undefined, object
copy deck
- bird or bat droppings
- histoplasmosis
- HBeAb
- low transmissability
- blocks peptide bond formation at 50S
- clindamycin
- two viruses infect a cell, one helps the other by making a functional protein that serves both viruses
- complementation
- where does herpes virus get its envelope
- nuclear membrane
- uses of IFN-a
- hep B, hep C, kaposi's sarcoma
- dont give to someone allergic to penicillin
- cephalosporins
- positive nitrite test
- gram negative UTI
- treats RSV
- ribavirin
- obligate anaerobes:ABC
- actinomyces, bacteroides, clostridium
- contaminated seafood
- vibrio
- sickle cell osteomyelitis
- salmonella
- can follow PHaryngitis
- rheumatic PHever and glomerulonePHritis
- treatment of HSV, VZV, EBV
- acyclovir
- prophylaxis against PCP
- endemic typhus - fleas
- rickettsia typhi
- IL-1
- activated by macs, causes fever
- high pressure, PMNs, increased protein, low glucose
- bacterial meningitis
- non-lactose fermenter that invades and can spread hematogenously
- salmonella
- subcutaneous nodules, polyarthritis, erythema marginatum, chorea, carditis
- RF (no room for SPECCulation)
- india ink
- cryptococcus neoformans
- activated by macs, leads to fever and hemmorhagic necrosis
- infection in transplant recipients
- loeffler's medium
- corynebacterium diptheriae
- pott's disease
- TB in a vertebral body
- CD4/CD8 ratio < 1.5
- AIDS diagnosis
- sulfa nocardia, actinomyces penicillin
- MOA nystatin
- disrupt fungal membrane
- broad based budding
- blastomyces
- gram (-) rods, lactose nonfermenter, oxidase neg
- shigella, salmonella, proteus
- non-retrovirus with reverse transcriptase
- MeninGococci
- ferment Maltose and Glucose
- inhibit dihydropteroate synthase
- sulfonamides
- random mutation of viruses
- genetic drift
- env
- gp41
- gram (+) cocci in chains: catalase negative
- streptococcus
- too thin to see on gram stain
- treponema
- most common cause of pneumonia
- strep pneumo
- block production of purines
- flucytosine
- binds Fc-IgG to inhibit complement fixation and phagocytosis
- protein A
- decrease synth of mycolic acids
- isoniazid
- koplik spots
- measles
- HBsAb
- provides immunity to hep B
- jumping genes
- transposition
- found at the apex of the lung
- mycobacterium
- method of resistance against vancomycin
- change D-ala D-ala to D-ala D-lac
- prophylaxis against endocarditis with dental procedures
- penicillin
- flagellar antigen
- H antigen
- osteomyelitis after prosthetic device
- staph
- bloody diarrhea
- salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, e.coli, yersinia enterocolitica, entamoeba histolytica
- microcytic anemia
- ancylostoma, necator
- uses of IFN-y
- NADPH oxidase deficiency
- gummas, aortitis, tabes dorsalis, argyll robertson pupil
- tertiary syphilis
- narrow based budding
- cryptococcus
- spreader of viral meningitis
- mice!
