume Infused x ?
drop factor (found on the package of the administration set)
Macrodrip tubing can administer?
10,15 or 20 drops/per ml
Microdrip tubing can deliver?
45 or 60 drops/per ml
EID stands for?
Electronic Infusion Device
To calculate a Pedi dose you determine the child weight in?
What unit of measure is used to deliver medication to a pedi?
mg/kg of body to weight
What is the Physiological change caused by medication that results in the body's response to it?
Mechanism of Action
The Mechanism of Action alters the Chemistry of the cell environment or ?
The Cell itself
What do you call it when cell receptor sites are affected by medication in a unique or certain type of tissue?
A Therapeutic effect in a target organ
Determines where a medication acts such as locally or systemically?
Route of medication
Intended effect or action of a medication?
Therapeutic effect
Has a Therapeutic effect of reducing fever?
Has a Therapuetic effect of reducing inflamation?
The therapuetic effect of antibiotics help cure of control?
Has the therapeutic effect of relieving pain?
Has the therapeutic effect of relieving aggravating resp symtoms?
Has the therapeutic effect of preventing disease?
Has the therapeutic effect of promoting health?
Vitamins and Minerals
Some drugs can have more than one?
Therapeutic effect
Effects of medications that are not planned?
Side effects
Side effects can range from mildly unpleasant to?
Name 3 common side effects of drugs?
When taking normal drug doses?
Adverse effects can take place
Name 2 examples of adverse effects?
increase B/P and bloodsugar
Effects of a medication that can be life threatining is?
Toxic Effect
Low HR, rash and wheezing are all symptoms of?
Toxic Effect
An antigen - antibody response to medication?
Allergic Response
Allergic Response requires a previouse exposure to the antigen to develope?
A mild allergic response to a drug with symptoms such as n/v, rash,headache, uticaria is an example of a ?
Hypersensitivity reaction
A lifethreatening allergic response if not treated immediately may result in death with symptoms such as dyspnea, larangeal edema, and widespread vasodilation is called?
Treatment for Anaphylaxis includes giving epi,antihistimines,bronchodilators and corticosteroids to?
Reduce allergic response
An unexplained and unpredictable response to medication which may be intense or abnormal?
Idiosyncratic response
Insomnia is an Idiosycratic response to a medication that usually would make a person?
When a medications therapeutic effect is changed by the action of another medication or substance in the body ?
Medication interaction
A drug/drug interaction that results in potentiation/ increase in strength while used in coordination with one another is called?
Decrease in therapeutic effect
of the same dose given over time resulting in the increase of dosage needed to aquire current therapeutic effect is called?
Drug Tolerance
A drugs activity from the time it enters the body until the time it leaves is called?
Pharmicokinetics is made up of four parts name them?
When drug molecules transfer from the point of entry into the bloodstream?
Absorbtion is directly effected by what?
Route of administration
What route is the fastest for absortion?
Intravenous (IV)
What route is the slowest for absorbtion?
Topical route
Scaring and edema may decrease absorbtion at an?
Injection Site
Why is absorbtion fast in the mucus membrane?
very vascular tissue
An initial dose that exceeds the therapeutic dose to rapidly achieve therapeutic serum level is called a ?
Loading dose
A process that starts with absortion of a drug and ends with its arrival at the target site is ?
What 2 things affect the degree and speed of distribution?
Health of client
Properties of the drug
Distribution is better in a tissue that is highly?
Distribution is increased by?
Distribution is decreased by?
What 2 physiological things can decrease distribution?
Placental Barrier
Blood Brain Barrier
The process of deactivation and breaking down of a drug?
Metabolism occurs most often in the ?
Metabolism can also occur in other organs such as?
Blood (less often)
When a drug goes back into the circulation from the site of Metabolism while being transported to site of exit?
Excretion is mostly done by the Kidney but what other organs can assist in this?
Excocrine Glands
Depending a medications target, Excretion may occur before?
When a drug cannot be properly excreted what may occur?
Drug Toxicity
The amount of a drug in the blood is referred to as ?
Blood Level
When blood concentration reaches its highest level?
Peak Plasma Level
When does IV meds reach thier peak in the blood level?
When does an oral medication reach its peak in the blood level?
In two hours
What are the 5 rights in medication administration?
Right Drug
Right Dose
Right Client
Right Route
Right Time
A medication should be given within ?
30 minutes of schedualed time

(before or after)
When taking a med out , just before opening or pouring a med, and before giving the dose to a client these are the 3 times a nurse should?
Check for Right Drug against M.A.R
A nurse is legally and morally responsible for correctly administering a drug this includes?
Following Institution Policy
Consideration of Patient
Correct documentation
When should a nurse check for the correct dose being administered?
every time, prior to being given
A nurse will check a clients arm band, and ask the client thier name, if coherent, to determine?
Right Patient
When checking an order for the method of delivery of a drug to a client a nurse is confirming?
Right Route
A medication orderd Qd, should be given within the orderd time frame to maintain?
Therapeutic Blood Level
Drugs that metabolize rapidly are given at?
Intervals to maintain therpeutic blood level
Name 3 factors that may affect a clients response to a drug?
Dietary Factors
Enviromental Factors
Aging/Developmental Factor
Why should a client have proper protein intake when taking a medication?
Protein binds with most drugs, increasing drug distribution in the body
The body should be properly hydrated to effectively ?
Transport and help metabolize a medication
What 2 issues dealing with climate can effect a clients response to medication?
Heat= vasodilation
Cold= vasocostriction

Ex. antihypertensives
The sun can alter drug action by affecting ?
Enzyme activity in the body
Infants have an increased risk for medication toxicity due to lack of maturation of the clients?
Gastro Sys
A client under the age of 5 should be admininsterd medication in what forms?
Crushed meds with food
Children below 15 months of age should not recieve an IM injection where?
Gluteal muscle due to decreased development

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