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- What bug causes gastritis?
- Helicobacter Pylori
- What bug protects itself by producing ammonia?
- Helicobacter Pylori
- What bug has urease to produce ammonia?
- Helicobacter Pylori
- What bug induced gastritis in the _____ of the stomach decreases somatostatin from D cells resulting in acid hypersecretion. This results in ____ ulcers.
- Helicobacter Pylori, antrum, Duodenal
- A ___ test is used to detect urease positive bacteria.
- 14C-labeled test, breath out labeled CO2 if have H. Pylori
- What is the treatment for H. Pylori
- bisthmus therapy + tetracycline/amoxicillin + metronidazole OR metronidazole + imeprazole + clarithromycin
- metronidazole + imeprazole + clarithromycin combo is used to treat what?
- Helicobacter Pylori
- H pylori causes __% of duodenal ulcers and __% of gastric ulcers?
- 90%, 70%
- What bacteria causes 90% of duodenal ulcers and 70% of gastric ulcers?
- Helicobacter Pylori
- A malignant ulcer, commonly associated with ____ bacteria has _____ borders?
- H. Pylori, heaped borders
- Chronic ____ infection is associated with gastric adenocarcinoma and MALT lymphoma
- Helicobacter Pylori
- Chronic H. pylori infection is associated with what two malignancies?
- gastric adenocarcinoma and MALT lymphoma
- What gram- bacteria resemble comma shape?
- Campylobacter jejuni
- What gram- rod grows best at 42C
- Campylobacter jejuni
- What gram- rod urease- and oxidase+
- Campylobacter jejuni
- Campylobacter jejuni is ______ for oxidase?
- positive
- Bacteroides fragilis is best treated with _____
- clindamycin
- What is the most common species of colonic flora
- Bacteroides fragilis
- What bug causes GI or peptic abscesses "below the diaphragm" and peritonitis
- Bacteroides fragilis
- Is Bacteroides fragilis aerobic or anaerobic?
- anaerobic
- What does Bacteroides fragilis cause?
- GI or peptic abscesses "below the diaphragm" and peritonitis
- What bug causes epiglottitis, otitis media, pneumonia and meningitis
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- What is the most common cause of meningitis in children 6mo to 6yrs
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- What bacteria is protected from secretory IgA by IgA protease?
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- What bacteria colonizes the upper respiratory tract and causes epiglottitis and otitis media?
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- Haemophilus influenzae type B causes what infections? But does not cause what?
- epiglottitis, otitis media, pneumonia and meningitis, does not cause flu
- What mechanism allows Haemophilus influenzae type B to invade the submucosa and enter the blood
- Haemophilus influenzae type B avoids phagocytosis with a capsule
- What bacteria requires hemin (X factor) and NAD (V factor) on chocolate agar
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- What type of media is used to grow Haemophilus influenzae type B
- hemin (X factor) and NAD (V factor) on chocolate agar
- What drug is used to treat meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B
- chloramphenicol
- What drug is used for local infections of Haemophilus Influenzae type B?
- 2nd or 3rd gen cephalosporins like ceftriaxone
- What type of vaccine is given against Haemophilus Influenzae type B?
- Hib vaccine: capsular polysaccharide type b strain conjugated to diphteria toxoid
- What is the Hib vaccine used for?
- Haemophilus influenzae type B
- When is the best time to vaccinate against Haemophilus influenzae type B?
- between 2 and 18 months
- What drug is given to close contacts for Haemophilus influenzae type B meningitis
- rifampin
- What type of Haemophilus influenzae causes pneumonia in adults post recent influenza viral infection
- "Non-typeable" H. influenzae
- "Non-typeable" H. influenzae causes what type of infection?
- pneumonia in adults post recent influenza viral infection
- Legionella pneumophila causes what type of infection?
- atypical pneumonia
- What type of infection is Legionnaire's disease
- atypical pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila
- What gram- rod is best visualized with silver stain?
- Legionella pneumophila
- What gram- rod is cultured on charcoal yeast extract with iron and cystein?
- Legionella pneumophila
- What is the best way to visualize Legionella pneumophila?
- silver stain
- What is the best way to culture Legionella pneumophila?
- charcoal yeast extract with iron and cystein
- What drug is used to treat Legionella pneumophila?
- erythromycin
- What is the mode of transmission of Legionella pneumophila
- no person-to person contact, infected water source (air conditioners)
- What causes wooping cough?
- Bordetella pertussis
- Bordetella pertussis causes what?
- wooping cough
- What type of toxin is in bordetella pertussis and how does it work?