- wide angle branching hypae, infect blood vessels
- mucor and rhizopus
- poultry, meat, eggs
- salmonella
- maltose nonfermenter
- neisseria gonorrhea
- east coast infection
- rocky mountain spotted fever
- 3 toxins of staph aureus
- enterotoxin, exfoliative toxin, TSST-1
- rapidly fatal meningoencephalitis
- naegleria
- paracoccidiomycosis
- rural latin america
- nucleocapsid protein of HIV
- p24
- african sleeping sickness
- trympanosoma gambiense or trympanosoma rhodesiene
- permanently disables Gi, causing whooping cough
- pertussis toxin
- vaginitis, strawberry mucosa
- trichomoniasis
- eaton's agar
- mycoplasma pneumoniae
- causes coagulation and DIC
- hageman factor
- measles and mumps
- paramyxovirus
- largest DNA virus
- poxvirus
- green alpha hemolysis
- strep mutans (viridans strep) and strep pneumo
- rusty sputum
- strep pneumo
- headache, fever, rash
- rickettsia
- fever, hepatosplenomegaly, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy
- mononucleosis
- condyloma acuminata
- HPV 6 and 11
- fifth disease
- parvovirus
- common cold and SARS
- coronavirus
- cleaves host cell rRNA
- shiga toxin
- antigen for ASO antibody in RF
- strep pyogenes
- cytotoxin that causes enterocyte death
- clostridium difficile
- inhibits viral DNA polymerase after being phosphorylated by viral thymidine kinase
- acyclovir
- hemoptysis from a parasite
- paragonimus westermani
- site of beta lactamases (-)
- periplasm
- febrile pharyngitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis
- adenovirus
- get herpes in a CHEVrolet
- stable toxin stimulates guanylate cyclase
- e. coli
- parainfluenza (aka croup)
- paramyxovirus
- streptolysin O
- strep pyogenes
- penicillin G resistant, cause UTI
- enterococci
- staph UTI
- saprophyticus
- gamma hemolysis (no hemolysis)
- enterococcus faecalis and peptostreptococcus
- TSST-1
- staph aureus superantigen
- bacitracin resistant
- group B strep (strep agalacticae)
- HBcAb
- positive during window period
- DNA polymerase inhibitor that binds to pyrophosphate binding site
- foscarnet
- optochin sensitive, bile soluble
- strep pneumo
- young patient in the military with walking pneumonia
- mycoplasma pneumonia
- MOA conazoles
- disrupt fungal membrane
- treatment of necator/ancylostoma
- pyrantel pamoate
- MOA sulfonamides
- block nucleotide synthesis
- STD chlamydia in the US
- chlamydia D-K
- disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol, metallic taste
- metronidazole
- gram (-) rods, lactose slow fermenter
- citrobacter, serratia
- cervical lypmhadenitis in kids
- m. scrofulaceum
- obligate intracellular
- rickettsia, chlamydia
- aedes mosquito
- yellow fever
- the DNA viruses: HHAPPPy viruses
- hepadna, herpes, adeno, pox, parvo, papova
- coxsackievirus
- picornavirus
- seizures and hydrophobia, fatal encephalitis
- rabies
- picornaviruses: PERCH
- polio, echovirus, rhinovirus, coxsackievirus, hepatitis A virus
- aminoglycosides in pregnancy
- ototoxicity
- most common cause of meningitis
- strep pneumo
- used to diagnose whipple's disease
- HBeAg
- important indicator of transmissability
- treatment of babesiosis
- quinine, clindamycin
- gram (+) rods
- clostridium, corynebacteria, listeria, bacillus
- pneumonia in CF
- pseudomonas
- block lanosterol to ergosterol step
- azoles
- centriPHugal (outward) spread of rash
- tyPHus
- M protein
- enhances resistance to strep pyogenes
- portal hypertension
- schistosoma mansoni
- pseudoappendicitis
- yersinia enterocolitica
- struvite stones
- proteus UTI
- microglial nodules with multinucleated giant cells
- HIV encephalitis
- cerebellar problems after treating influenza A
- amantidine
- binds ergosterol and forms pores
- amphotericin B
- prevent attachment of aminoacyl tRNA to 30S
- tetracyclines
- Nagging Pests Must Breathe
- nocardia, pseudomonas, mycobacterium, bacillus
- used during pregnancy to reduce maternal HIV transmission
- erythema chronicum migrans (target lesions)
- lyme disease
- papovavirus
- captain's wheel appearance
- paracoccidiomycosis
- bacitracin resistant, beta hemolytic strep
- strep agalactiae (group B strep)
- gram (-) rods, lactose fast fermenter
- klebsiella, e.coli, enterobacter
- triple therapy for helicobacter
- bismuth, metronidazole, tetracycline/amox
- green alpha hemolysis
- strep pneumo
- diabetic osteomyelitis
- pseduomonas
