Military Drills
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- Type of command that indicates the movement to be executed, such as "Right".
- Preparatory command
- Type of command that causes the desired movement to be executed, such as "FACE".
- Command of execution
- Stand straight, feet at 45 degree angle, hands at sides, thumbs aligned on seam of trouser, fingers curled.
- Attention
- Bring left foot out to shoulder width apart, hand joined at small of back, right over left, palms facing away from you.
- Parade Rest
- You may relax move about, but not move right foot, you can not talk.
- At Ease
- You may relax and move about, but not move right foot, you can talk
- Rest
- You can break ranks but must remain close by.
- Fall Out
- Return to your place in ranks & come to Attention.
- Fall In
- Raise right hand, bend at elbow, until tip of forefinger touches lower part of cover or forehead just above & right of right eye.
- Hand Salute
- Command given to recover from Hand Salute
- Ready Two
- Raise right heel and left toe slightly, turn 90 degrees to the left, bring right heal smartly along side left heal, stand at Attention.
- Left Face
- Raise left heel and right toe slightly, turn 90 degrees to the right, bring right heal smartly along side left heal, stand at Attention.
- Right Face
- Place your right toe about 6 inches behind & just to the left of your left heal; turn smoothly to the right untill you are facing to the rear.
- About Face
- All squad members except the flank member, turn their heads, look & align themselves to the right. Also each except flank member lifts arm shoulder high
- Dress Right, Dress
- Full arms length apart for Dress Right, Dress movement, with arm held shoulder high
- Normal Interval (with Dress Right, Dress)
- Placing left hand on hip for Dress Right, Dress movemement, with elbow held out
- Close Interval (with Dress Right, Dress)
- When members return arms to side, back to Attention, after alignment is complete.
- Ready Front
- Grab cover with both hands & place firmly on head; drop only left hand; at command of "two" drop right hand to side in direct manner.
- Cover Two
- Raise right hand and grab brim of cover; at command of "two" lift cover, return hand to side in direct manner.
- Uncover Two