- AB toxin that ADP ribosylates and inactivates Gi proteins->uninhibited adylate cyclase ->more cAMP->lymphocytosis, decreased phagocytosis by inhibiting chemokine receptor
- What bug growes on Bordet-Gengou medium (potato agar)
- Bordetella pertussis
- Bordetella pertussis is grown on what type of medium?
- Bordet-Gengou medium (potato agar)
- What disease is caused by Brucella species?
- undulating fever
- What causes undulating fever
- Brucella species
- How is Brucella species transmitted
- animal products (eg. goat cheese) or direct skin contact
- Describe 3 characteristics of Brucella species
- Gram-, coccobacilli, facultative intracellular
- What disease is caused by Francisella tularensis?
- talaremias (site specific infection + lymphadenopathy)
- What is the reserviour of Francisella tularensis?
- Rabbits & deer
- What is the vector for Francisella tularensis? (4)
- ticks, lice, mites, contact with infected animal at skin
- What disease is caused by Pasteurella multocida?
- cellulitis
- Where is Pasteurella multocida found?
- Normally inhabits oral cavity of animals
- How does infection with Pasteurella multocida
- spreads locally to soft tissue (cellulitis) and bone (osteomyelitis)
- What infection can humans get from a dog or cat bite
- Pasteurella multiocida
- What disease is caused by Mycobacterioum tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis
- What are the 2 types of TB
- Primary and secondary
- What is extrapulmonary TB (5)
- CNS (parenchymal TB or meningitis), Vertebral body (Pott's disease = osteomyelitis), Lymphadenitis, Renal, GI
- What is a Ghon Complex and where is it found
- Hilar nodes + Ghon focus (usually lower lobes); TB granulomas (Ghon focus) with lobar and perihilar lymph node involvement. Reflects primary infection or exposure).
- Where is Secondary TB found
- Fibrocaseous cavity lesion in the upper lobes
- Who is the most likely Non-immune host for TB
- child -> primary infection
- Who is the most likely partially immune host
- Hypersensitized adult -> reinfection (secondary infection) esp in HIV
- What is Miliary TB
- sever bacteremia with TB
- What causes secondary TB
- weakened T cell response -> reactivation of pulmonary tubercles in apex -> lg caseous granulomas -> cavitations
- Best way to ID TB infection in vitro
- acid fast stain of sputum
- What is the CXR finding in TB
- Ghon complex
- Name the 5 first line TB drugs
- INH-SPIRE; Streptomycin, Pyrazinamide, Isoniazid, Rifampin, ethambutol
- What drug is 2nd line for TB
- cycloserine
- What drug is used along to TB prophylaxis
- Isoniazid
- What is the common side effect of TB therapy
- hepatotoxicity
- What is the mechanism of immune system control of TB
- T-cell mediated immunity
- What are the symptoms of TB
- fever, night sweats, weight loss, and hemoptysis
- What bacterium grows in low temp areas such as skin and fingers
- Mycobacterium Leprae
- What are the 2 forms of Hansen's disease (Leprosy)
- lepromatous and tuberculoid
- Which type of leprosy is worse lepromatous or tuberculoid
- lepromatous is worse (failed cell-mediated immuntiy); tuberculoid is self-limited; LEpromatous=LEthal
- Where is Mycobacterium Leprae infection often found
- skin and superficial nerves
- How is Mycobacterium Leprae cultured?
- it cannot be cultured
- What is the reserviour of Mycobacterium Leprae in the US
- armadillos
- What drug is used to treat M. leprae?
- dapsone
- What is dapsone used for and what is it's toxicity?
- M. leprae (long term treatment); tox = hemolysis and methemoglobinemia
- What are alternative treatment for M. leprae
- rifampin and cobo of clofazimine & dapsone
- What are the physical findings in lepromatous leprosy
- "leonine facies" of lepromatous leprosy = loss of eyebrows, nasal collapse, lumpy earlobe
- What disease presents with loss of eyebrows, nasal collapse and lumpy earlobes
- Lepromatous leprosy
- What disease is caused by Treponema pallidum?
- Syphilis
- What is the treatment for Syphilis?
- penicillin G
- Describe primary syphilis
- Presents with painless chancre (localized disease)
- What infection presents with painless chancre (localized disease)
- Treponema pallidum (syphilis)
- Describe secondary syphilis
- Disseminated disease with constitiutional symptoms, maculopapular rash (palms and soles), condyloma lata
- What infection presents with condyloma lata)
- Treponema pallidum (syphilis)
- Describe tertiary syphilis
- Gummas, aortitis, neurosyphilis (tabes dorasalis), Argyll Robertson pupil
- What disease presents with an accomodating but non-reactive pupil, what is this called?