- neisseria are differentiated by
- sugar fermentation
- destroyed at 60 degrees C
- exotoxin
- meningitis in newborns
- listeria
- dilated cardiomyopathy, megacolon, megaesophagus
- chagas disease
- IgM HAV Ab
- active hep A
- tetracycline OK to use in renal failure
- doxycycline
- Takes Care of Pseudomonas
- ticarcillin, carbenicillin, piperacillin
- enveloped DNA viruses
- hepadna, pox, herpes
- gram (+) cocci in clusters: coag positive
- staph aureus
- uses of IFN-b
- MS
- B12 deficiency found
- diphyllobothrium latum
- treats meningitis
- chloramphenicol
- cranial nerve paralysis
- botulinum toxin
- child with meningitis
- strep pneumo
- urethritis, cervicitis, conjunctivitis, reiter's syndrome, PID
- chlamydia
- buy AT 30, CELL at 50
- 30S: aminoglycosides, tetracyclines 50S: chloramphenicol, erythromycin, lincomycin, clindamycin
- saber shins, saddle nose, deafness
- neonatal syphilis
- fungus east of the mississippi or in central america
- blastomycosis
- FTA -, VDRL+
- false positive VDRL
- nutrient depletion slows growth
- stationary phase
- metronidazole in pregnancy
- mutagenesis
- viridans strep that causes SBE
- strep sanguis
- protease inhibitors (navir)
- HIV treatment
- early convalescence
- HBcAb
- charcoal yeast extract agar
- legionella
- CXCR1 mutation
- rapid progression from HIV to AIDS
- PABA antimetabolite
- sulfonamides
- viral pneumonia
- fever and anemia caused by ixodes tick
- babesiosis
- koilocytes
- treatment for atypical pneumonias
- tetracycline or erythromycin
- late convalescence
- HBsAb, HBcAb
- bind MHC II and T cell receptor
- superantigens
- nephrotoxic when used with cephalosporins
- aminoglycosides
- mechanism of resistance against acyclovir
- lack of thymidine kinase
- normal pressure, lymphocytes, normal protein, normal sugar
- viral meningitis
- gram (-) rods, lactose nonfermenter, oxidase pos
- pseudomonas
- oral penicillin
- penicillin V
- macconkeys agar
- lactose fermenters (e.coli, enterobacter, klebsiella)
- These Rascals May Microscopically Lack Color
- treponema, rickettsia, mycobacterium, mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia
- uncooked pork leading to brain cysts
- taenia solium
- optochin resistant, not bile soluble
- strep mutans (viridans strep)
- cause of worldwide pandemics
- reassortment and high frequency recombination
- replication site for DNA viruses
- nucleus (except poxvirus)
- inhibits DNA gyrase (topo II)
- fluoroquinolones
- viral genome infectivity
- naked dsDNA and (+) strand ssRNA (like our cells) are infective alone
- action of ribonuclease
- degrade viral mRNA
- tinea nigra
- cladosporium werneckii
- MOA cycloserine
- block peptidoglycan synthesis
- treatment of pinworm (enterobius)
- pyrantel pamoate
- aplastic crises in sickle cell disease
- parvovirus B19
- lacks muramic acid in cell wall
- chlamydia
- inhalation of asexual spores
- coccidiomycosis and histoplasmosis
- shiga-like toxin, HUS
- nematode/roundworm/pinworm infections
- mebendazole
- maltose fermenter
- neisseria meningitidis
- C3a
- hypotension and edema
- envelope proteins of HIV
- gp41 and gp120
- lymphogranuloma venereum
- chlamydia L1, L2, L3
- treatment of ascaris
- pyrantel pamoate
- hepadnavirus example
- lymph nodes especially affected by EBV
- posterior auricular nodes
- neuraminidase inhibitors
- zanamivir, oseltamivir
- brain abscess in HIV, ring-enhancing brain lesions
- toxoplasma
- replication site for RNA viruses
- cytoplasm (except influenza and retrovirus)
- treatment of entamoeba histolytica
- metronidazole and iodoquinol
- Some Nasty Bugs May Live FacultativeLY
- salmonella, neisseria, brucella, mycobacterium, listeria, franciscella, legionella, yersinia
- double zone of hemolysis on blood agar
- clostridium perfringens
- tinea versicolor
- malassezia furfur
- spore formers
- bacillus anthracis, clostridium perfringens, clostridium tetani
- displaces other drugs from albumin (like warfarin)
- sulfonamides
- botulinum toxin
- exotoxin
- hemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens
- influenza virus
- antiprotozoal
- metronidazole
- forms toxic metabolites in bacterial cell
- metronidazole
- requires HBsAg as its envelope
- hep D
- heterophil antibodies detected by agglutination of sheep RBCs
- monospot test
- staph aureus exfoliative toxin
- scalded skin syndrome
- elevated ESR with bone pain (?)
