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Fill in the Blank

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When merchant ships are guarded by military ships during a time of war, they are known as a ____________.
___________ wars were wars of raising import taxes when another country raises import taxes on you.
____________ or Women's Christian Temperance Union.
15th amendment
The _____________ said that you could not deny voting rights based off the color of ones skin or ethnic background.
The separation of the races is called ____________.
A. Paul, Alice Paul
___________ was the leader of the NAWSA's congressional committee.
Plessy vs. Jackson
The supreme court that led to separate but equal later became know as ________________.
Bull market
The market before and during the great depression was a __________.
Black Tuesday
The day that the market crashed has come to be know as _____________.
Fordney McCumber
America created the ____________ Act, which raised tariffs.
Hawley Smoot Tariff
The ________ was aimed at protecting american manufacturers from foreign competitors
William Randolph Hearst
The owner of the New York Journal and the New York World was______________.
___________ is an attitude of aggressive nationalism.
Panama Canal
America finished building the ___________ which cut shipping times down enormously.
19th amendment
The _____________ was created in 1920 giving women suffrage.
Poison Gas
___________ caused blindness, burning of the skin or lungs, and death if it came in contact with a anybody.
Treaty of Bret-Livosk
When the __________ was signed Russia lost land and dropped out of the war.
The followers of Barack Obama would be called ______________, or someone who favors changes or reform.
Women's _________ was granted in the 19th amendment.
No man's land was in the middle of two apposing ____________.
__________ is prohibiting materials in time of war.
Booker T. Washington believed that ____________ was the best way to fight civil rights.
No man's land
The area between apposing trenches became known as _______________.
Poll Tax
A ________ had to be payed before voting early in the 20th century.
Big Stick Policy
Roosevelt's _________ policy was an idea to keep other countries in their place.
Literacy Test
A ___________ was given to decide if a voter was able to read and write or not.
C.C Cat-
__________ was the leader of the NAWSA.
Meat Inspection Act
The __________ required inspection of meat and federal regulations for cleanliness.
Atlanta Compromise
The _____________ was a convention Booker T. Washington spoke at.
Square Deal
T.R.'s idea to give people and workers more power in America was called the __________.
T.R. used __________ over the miners and mine owners when the Coal strike occurred.
Laissez Faire
The idea that government should not interfere with the free market, or____________.
Vladimir Lenin
_________ was the leader of the Bolshevik party.
___________ was a problem in the south when people would kill people without a court hearing.
When a ceasefire is wished, a/an _____________ is created.
Even though _________ were inexperienced, these US soldiers were excited to go to war.
Pure Food and Drug Act
The __________ prohibited the sale of impure or falsely labelled food or drugs.
W.E.B Dubious believed _______________ was the best way to fight for civil rights.
Grandfather Clause
The law that said men could vote even if they did not pass the literacy test or Poll tax, if they had records of (a) voting ancestor(s) was called the ___________.

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