- tertiary syphilis, Argyll Robertson pupil
- Describe the Argyll Robertson pupil
- Consticts with accomodation but is not reactive to light; "prostitutes pupil" accomodates but does not react
- What are the 4 clinical signs of tertiary syphilis
- broad based ataxia, positive Rohberg, Charcot joints, stroke w/o hypertension
- Describe Congenital syphilis (3)
- Saber shins, saddle nose, deafness
- What congenital condition presents with saber shins, saddle nose and deafness
- Congenital syphilis
- What is the non-specific test for syphilis
- VDRL - non-specific antibody that reacts with beaf cariolipin
- Under what 6 conditions will a VDRL be false positive
- Viral infection (mono, hepatitis), some Drugs, Rheumatic fever, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Leprosy
- What is the most specific test for treponemes
- FTA-ABS: Find The Antibody - ABSolutely
- What are the features of FTA-ABS
- most specific, earliest positive, remains positive longest
- If a VDRL is positive and FTA-ABS is negative does the patient have syphilis?
- NO, FTA-ABS is more specific than VDRL
- What is Treponema pertenue?
- causes yaws (a tropical infection that is not an STD, although VDRL is positive)
- What bacterium causes yaws?
- Treponema pertenue
- What shape is Treponema and how to stain for it
- Spirochete, dark field microscopy
- Where can Rickettsia be found?
- intracellularly
- Name 2 obligate intracellular parasites
- Rickettsia and Clamydia
- What obligate intracellular parasites use what resouce produced by the host cell?
- Rickettsia and Clamydia use intracellular ATP for energy.
- What drug is used to treat Rickettsia?
- Tetracyclines
- What disease is caused by Rickettsia Rickettsii and what are it's symptoms?
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: rash, fever, headache
- What causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and what are the symptoms?
- Rickettsia Rickettsii: rash, fever, headache
- What are 3 types of Rickettsia and what do they cause?
- Rickettsia Rickettsii causes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Rickettsia Porwazekii causes epidemic Typhus, Coxiella Burnetii causes Q fever
- What are the symptoms of Rickettsia prowazekii infection?
- rash, fever, headache, Brill Zinsser disease
- What type of bug is Coxiella burnetii?
- Rickettsia
- What do Poliovirus, Coxsackieviruses A&B and Hepatitis A virus have in common?
- They are all Picornovirdae Enteroviruses
- What are 4 types of Picornovirdae Enteroviruses
- Poliovirus, Coxsackieviruses A &B, and Hep A
- What is caused by Coxsackivirus
- aseptic meningitis, herpangina - febrile pharyngitis hand food, and mouth diease, myocarditis
- What are the Salk/Sabin vaccines used for?
- Poliovirus
- What is the difference between the Salk and Sabin vaccines
- Salk is IPV and Sabin is OPV
- What is the shape and RNA/DNA of Picornovirdae like?
- Isohedra, non-enveloped, SS+linear
- What does Hep A virus cause?
- Acute viral hepatitis
- Name 5 picornoviruses
- Poliovirus, Echovirus, Rhinovirus, Coxsackievirus, HAV
- Describe the RNA processing of picornoviruses
- RNA is translated into 1 large polypeptide that is cleaved by proteases into functional viral proteins.
- Which 3 picornoviruses can cause aseptic (viral) meningitis?
- Poliovirus, Echovirus, Coxsackievirus
- Describe Rhinovirus (2 features)
- Non-enveloped RNA virus
- What does Rhinovirus cause?
- common cold
- How many serotypes of Rhinovirus exist?
- over 100
- What virus causes the common cold?
- Rhinovirus
- Which Picornaviridae can cause dilated myocarditis?
- Coxsackievirus B
- What is a cardiac complication of Coxsackievirus B?
- dilated myocarditis
- What does Coxsackievirus A cause?
- herpalgia (red oropharynx veicles, fever, sore throat), hand foot and mouth disease
- What is a complication of polio
- degeneration of anterior horns, LMN signs
- What viral infection presents with LMN signs?
- polio
- How long is the incubation period of Hep A
- 3 weeks
- Which Hep virus has no carriers
- Hep A
- How is Hep A transmitted
- fecal-oral route
- Describe the production of Hep A virus
- naked SS RNA is translated into 1 large polypeptide that is cleaved into functional viral proteins (like all Picornoviruses)
- How does Hep A infection usually present
- Asymptomatic
- Describe the production of Rhinovirus
- naked SS RNA is translated into 1 large polypeptide that is cleaved into functional viral proteins (like all Picornoviruses)