- osteomyelitis
- MOA imipenem
- prevent peptidoglycan cross linking
- chronic, cirrhosis, carcinoma, carriers
- hep C
- normal flora of the skin
- staph epidermidis
- paramyxovirus
- reasons to NOT use vancomycin
- nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, thrombophlebitis
- polio
- picornavirus
- infectious particle for chlamydia
- elementary body
- high pressure, lymphocytes, increased protein, low glucose
- fungal or TB meningitis
- undulant fever
- brucella
- neonate meningitis
- group B strep or listeria
- treatment of local mycosis
- fluconazole or ketoconazole
- naked RNA viruses: naked CPR
- calcivirus, picornavirus, reovirus
- bluish gray spots on the buccal mucosa
- measles - koplik spots
- JC - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in HIV
- papovavirus
- colorado tick fever
- reovirus
- rocky mountain spotted fever
- rickettsia rickettsiae
- traveler's diarrhea, no preformed toxin
- resistance is by decreased uptake or increased transport out of bacterial cell
- tetracyclines
- e.coli
- inhibits CMV DNA polymerase
- ganciclovir
- induce humoral immunity
- killed virus vaccines
- ssDNA virus
- parvovirus
- inhibits entry of penicillin and vancomycin
- gram negative outer membrane
- 8 segments of negative stranded RNA
- influenza virus
- treatment of systemic mycosis
- amphotericin B
- griseofulvin in pregnancy
- teratogenic
- negative-stranded viruses that must use RNA polymerase to transcribe to positive
- Always Bring Polymerase or Fail Replication: arenavirus, bunyavirus, paramyxovirus, orthomyxovirus, filovirus, rhabdovirus
- activate large numbers of T cells to release IL-2 and IFN-gamma
- superantigens
- treatment for legionella pneumonia
- erythromycin
- red-orange body fluids
- rifampin
- mold hyphae on KOH
- tineas
- enteric, expectant mothers, epidemics
- hep E
- treatment for RSV in babies
- ribavirin
- reactive arthritis, conjunctivitis, urethritis
- chlamydia trachomatis
- genes located on a plasmid
- exotoxin
- HBsAg
- carrier state
- undercooked meat
- e.coli O157:H7
- reassortment of viral genome
- genetic shift
- toxin encoded in a lysogenic phage: BCDE
- BCDE: botulinum toxin, cholera toxin, diptheria toxin, erythrogenic toxin of strep pyogenes
- poorly antigenic
- endotoxin
- fingers, food, feces, and flies
- shigella
- vertebral osteomyelitis
- TB (pott's disease)
- Q fever (aerosol)
- coxiella burnetii
- causes interstitial nephritis
- methicillin
- use against staph aureus
- penicillinase-resistant penicillin
- active syphilis infection
- induces TNF and IL-1 (+)
- teichoic acid
- ASO titer
- strep pyogenes
- inhibits renal dihydropeptidase
- cilastatin
- snails
- schistosoma
- hydrops fetalis
- parvovirus
- antiphagocytic virulence factor
- capsule
- tellurite plate
- corynebacterium diptheriae
- viral pinkeye
- adenovirus
- permanently activates Gs, causing rice water diarrhea
- cholera toxin
- osteomyelitis
- staph aureus
- 23S of the 50S
- macrolides
- alpha hemolytic, optochin sensitive
- strep pneumo
- need clavulanic acid
- ampicillin, amoxicillin, ticarcillin, carbenicillin, piperacillin
- gram (+) cocci in clusters: coag neg, novobiocin resistant
- staph saprophyticus
- latex agglutination test to detect polysaccharide capsular antigen
- cryptococcus neoformans
- atypical pneumonias
- chlamydia pneumoniae and chlamydia psittaci
- elderly with meningitis
- strep pneumo
- prophylaxis against gonorrhea
- ceftriaxone
- hemolysis and methemoglobinemia
- m. leprae
- lecithinase
- clostridium perfringens
- elderly person with pneumonia
- strep pneumo
- capsule made of d-glutamate
- bacillus anthracis
- alpha toxin causes gas gangrene
- clostridium perfringens
- IgA protease
- strep pneumo (and neisseria and h.flu)
- treatment of leishmaniasis
- petavalent antimony
- incubation period of hep B
- HBsAg
- prophylaxis against meningococcus
- rifampin
- normal flora of the nose
- staph aureus
- virulence factor of staph aureus
- protein A
- neuraminidase inhibitors for influenza A and B
- zanamivir and oseltamivir
- antigen in pneumovax, h.flu vaccine, meningococcal vaccines
- capsule
- neisseria with no capsule
- gonococcus
- treatment of sporothrix schenckii
- itraconazole or KI
- monobactam synergistic with aminoglycosides
- aztreonam
- bat, raccoon, and skunk bites
- rabies
- puppy poop, milk, pork, day care centers
- yersinia enterocolitica
- roseola (exanthem subitum)
- HHV-6
- most specific test for syphilis, remains positive longest
