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scientific revolution terms


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Corpernicus quote
"for in this most beautiful temple who would place this lamo in another or better position than that from which it can light up the whole thing at the same time?"
William Harvey
He was physician to James I and Charles I; he also figured out that the heart works like a pump and not through invisible pores
"The Elements of Philosophy"
A swiss alchemist; he worked as a doctor but he explored alchemy; he believed all matter was composed of salt sulfur and mercury and this refuted the idea of the four elements of earth; he did not believe in inbalances in Galens humors, and instead of bloodletting and sweating he promoted individual chemicals for each case to be prescribed
Inventions to lower class
Lighting rod, stove
Study of metals in order to find their essence through purification
Use of the writings of Plato to further develop ideas about modern science
Wrote On the Evolution of the Heavenly Spheres
Copernicus wrote
1473-1543; he believed the simplest explanation was best and if eccentric circles and epicircles were false then there was a lot of uneccesary explanation. He believed the sun was the center of the universe
Charles V's physician; he published the first anatomical drawings; he wrote Concering the Fabric of the Human Body the same year Copernicus published
"Discourse on Method"
Written by Descartes
Sir Isaac Newton
He invented calculus and wrote Mathematical Principle of Natural Philosophy and he came up with the three laws of motion: an object at rest stays at rest, changes in proportion are proportional to force, and for every reaction there is an opposite reaction
A mystical science used to predict events from the combination of numbers
Confirmed keplers calculations with observations; perfected microscope and telescope that was used at sea; he posed a law of inertia; his daughter was a nun and he went blind and he wrote A Dialogue Between the Two Great Systems of the World; he was disheartened by the church and forced to repress his ideas
The Skeptical Chemist
Robert Boyle wrote
Van Leevwenhoeck
He first observed blood cells in human tissue and bacteria within his teeth; he wrote a paper to the English Society; he was a cloth merchant
Scientific revolution
A period of new scientific inquiry, experimentation, and discovery that resulted in a new understanding of the universe; it occurred in the 17th-18th centuries
Tycho Brahe
Built conservatory; discovered nova; all planets except earth revolve around sun and sun and other planets around a fixed earth; he constructed the most accurate math tables to date
Sir Francis Bacon
Wrote The Advancement of Learning; he proposed a scientific method through inductive empirical experimentation where decisions were made on your own data and record everything
John Dee
Translated Euclid into English; Euclid wrote "Elements of Philosophy"
The French Academie des Sciences
20 salaried scientists and students representing the different stages of scientific learning; they met biweekly ; during Louis XIV
Brahe student; discovered planets orbit in elliptical motion and found relationship between speed and distance from sun
Concerning the Farbric of the Human Body
Vaslius wrote
Live your life through the stars; the study of the influence of the stars on human behavior
English Royal Society
Founder under Charles II; where Newton first made his discoveries public; faculty made close ties with Royal Navy and merchants
Jesuit with a law degree; he mathematically proved Galileo's work; he wrote Discourse on Method; "I think therefore I am" ; he realized the imperfectability of man
Science and god coexist
Robert Boyle
A former physician of the Royal Court; he looked for a further purpose for chemistry; he wrote The Skeptical Chemist where he attacked Aristotelian and Paracelsus theorys and he rejected the four humors and three principles and he instead favored an atomic principle; he formulated a relationship between volume and pressure and created the air pump

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