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U.S History - FINAL!


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Meriwether Lewis
Jefferson's private secretary; Chosen to lead expedition into the Louisiana Purchase
Quartering Act
Forced colonies to pay more for their own defense
Shoshone woman who joined the expedition as a interpreter and guide
Battle of Bunker Hill
Americans vs. British; Turned back 2 British advances only had to retreat after ammunition ran out
From of government where power resides with a body of citizens entitled to vote
American System
National bank, protective tariff and nationwide internal improvements
Task system
Workers were give a specific set of jobs to accomplish every day and couldn't leave until they were done; After tasks were done, they were allowed to spend the rest of the day on their own
Trail of Tears
Trip from Cherokee land to Oklahoma; 2000 died of starvation, disease and exposure on the trip
Albany Plan
Committee led by Ben Franklin; Forms a federal government for 13 colonies
Americans who backed Britain
Marquis de Lafayette
European military officer who helped Washington improve discipline and boost morale among troops
Missouri Compromise
Benefited the South; Maine was free and Missouri was slave; Allowed slavery into Arkansas, but kept it out of the rest of the Louisiana Purchase
New ordinance
Provided basis for governing much of the W territory; Created territory N of the Ohio River and E of the Mississippi; guaranteed certain rights to people living in the territory: religion, property rights and trail by jury; No slavery
To withdraw
Zebulon Pike
Mapped most of the upper Mississippi and then headed west to find the headwaters of the Arkansas River; Traveled to CO and charted Pike's Peak; Later mapped Rio Grande and eventually went to Texas
Legislative branch
Made up of the two houses of congress; made laws
Pickney's Treaty
Granted the US the right to navigate the Mississippi and to deposit goods at the port in New Orleans
Committee of Correspondence
Created by each colony to communicate with the other colonies about British activities
A government ban on trade with other countries
Great Compromise
Also referred to it as Connecticut Compromise; States would be represented based on their size and in the Senate; Everyone has equal representation, but the Senate legislatures would choose senators
People living in country that weren't citizens
Opponents to the Constitution; Name was misleading because they weren't against a federal system
Work stoppages used to achieve workers' goals
Frederick Douglass
Rose from slavery to be a prominent leader of the antislavery movement
Articles of Confederation & Perpetual Union
Plan for a loose union of states under the authority of the congress
2nd Great Awakening
Religious leaders organized to revive Americans' commitment to religion; Began in Kentucky and spread
Molly Pitcher
Carried water to Patriot gunners during Battle of Monmouth
Charles Grandison Finney
Presbyterian minister; spread the idea that all people could attain grace through faith
Voluntary freedom of slaves
Special unit of men trained and ready to stand at a minute's warning in case of alarm
Louisiana Purchase
US bought Louisiana from France and doubled its size; Also gained control of the whole Mississippi River
Democratic Republican
Jackson's supporters that came together in opposition to Adam's presidency
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers in Western Pennsylvania terrorized tax collectors, stopped court procedures, robbed the mail and destroyed whiskey-making stills; Angry because tax put on whiskey; Whiskey was another form of currency
Interchangeable parts
Process of transforming gun making from a one-by-one process to a factory process
Supporter of the Constitution; Name emphasized that the Constitution would create a federal system
Eli Whitney
Popularized interchangeable parts; Was an ingenious young N. Englander
Intolerable Acts
Coercive Acts and Quebec Act combined; Called this in the colonies
Battle of King's Mountain
Turning point in the South; Farmers, furious with British treatment, organized their own forces
Owned the S's larger plantations
John Paul Jones
American naval officer commanded the Bonhomme Richard; defeated British in battle
Hostility toward foreigners
Era of Good Feelings
A time when Americans' loyalty to the US overrode their historical identity with the state or region
Letters of Marque
Licenses to private ship owners, authorizing them to attack British merchant ships
Jay's Treaty
Agreed that Britain had the right to seize cargo bound for French ports; Jay failed to get compensation for American merchants whose goods had been seized; In return, British gave the US most-favored nation status
Most-favored nation
American merchants weren't discriminated against when they traded with Britain
Yeoman farmers
Ordinary farmers; Made up majority of white population
Checks and balances
System preventing one branch from becoming too powerful
Urged people to overcome the limits of their minds and let their souls reach out to embrace the beauty of the universe
John C. Calhoun
Representative from S. Carolina who introduced a bill proposing the 2nd bank of the US
Group of advisers to President
Spoils system
Practice of appointing to government jobs of the basis of party loyalty and support
William Howe
British general who led an estimated 32,000 men
French and Indian War
Between English and French; Wanted dominance in Europe; 3 major wars; Conflict spilled all over US and ended with the Treaty of Paris
Henry Clay
Managed the vote of the House of Representatives on the Missouri Compromise
Dorothea Dix
Led efforts to have prisons enact sweeping prison reforms and creating special institutions for the mentally ill
Indian removal act
Provided money for relocating Native Americans
Horace Mann
Massachusetts legislature; Leader of the public education movement; Wanted more public education and backed bill creating state board of ed.