- gram (+) cocci, catalase (-), gamma hemolysis
- e. faecalis
- southwestern US fungus
- coccidiomycosis
- blocks glycine release from renshaw cells of the spinal cord
- tetanus exotoxin
- ribavirin in pregnancy
- teratogenic
- hematuria, bladder cancer
- schistosoma haematobium
- enhances cytokine release to cause HUS
- shiga toxin
- metabolic acitivity without division
- lag phase
- Gonnococci
- ferment Glucose
- treatment of influenza A
- amantidine and rimantidine
- lyme disease
- borrelia burgdorferi
- Treats Marrow Poorly
- nosocomial pneumonia
- staph or gram negative rods
- resistance of MRSA
- change in PBP
- dysentery
- shigella
- green vaginal discharge with fishy smell
- gardnerella vaginalis
- walking pneumonia
- mycoplasma pneumoniae
- diptheria toxin
- exotoxin
- acute cholestatic hepatitis, eosinophilia, skin rashes
- macrolides
- group A strep
- strep pyogenes
- painful genital ulcer, inguinal adenopathy
- chancroid caused by haemophilus ducreyi
- resistance of pseudomonas
- change in porin structure
- bad GI distress
- ampicillin
- causes hemolytic anemia as a SE
- ribavirin
- vaccine contains type B capsular polysaccharide
- haemophilus influenzae
- toxin produced by shigella
- shiga toxin
- picornavirus
- VDRL positive but not STD
- treponema pertenue ("yaws")
- IV drug use hepatitis
- hep C
- epidemic typus - human body louse
- rickettsia prowazekii
- dsRNA virus
- reovirus (repeat-o-virus)
- bloating, farting, diarrhea in hikers
- giardia
- silver stain
- legionella
- protozoan of the vagina
- trichomonas vaginalis
- heat labile toxin stimulates adenylyl cyclase
- e. coli
- perianal pruritus
- enterobius
- inactivates EF-2
- corynebacterium diptheriae exotoxin
- oral lesions, keratoconjunctivitis
- inhibits chemokine receptor to cause lymphocytosis
- bordetella pertussis exotoxin
- induces TNF and IL-1 (-)
- lipid A
- quellung reaction
- strep pneumo
- successfully treated syphilis
- alpha hemolytic bacteria
- strep pneumo, strep viridans
- armadilllos
- m. leprae
- positive heterophil antibody test
- BAKE a lyme pie
- bell's palsy, arthritis, kardiac block, erythema chronicum migrans
- bloody diarrhea, liver abscess, RUQ pain
- entamoeba histolytica
- acute bacterial endocarditis and osteomyelitis
- staph aureus
- treatment of rickettsial infections
- tetracycline
- rotavirus
- reovirus
- clue cells
- vaginalis
- treat TB
- pyrazinamide, rifampin, isoniazid, streptomycin, ethambutol
- lancefield group D
- enterococci and group D strep
- otitis media
- strep pneumo
- vaginitis and diaper rash
- candida
- HIV pneumonia
- fever, black vomit, jaundice
- yellow fever
- oral/facial abscesses with sulfur granules
- actinomyces israelii
- NO
- activated by macs, leads to hypotension and shock
- reheated meat dishes
- clostridium perfringens
- blood agar
- corynebacterium diptheriae
- erythromycin in pregnancy
- acute cholestatic hepatitis in mom
- urease
- cleaves urea to ammonia
- treatment of plasmodium vivax, plasmodium ovale
- primaquine
- novobiocin sensitive
- staph epidermidis
- chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, HCC
- hep B and hep C
- hantavirus
- bunyavirus
- MOA linezolid
- block 50S
- treatment of systemic candida
- amphotericin B
- negri bodies in neurons
- rabies
- optochin sensitive strep
- strep pneumo
- treatment of toxoplasma
- sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine
- the vowels hit your bowels
- hep A and hep E transmitted fecal-oral
- cauliflower skin lesions
- blastomyces
- the only bacterium with a protein capsule
- bacillus anthracis
- chocolate agar with factors V and X
- h. flu
- bordet-gengou agar
- bordetella pertussis
- causes villous destruction with atrophy of GI, leading to decrease absorption of Na
- rotavirus
- cysts in cat feces
- toxoplasma
- ADH antagonist
- demeclocycline
- induce both humoral and cell-mediated immunity
- live attenuated vaccines
- eastern and western equine encephalitis
- togavirus
- encapsulated bacteria
- strep pneumo, h.flu, neisseria meningiditis, klebsiella
- pyroFOSphate analog
- foscarnet
- MOA trimethoprim
- block nucleotide synthesis
- FRY an egg - egg based vaccines
- flu, mmR, Yellow fever
- partial circular dsDNA
- vaccine given between 2 and 18 months of age
- haemophilus influenzae
- highest level protein in late stage HIV
- p24
- gram (+) cocci and rods, gram (-) cocci, spirochetes
- penicillin
- which bacteria arent afraid of the chin (optochin)?
