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- Gold mining techniques (3)
plaser mining-pan for gold (independent)
mechanized mining-dig deeper, water often powering tools
industrial mining-even deeper, hydrolic miing, heavy jets of water to get gold from side of mountain - coolies
- unfree laborers, degrading status of "workin man"
- Rock Springs, Wymoing
- Rock Springs, Wymoing Massacre-28 Chinese died in while mining
- scott act
- living in the US, go back to China, can't return
- tongs
- chinese gangs, control of drugs and prostitutes. bad image for asians.
- reconstruction 1866 Civil Rights Act
-act to protect everybody, -everybody borin in US (except Indians) are US citizens
-14th Amednment ratified in 1869, (indians included in 1869) - land reform
-40 acres and a mule, give blacks a chance to own landand survive
-didn't work b/c white were implementing it. - Wong, Same, and assistants
- "english-chinese phrase book" read about experience of Chinese, learn how to do business and survive
chinese moved to the south, replaced slaves as.. .(agriculture)
(urban) -
labor contractors, merchants, tennants, fruit peddlers
laundry, reaturants, domestic servants (women work) - 6 companies
- chinese formed 6companies, district associates, taught English.
- prostituion and the Page Act
- women stolen from China (lured), contracted from 4-6 years, can be broken, no legal recourse, could stay longer;
Japanese terms-
-nisei -
issei-immigrant/First Gen
nisei-Am. born/Second Gen. - commodore matthew perry
chosen to go to Japan, to open them up. set up squadron-fire ammunition to display power, gave japan model locomotive(symbol of technology); japan-sumo-->unequal trade, meji era-modernize.
-shar prise in commerce - hawaii sovereignty
sugar plantations-James cook discovers hawaii, william cooper-first sugar platnion, hawaiian dying b/c of diseases (which is why they all conver to Christianity)
-Japanese first to come. (middle class) - Pidgeon word for "work -work"
- hana-hana, luna=overseer=different ethnicity (made ethnicities fight w/ each ohter)
- teddy roosevelt
- didnt' understand why Americans hurt Jap. --gentlemen's aggreement
- Boxer Rebellion
killed western missinaries.(in china)
korea allow missionaries to overthrow Japanese - Horace Allen
- one of first missionary in Korea, save King's life, arrangement w/ japand and hawaii sugar plantation
- Why did Japn annex Korea?
- protectorate of Korea-control them, Korewa now part of Japan (no European country prtoested), US deal with Japan (US no mess with Korea, Japan no mress with Phillipines)
- Yumin
- Korea "Drifiting people"
- Phillip Jasiokn
left Korea, first MD, married white woman (first of such marriage)
-leader of anti-colonail mvmt
-formed 1st Korean Congres - Ahn Chang-Ho
-1st community Korean org-friendship society-maintain morals, no smoke or drink
-killed by Japanese - Syngman Rhee
first president of Korea
belived in indepednce through winning Am. friendship and support, PHD in princenton, Masters in Harvard, convert to Christianit, ousted from power - “Yellow Perilâ€
-fighing for citizenship on basis for American democracy
-1790 Naturalized Act: only “free white persons†could obtain citizenship
-citizenship=manliness.. Asians not men. - Transcontinental Railroad-
-a lot of Chinese worked on it.
-Low wage and very dangerous.
-Chinese had some strikes, but owners withheld food and almost brought in black workers to break the striekes.
-Uta-Promontory Pt. (1869)-2 R&R connected. - People v. Hall
-1850 Foreign Miners Tax-immigrants had less ability
-600+state laws to restrict progress of Chinese
-Supremee Court-standing of Chinese in court for witness
-can’t testify Chinese against whites
-can’t testify against Chinese if chinese - Chinese Exclusion Act
-1882. Sen John P. Janes-love liberty, but Chinese are barbarians and a lower-order of people.
