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Progressive Era



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"rule of reason"
only those combinations that "unreasonably" restrained trade were illegal ;; ripped hole in gov't antitrust net
Charles Evans Hughes
NY gov'r ;; investigations of gas & insurance companies
Gifford Pinchot
head of federal Division of Forestry
Adamson Act of 1916
8-hr work day for all employees on trains in interstate commerce w/ extra pay for overtime
directly propose legislation
Federal Reserve Act
1913 created Federal Reserve Board (oversaw nationwide system of 12 regional reserve districts each with own bank & power to issue paper money aka "Federal Reserve Notes")
Underwood Tariff Bill of 1913
reduced import fees & enacted graduated income tax ;; under 16th Amendment's authority
"New Nationalism"
THEODORE ROOSEVELT ;; gov't should control bad trusts/leave good trusts alone & free to operate ;; campaign for woman suffrage & broad program of social welfare
take bad officials off
Meat Inspection Act
preparation of meat shipped over state lines would be federally inspected
Ballinger-Pinchot quarrel
1910 Secretary of Interior Richard Ballinger opened public lands in Wyoming, Montana, Alaska to corporate developement ;; criticized by Chief of Agriculture Department's Division of Forestry Gifford Pinchot ;; Taft fire Pinchot
Ray Stannard Baker
Following the Color Line (illiteracy of blacks)
National Progressive Republican League
1911 formed ;; leader was Senator La Follette of Wisconsin
TR's 3 C's
control of corporations, consumer protection, conservation of natural resources
"New Freedom"
WOODROW WILSON ;; stronger antitrust legislation, banking reform, tariff reduction ;; favored small enterprises, break up ALL trusts, shunned social welfare proposals, *fragmentation of big industrial combines by means of enforcement of anti-trust laws
Jones Act
1916 full territorial status to Phillipines & promised independence as soon as stable gov't was established
Muller vs. Oregon
1908 Attorney Louis D. Brandeis persuaded Supreme Court to accept laws to protect women workers
Warehouse Act of 1916
authorized loans on security of staple crops
"dollar diplomacy"
Wall Street bankers sluice surplus money into foreign areas of strategic concern, especially in Far East and regions critical to security of Panama Canal
David G. Phillips
75 out of 90 senators didnt represent people but railroads & trusts
Pure Food and Drug Act
prevent adulteration and mislabeling of foods & pharmaceuticals ;; let European markets trust American meat
Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916
credit available to farmers at low interest rates
Louis D. Brandeis
Other People's Money and How the Bankers Use It (1914) ;; 1st Jew on Supreme Court
Payne-Aldrich Bill
revised tariff ;; Taft betrayed his campaign promises & angered progressive wing of his party
Newlands Act
1902 irrigation projects for western states
Federal Trade Commission Act
1914 lets president appoint commission to turn searchlight on industries in interstate commerce
vote on laws that affect them
Jack London
Call of the Wild
Bureau of Mines
control mineral resources ;; rescued millions of acres of western coal lands, protected water-power sites from private development
Bureau of Corporations
allowed to probe businesses engaging in interstate commerce ;; useful in "trust-busting"
Carey Act of 1894
distributed federal land to states that it's irrigated/settled ;; led cultivation of about 1 million barren acres
Lincoln Steffens
series of articles in McClure's ;; "Shame of the Cities" (corrupt alliance btwn gov't & big business)
Workingmen's Compensation Act of 1916
assistance to federal civilservice employees during periods of disability ;; invalidated by Supreme Court
city-manager system
take politics out of municipal administration
Theodore Dreiser
The Financier ;; The Titan
triple wall of privilege
tariff, banks, trusts
Aldrich-Vreeland Act
1908 authorized national banks to issue emergency currency backed by various collateral ;; would lead to Federal Reserve Act
Northern Securities Company
organized by J.P. Morgan and James J. Hill
Desert Land Act of 1877
federal gov't sold arid land cheaply that purchaser would irrigate the soil within 3 yrs.
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley
frauds that sold patent medicines
Clayton Anti-trust Act of 1914
lengthened Sherman Anti-Trust Act's list of business practices deemed objectionable (incl. price discrimmination & interlocking directorates) ;; exempted labor unions from being called trusts, legalized strikes & peaceful picketing
Dr. Woodrow Wilson
democrat, progressive, president of Princeton, governor of NJ, "new freedom" platform
Jacob A. Riis
How the Other Half Lives (NY slums)
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
founded by Frances E. Willard and Anti-Saloon League
Upton Sinclair
The Jungle
Henry Demarest Lloyd
Wealth Against Commonwealth (exposed corruption of Standard Oil Co.)
John Spargo
The Bitter Cry of the Children (child labor)
"New Nationalism"
urged national gov't to increase its power to solve economic & social abuses
Panama Canal Tolls Act of 1912
exempted American shipping from tolls (led to protests from Britain) ;; repealed in 1912
Forest Reserve Act
1891 authorized president to set aside land to be protected as national parks ;; some 40 million acres of forest rescued
Thorstein Veblen
The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899) (criticized new rich)
Lochner vs. New York
invalidated NY law for 10-hr day for bakers
Herbert Croly
The Promise of American Life (1910) ;; inspired New Nationalism
Elkins Act
heavily fined railroads that gave rebates and shippers who accepted them
Governor Hiram W. Johnson
regulated railroads & trusts in Oregon and CA
Governor Robert M. La Follette
took power from trusts and gave power back to the people
Progressive Movement
fought against monopoly, corrupton, inefficiency, social injustice ;; used gov't as agency of human welfare ;; roots in Greenback Labor Party & Populist Party
Triangle Shirtwaist Company
1911 NYC ;; fire burned 146 ppl
Ida M. Tarbell
expose against Standard Oil
Hepburn Act
restricted free passes of railroads
La Follette Seamen's Act of 1915
good conduct & living pay on merchant ships ;; crippled merchant marine as freight rates increased w/ crew's wages
Roosevelt Dam
1911 built on Arizona River

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