- viridans strep
- disrupts microtubules
- griseofulvin
- rubella
- togavirus
- blocks transpeptidase
- penicillin
- polysaccharide to attach to surface (catheters)
- glycocalyx
- scarlet fever exotoxin
- strep pyogenes superantigen
- 3 A's for klebsiella
- Aspiration pneumonia, Abscess in lungs, Alcoholics
- PaRaMyxovirus
- parainfluenza, RSV, Measles, Mumps
- most common cause of sinusitis
- strep pneumo
- high IgM titer, headache, nonproductive cough, bad x-ray
- mycoplasma pneumoniae
- site of oxidative and transport enzymes
- plasma membrane
- MOA cephalosporins
- prevent peptidoglycan cross linking
- treatment for gardnerella vaginalis
- metronidazole
- haEMOPhilus
- epiglottitis, meningitis, ottitis media, pneumonia
- rash on palms and soles, headache, fever
- rocky mountain spotted fever
- treatment of tinea versicolor
- selenium sulfide
- reheated rice
- bacillus cereus
- treatment of plasmodium
- chloroquine
- CMV and EBV
- herpesviruses
- MOA tetracycline
- block 30S
- temporal lobe encephalitis
- HSV-1
- kaposi's sarcoma
- HHV-8
- clue cells
- gardnerella vaginalis
- multiplies inside cell (chlamydia particle)
- reticulate body
- oral hairy leukoplakia
- EBV in AIDS patients
- comma or S-shaped, bloody diarrhea
- campylobacter
- stimulates G protein to activate adenylyl cyclase
- vibrio cholerae
- inhibit protein synth by blocking translocation
- macrolides
- altered protein function
- ADP ribosylating exotoxin
- treatment of leprosy
- dapsone
- rhinovirus
- picornavirus
- flavivirus
- sulfonamides in pregnancy
- kernicterus
- i RAN because i had diarrhea: viruses that cause diarrhea
- rotavirus, adenovirus, norwalk virus
- fibrocaseous cavitary lung lesion
- secondary TB
- child with pneumonia
- RSV, mycoplasma, chlamydia pneumo, strep pneumo
- councilman bodies (acidophilic inclusions) in the liver
- yellow fever
- treatment of clostridium difficile
- metronidazole
- inhibits IMP dehydrogenase to block guanine synthesis
- ribavirin
- stimulates adenylate cyclase
- bordetella pertussis exotoxin
- enzyme babies lack, leading to gray baby syndrome
- UDP-glucuronyl transferase
- basis for lancefield grouping
- C carbohydrate in bacterial cell wall
- fever and shock
- endotoxin
- cause misreading of mRNA
- aminoglycosides
- gram (-) cocci
- neisseria
- where do most enveloped viruses get their envelopes
- plasma membrane
- VDRL mnemonic for false positives
- Virus (mono, hepatitis), Drugs, Rheumatic fever and RA, Lupus and Leprosy
- no cell wall
- mycoplasma
- use only against gram negative rods
- aztreonam
- silver stain
- legionella or pneumocystis carnii
- red pigment
- serratia marcescens
- lipopolysaccharide
- endotoxin
- echovirus - aseptic meningitis
- picornavirus
- older adult with pneumonia
- strep pneumo
- treatment of superficial candida
- nystatin
- treatment of entamoeba histolytica, giardia, gardnerella, trichomonas
- metronidazole
- treatment of UTI
- big spirochete visualized by giemsa stain
- borrelia
- acid fast stain
- mycobacteria
- ziehl-neelsen stain
- acid-fast bacteria
- treatment of pseudomonas
- aminoglycoside plus extended-spectrum penicillin
- exotoxin encoded by beta prophage
- corynebacterium diptheriae
- sabouraud's agar
- fungi
- present in every stage of hep B
- HBcAb
- rapid cell division
- log phase
- meats, mayo, custard
- staph aureus
- treatment of schistosoma, clonorchis, cystericosis
- praziquantel
- penicillinase inhibitor
- clavulanic acid
- ghon complex
- area of TB infection: hilar nodes, lower lobes. primary infection only.