-231-37. (landslide)
-10 year policy
-renewed to 1904
-not abolished till WWII. - Frederick Douglass
-advocate and public speaker about freedom
-support Asians and their rights. - Angel Island
-way in which people restricted when coming through
-detention facility-held to go back, or due when paper came through
-interrogated - Gentleman’s Agreement
-Teddy Roosevelt
-don’t segreagate Japnese in schools and stuff, and will stop Japanese from coming in to US
-bilateral foreign policy-Japan aggress to stop immigration of laborers
-can admit tourists, returning, smart people , merchants
-families allowed to come
-loophole:proff that married-“picture brides†- Ozawa v. U. S
-1910 420 Japanese immigrants wer naturalized citizens
-claimed he was an assimilated American
-Ozawa argument: “white person†as interepreted by court = person w/o negro blood
-Japanese are “free.†They are “white persons†speaking an Aryan tongue
and having Caucasian root stocks, superior class, fit for citizenship
-general arugment: 1790 men wnted to give citizen ship to people they new were worthy (white men),-ïƒ if ur white u can have it, if u are not commonly called white, you can’t have citizenship
-Supreme court ruling: cant base on color of skin since white people have different colors too. However, when referring to “white person†really refers to person known as Cacuasian race. - Thind v. U. S
thind’s arguemtn: people in India belong to Aryan race b/c speaks Aryan language. Indians regard aboriginal Indian Mongloid in same manner as American regards the negro.
-Supreme Court: just b/c u are from a line of descent from Cacuasian ancestor doesn’t work. The term is used very loosely b/c in literature it includes hindu, Polynesians, etc. Courts don’t use “Caucasian†they use “free white personsâ€. This works b/c white people can assimilate together and people of “readily distinguishable†characteristics cannot. - Alien Land Laws
-cali 1913 and 1920. aliens ineligible to be citizenship-can’t own land.
-1910-420 Japan naturalized immigrants.
-free white person-can be a citizen - 1924 Immigration Act
-seeks to preserve “native stock†of America
-based on “National Origins†quotas
-only <150 Japan allowed in
-total exclusion of “aliens ineligible for citenzhipâ€-no Asians
-new creation of the “illegal alienâ€-creation of the Border Patro, promot deportation
-Deterioration of US-Japan Relations.
-Japan has “National Humiliation Dayâ€-Americans are not our friends
-Americans don’t’ want us.
-if you marry an immigrant, you will lose your own citizenship - Gurdit Singh
piloted ship full of indians (verterans of British army, had right to setlle anywhere in British empire).
-went o canda, but forced them to leave.
-why risk lives for British empire if no rights - shijkh mighrants are from
- Hats (warrior/farmer) cast. some were untouchables.
- Ghadar party in SF
- to give India freedom; many went back to India so can fight for India's independence.
- Dalip Singh Saund
- phd. Berkeley; won congres seat.
- emilo aguinaldo
- Biak-na-Batu Truce--broker for indep. mvmt. ; cut a adea, 900,000 pesos and go to HK and stop rebellion
- pensionados
- children of Filipino elite
- Tydings-McDuffie Act
-promised "independence" to Phiilppiones oni 10 years
-restricted immigration to quota of 50 - 1935 Repatriotion Act
- us paid Filipions for one-way ticket back to Phillipines, only 2200 went. no more speical status, must go through immigration quotas.
- 1946 Rescission Act
- Filipions can't be in military, no benefits
- 1941 Black Labor Leader
- A Philip Randolph-march on Washignton , protest segreagation in jobs and military; deal: FDR ban discirmination in defense industries
- 1943 Immigration and Naturalization rihghts
- China, india, and Philippine; Korea and Japan no citizenship
- kibei
- most dangerous element , born in America, raise din Japan
- Tule-Lake
- "no-nos" repatriate-go back to old country; expatriate-renounce old country
- 442 Regiment (all Nisei)
- fought in atlantic theater, most decorated.
- Truman Doctrine
- if communism threatens, US should intervene. over throw "non-friendly " gov't-Iran, Guatemala, Chile; support "friendly" dictatorships;
- No Gun Ri
- Korean war, kill civilians, b/c they could be N. Korean soldiers
- domino theory
- one country go communist, than neighboring countries go communist.