Judicial branch
System of federal courts; Interpret/render judgment in cases that involve those laws
Separation of powers
Separated the power between the 3 federal government
Favorite son
Men who enjoyed the support of leaders from their own state and region
Economic slowdown
Virginia Plan
Proposed getting rid of the Articles of the Confederation and creating a new national government with power to make laws binding upon the states and to raise its own money through taxes
Moderation in the consumption of alcohol
Francis C. Lowell
Opened a series of mills in NE Massachusetts that used machinery he built after touring British textile mills; Introduced mass production of cotton cloth to the US
National Road
Major E to W road
Person willing to take risk in hopes for future financial gain
Freedom from enslavement
Corrupt bargain
An illegitimate bargain between politicians
Theory that states have the right to declare a federal law invalid
War with France; Undeclared war at sea; French had begun stopping American ships and seizing their goods; This led them to call war against France; Adams sent Pickney, Gerry and Marshall to negotiate; US called the French effort to get bribes the XYZ Affair
John Marshall
Chief justice of the US; Served as chief justice for 34 years; More responsible than any other justice for making the supreme court into a powerful, independent branch of the federal government
American Antislavery Society
Founded by Garrison; People against Slavery
Treaty of Paris
Ended French and Indian War; Eliminated French power in N. America; New France-part of British empire
Benevolent society
Associations that focused on combating social problems
Guerrilla warfare
Ambushed and then disappeared; Hid in trees and behind walls
American Colonization
Founded by antislavery reformers to move African Americans back to Africa
Force Bill
Authorizes the president to use the military to enforce acts of congress
The freeing of all enslaved people
Writ of assistance
General search warrants that enabled customs officers to enter anywhere and look for signs of smuggling
Three-Fifths Compromise
Worked as a solution over population including/not including slaved since they couldn't vote; Every 5 slaves in a state would count as 3 people when it came to determining representation and taxes
Paper notes promising to repay money after a certain amount of time with interest
Declaration of Independence
Declared by a committee; Declared themselves as the United States of America; Beginning of American Revolution
Acted as the director of the work gang; Often were enslaved themselves; Chosen for their loyalty or willingness to work
John C. Calhoun
Nation's VP and resident of S. Carolina; Torn between upholding country's policies and helping his fellow Carolinians; Put forth idea of nullification
Philosophy that agriculture and owning land is the backbone of the economy
Kinache Adam-Onis Treaty
Finalized the W border of the Louisiana Purchase along Texas' Sabine and Red Rivers; Spain gave Florida to the US
Gang system
Enslaved persons were organized into work gangs that labored from sunup to sundown
A legalized form of kidnapping that forced people into the military
Slave code
Forbade enslaved men/women from owning property or leaving a slaveholders premises without permission
Caucus system
System used to select presidential candidates
The idea that slavery had to be ended gradually
Washington's farewell address
Warned Americans against sectionalism-to avoid dividing N against S or E against W; cautioned them against political parties and becoming attached to foreign nations
Shay's rebellion
Erupted when the governor of Massachusetts decided to raise taxes instead of issuing paper money to payoff debt; Shays and some farmers attacked arsenal; 4 died; troops arrived next day to end it
Judicial review
The power to decide whether laws passed by congress were constitutional and to strike down those that are not
John Trumbull
American painter during the Revolution; Portrayed heroic deeds/leaders of the Revolution
Bank of the United States
Had paper money; National currency; Promoted trade and commerce; Kept for 20 years
Virginia Statute
Declare Virginia no longer had an official church, so couldn't collect taxes for church
Joseph Smith