- MOA chloramphenicol
- block 50S
- clear beta hemolysis
- strep pyogenes
- v-branching mold
- aspergillus
- MOA amphotericin B
- disrupt fungal membrane
- purified DNA taken up by cell
- transformation
- prophylaxis against syphilis
- benzathine penicillin G
- neonate pneumonia
- group B strep
- specific, high false negative test for HIV
- western blot
- treatment for h.flu meningitis
- ceftriaxone
- lowenstein-jensen agar
- mycobacterium tuberculosis
- fever, night sweats, weight loss, hemoptysis
- TB
- phage mediated DNA transfer
- transduction
- crosses the placenta in HIV
- anti-gp120
- acute glomerulonephritis
- strep pyogenes
- smear of skin vesicle for herpes and VZV
- tzanck test
- thayer-martin
- neisseria gonorrhea
- binds D-ala D-ala portion of bacterial cell wall
- vancomycin
- circular dsDNA viruses
- papovavirus and hepadnavirus
- segmented viruses: BOAR
- bunyavirus, orthomyxovirus, arenavirus, reovirus
- blocks viral penetration and uncoating
- amantidine
- treatment for lyme disease
- tetracycline
- jarisch-herxheimer with syphilis treatment (or any spirochete - dies fast, causing flulike sx)
- penicillin G
- MOA macrolides
- block 50S
- IgA proteases
- NHS: neisseria, h. flu, s. pneumo
- deltavirus
- animal bites
- pasturella
- ARthropod BOrne virus
- arbovirus
- contaminates skin cultures and prosthetic devices
- staph epidermidis
- treatment of river blindness
- ivermectin
- ototoxic when given with furosemide
- aminoglycosides
- the only diploid virus
- retrovirus (2 identical ssRNA)
- toxin produced by e.coli O157:H7
- shiga toxin
- MOA bacitracin
- block peptidoglycan synthesis
- prodrome and acute disease of hep B
- HBsAg and anti-HBc
- virulence of enterobacteriaceae
- K antigen (capsule)
- gram (-) coccobacilli
- h. flu, bordetella pertussis, pasturella, brucella
- HELPS: h.flu, e.coli, listeria, proteus, salmonella
- ampicillin and amoxicillin
- inhibit dihydrofolate reductase
- trimethoprim, pyrimethamine
- sensitive, high false positive rate for HIV
- gram positive rods with metachromatic granules
- corynebacterium diptheriae
- blocks release of Ach
- botulinum toxin
- polypeptide secreted from cell
- exotoxin
- charcot joints
- tertiary syphilis
- rabies
- rhabdovirus
- measles
- maculopapular rash, condyloma lata
- secondary syphilis
- one toxin in the toxin complex is adenylate cyclase
- bacillus anthracis toxin
- thrush esophagitis in immunocompromised
- candida
- fungus of ketoacidotic diabetic patients
- mucor and rhizopus
- both produce shiga toxin
- shigella and e.coli O157:H7
- ebola
- filovirus
- treatment of african sleeping sickness
- suramin
- bacterial membrane contains cholesterol
- mycoplasma pneumoniae
- MOA penicillin
- prevent peptidoglycan cross linking
- bacteria with ADP ribosylating exotoxin
- bordetella, corynebacterium, e.coli, vibrio (BCEV)
- bacitracin sensitive
- strep pyogenes
- normal flora of the colon
- bacteroides fragilis > e.coli
- MOA rifampin
- block mRNA synthesis
- disulfiram like reaction with alcohol
- cefamandole
- pulmonary infection from gram positive rod with branching
- nocardia asteroides
- tetanus toxin
- exotoxin
- treatment of tinea nigra
- salicylic acid
- activates complement by the alternative pathway
- endotoxin
- budding yeast with pseudohyphae
- candida
- treatment of giardia
- metronidazole
- IV penicillin
- penicillin G
- prostatitis, epididymitis, arthritis
- gonorrhea
- viral meningitis
- arenavirus
- tineas pedis, cruris, corporis, capitis
- ring lesions
- metallic sheen on EMB agar
- e.coli
- treatment of PCP
- TMP-SMX, pentamidine, dapsone
- pathologic prion structure
- beta pleated sheets
- st. louis encephalitis, west nile virus
- flavivirus
- inhibits 50S peptidyltransferase
- chloramphenicol
- urease positive gram negative rod
- helicobacter pylori
- inactivates EF-2
- pseudomonas exotoxin A
- mississippi and ohio river valleys
- histoplasmosis
- slapped cheeks rash
- parvovirus
- influenza
- orthomyxovirus
- endocarditis in drug users
- staph aureus, or if they are immunocompromsed: candida
- severe diarrhea in AIDS
- cryptosporidium
- TORCH(s)
- toxoplasma, other, rubella, CMV, HSV/HIV, syphillis
- treatment of most tineas
- the -conazoles
- killed vaccines: RIP Always
- rabies, influenza, polio, hAv
- MOA polymyxins
- disrupt membranes
- pyocyanin
- blue-green pigment of pseudomonas
- enlarged prostate risk for
- MOA vancomycin
- block peptidoglycan synthesis
- normal flora of the oropharynx
- viridans strep
- activates hageman factor
- endotoxin
- MOA aztreonam
- prevent peptidoglycan cross linking
- northeastern US
- lyme disease
- adult or older child with meningitis
- neisseria meningitidis
- beta hemolytic bacteria
- staph aureus, strep pyogenes, strep agalactiae, listeria
- treatment of mycoplasma pneumoniae
- tetracycline or erythromycin
- used to monitor viral load in HIV
- parotitis, orchitis, aseptic meningitis
- mumps
- alpha hemolytic, optochin resistant
- viridans strep
- molluscum contagiosum
- poxvirus
- treatment of neonatal conjunctivitis due to chlamydia trachomatis
- erythromycin eye drops
- stains glycogen and mucopolysaccharides
- pneumonia in alcoholics and diabetics
- klebsiella
- MOA quinolones
- block DNA topoisomerase
- swimmer's ear
- pseudomonas
- MOA aminoglycosides
- block 30S
- gram (+) cocci in clusters: coag neg, novoboicin sensitive
- staph epidermidis
- highly toxic
- exotoxin
- hot tub folliculitis
- pseduomonas
- adult with pneumonia
- mycoplasma pneumonia
- inhibit DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
- rifampin
- blocks release of glycine --> lockjaw
- tetanus toxin
- C5a
- neutrophil chemotaxis
- treatment of trypanosoma cruzi
- nifurtimox
- resistance of staphlococci against penicillin
- beta lactamases
- germ tubes at 37 degrees C
- candida
- giemsa stain
- borrelia, plasmodium, trympanosomes, chlamydia
- dont give with milk, antacids, or iron
- doxycycline
- how does HIV get into CNS
- infected macrophages
- grow in 6.5% NaCl
- enterococci
- eggs in dog ****, lead to liver cysts
- echinococcus
- symptoms of coxsackievirus
- aseptic meningitis, febrile pharyngitis, hand foot and mouth disease, myocarditis
- retrovirus
- why is MRSA resistant
- altered PBP target site
- treatment of taenia solium
- praziquantel
- pulmonary TB-like symptoms
- m. kansasii
- undercooked fish causing biliary tract problems
- clonorchis
- MOA clindamycin
- block 50S
- HEV, norwalk
- calcivirus
- yellow fever, dengue
- flavivirus
- yellow pigment
- staph aureus
- dipicolinic acid
- spore coating
- enterotoxin
- staph aureus
- treatment of diphyllobothrium latum, taenia solium
- niclosamide
- naked DNA viruses
- PAP: parvo, adeno, papova
- genome of virus A and surface proteins of virus B. progeny has type A coat and type A material.
- phenotypic mixing
- uses DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
- hep B
- blindness in africa
- chlamydia A, B, C
- ulcers, lymphadenopathy, rectal strictures
- lymphogranuloma venereum
- treat bacteroides, clostridium
- clindamycin
- head to toe spreading rash
- measles