N. Englander living in W New York; Preacher Mormon ideas claiming to have been called to restore the church to its original form
money loses value over time
Ideal society
Quadruple Alliance
Group of European countries; Great Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia; Wanted to suppress movements against monarchies in Europe; Raised the possibility of helping Spain regain control of its overseas colonies
Samuel F.B. Moore
American inventor who began work of the telegraph and developed the Morse code for sending messges
Site of battle where Americans were victorious; turning point in war; Improved morale and convinced France to commit troops to American's cause
Robert Fulton
On the boat, Clermont, that went 150 miles up the Hudson River from NY to Albany in just 32 hours which made river travel more reliable
Party formed by Catholics opposing immigrants; AKA the American party
Advocated feeling over reason, inner spirituality over external rules, the individual over society and nature over environments made by humans
Theory that a state should be able to intervene between the federal government and the people to stop an illegal action
Boston Tea Party
men dumped chests of tea in protest to the Tea Act; Dumped into Boston harbor
Popular sovereignty
Rule by the people instead of a direct democracy
Tariff of 1789
Required importers to pay a percentage of the value of their cargo when they landed in the US; Also had to pay tonnage; Angered Southerners because of slave trade
Taxes on imported goods by some US states
Lyman Beecher
Prominent minister; Insisted that citizens should take charge of building a better society
Industrial Revolution
Began in Britain; Consisted of many basic improvements; Manufacturing shifted from hand tools to large, complex machines; Skilled artisans gave way to workers, organized by specific tasks and often unskilled; manufacturers sold their wares nationwide instead of locally
Revenue Tariff
Provided income for the federal government
Believed British were tyrants
Rejecting acts of Congress; done by president
Enumerated powers
Powers specifically mentioned by the Constitution
Executive branch
Headed by the president; Enforces Congress' laws
Second Continental Congress
Congress that appointed George Washington as commander in chief; Met in Philadelphia
System of government that divided the power of the government by federal and state government
Panic of 1837
Many banks and businesses failed; Farmers lost their land and unemployment went up; VanBuren did little about the crisis
William Clark
Younger brother of a Revolutionary war hero; Also chosen to lead expedition
William Lloyd Garrison
Founded Boston's antislavery newspaper and wrote caustic attacks on slavery
Charles Willson Peale
American painter who portrayed heroic deeds during battle; Fought at Trenton and Princeton; Known for portraits of Washington and other Patriot leaders
Daniel Webster
From Massachusetts; Confronted Robert Hayne on the floor of the Senate; May have been the best orater of his day; Ferocious defender of the Union
Accuse formally the President of misconduct; Could accuse any other high official in the executive branch
Protective Tariff
Designed to nurture American manufacturers by taxing imports to drive up their prices
Changes to the constitution; They were difficult to be adopted to keep the government changing constantly
Cotton Gin
Quickly and efficiently combed the seeds out of cotton balls
Labor Union
Workers joined together hoping to improve working conditions
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Active in the anti-slavery movement; Organized the Seneca Falls Convention
Prisons who's purpose was to reform prisoners
Nat Turner
Enslaved minister who thought God had chosen him to bring his people out of bondage; Killed more than 50 white people before troops brought them down; Tried and hung
Tariff of Abomination
Tariff causing many S. Carolinians to threaten to secede
Incitement to rebellion
Customs duty
tax on imports and exports
Candidates criticized eachother's personalities and morals
Denmark Vesey
Free African American who operated a woodworking shop in Charleston and was accused of planning an armed revolt to free the region's slaves; Tried, convicted and hanged

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