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semester one final 08


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written by virgil----the founding of Rome
Ivan the Great
first dominate russian ruler; increased land size for russians
english bill of rights
signed by william and mary; led to "limited monarchy"; gave more power to parliament; part of glorious revolution
sculptures: David and The Pieta; also painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
greek city state
concordant of worms
treaty that allowed only churches would select bishops (solved problem of lay investiture)
5 Pillars of Islam
declartation of faith, alms, prayer, ramadan, hajj
johnnes kepler
proved that planets move in ellipses--helped prove copernicus's theory of a helio-centric universe
developed lever and pulley
Law of Nations
laws in rome that protected everyone....not just citizens
one ruler during times of war in Rome
created own style of art based on christianity; "School of Athens" and "The Madonna"
began the work of studying matter and building blocks, etc; essentially world's first chemist
free resident.....particularly in greece
james ii
strong catholic; brother of charles II; eventually fled to france because of parliament did not like his religious beliefs--led to glorious revolution
dutch east india company
powerful company that controlled trade in SE asia; the company had soveriegn powers (build armies; tax, etc)
originally a pagan worship place; muhammad destroyed idols and dedicated it to Allah
5th pillar of islam; pilgrimmage to mecca that each muslim should do once during life
early greek people...good sailors....fought trojans in trojan war
papal supremacy
when popes declared themselves the highest authority on earth---angered kings, etc
Summa Theologica
written by thomas aquinas---said faith and reason can coexist
hammurabi's code
first set of laws WRITTEN...bablyon
banish from society...particurly in Greece
towers and temples dedicated to gods...sumerian
Henry VIII
tudor king of England; fathered edward vi, mary tudor, and elizabeth; broke away from catholic church when pope would not annul his marriage with Catherine
job specialization
people doing specific jobs...component of civilization
group of soldiers for Rome
ivan the terrible
first tzar, centralized royal power--led to absolutism for all future tsars
neolithic revolution
change from nomadic life to farming life
invented the printing press; enabled books, etc to be spread throughout the world quickly
Akbar the Great
Mughal empire leader--opened govt jobs to all, encouraged toleration
blind poet who wrote Iliad and Odyssey
muslim house of worship
philosopher who founded stoicism--high morals and equality
implemented democracy in Athens
treaty of verdun
split charlemagne's empire between his 3 grandson's
originally a jew, converted to christianity and spread it all over mediterranean
invented first microscope
hagia sofia
church rebuilt by justinian; spectacular dome; in istanbul; converted to mosque
jane seymour
3rd wife of henry viii; mother of henry viii's only son: edward vi
afonso de albuquerque
portuguese; set up portuguese trading posts in east indies and india....helped lay foundation for portuguese dominance in SE asia during 1500's
Ibn Sina
persian doctor--wrote book on medicines and treatment
william and mary
became rulers of england during glorious revolution after james II fled; signed English Bill of Rights; were protestant (not catholic); came from netherlands
Diet of Worms
assembly when martin luther was pressured to recant his beliefs----he refused---and was excommunicated
invented first telescope;also helped prove copernicus's theory; looked at the moons of jupiter; threatened with excommunication unless he recanted his beliefs
anne boleyn
2nd wife of henry viii; mother to elizabeth; strong supporter of english reformation; executed for treason
"discovered" gravity; invented calculus
muslims who believed the caliph should be a relative of muhammad
leader of the church in the Byzantine empire....similar to pope for catholics
oliver cromwell
leader of roundheads during english civil war; led roundheads to victory--very disciplined; was a puritan; became leader of "The Commonwealth"; outlawed taverns, theatres, etc.
nasty ruler of bablyon---rebuilit babylon including hanging gardens of babylon
muslim; reached god through prayer and meditation
manor system
small villages made up of peasants that worked land (feudalism), serfs were tied to land, land owned by vassals
temple of Athena in Athens
benedictine rule
regulates monastery life; obedience, poverty, chastity
declared the sun was the center of the universe---unique because everyone believed ptolemy and aristotle (earth was center of universe)
leonardo da vinci
artist, poet, inventor; painted Mona Lisa, Last Supper; did drawings of planes and subs well before invented
edward vi
son of henry viii and jane seymour; king at 9; ruled as protestant; made book of common prayer; otherwise a weak ruler
Peace of Augsburg
allowed princes in germany to decide which religion (catholicism or lutheran) to be dominant in their land
medici family
controlled city of Florence;
golden mean
aristotle's pursuit
muslim leader....considered a successor of muhammad
glorious revolution
bloodless change of power from james ii to william and mary; implemented by parliament
one of first forms of writing;
divine comedy
written by Dante Alighieri--discusses a journey through hell and purgatory
sir thomas more
humanist, believed in "utopia"; executed when he would not support Henry VIII's break from Catholic church
lower class Romans
spanish; first to circumnavigate the world; died on the trip; named the pacific ocean
james i
first stuart monarch; catholic leader; fought with parliament cause he was catholic and he believed in divine right
wrote a guide for rulers, "The Prince'; rulers shouldn't be nice---they should get the job done
lord mccartney
british guy who tried to open up trade with china; unsuccessful; both china and he were arrogant and did want to give into other's demands
phillip II
absolute monarch of spain; 4 wives including mary tudor of england; extremely catholic; built spanish armada; hated elizabeth of england; defended catholicism; built escorial; extremely hard working leader
prince henry
sponsored exploration for portugal; hoped to help convert to others to christianity; never actually sailed very far
emperor of Rome; tried to fix empire by dividing it into 2
muslim bible
portuguese explorer; first to sail around the cape of Good Hope; led to many others sailing to Asia
95 Thesis
written by martin luther; compaints against catholic church; posted on a church door in wittenburg; led to Protestant reformation
govenment with elected representatives....first done in Rome
henry II's common law
legal system based on custom...led to royal court system....applied to EVERYONE (this was new)
"bribe' accepted by church leaders that would diminish time catholics spent in purgatory--luther hated them---led to protestant reformation
early christian church leader; Bishop of Hippo; developed concept of original sin
upper class Romans
code of conduct for knights during Middle Ages
francis xavier
jesuit priest who helped open up japan to christianity
humanist...assembled library of greek and roman literature....helped lead to Renaissance
advisor and wife to Justinian---pursued own policies not his
cultural diffusion
blending of cultures via trade, war, and....
homer's poem about the trojan war
rosetta stone
black stone that allowed decoding heiroglyphics
charles i
son of james I; signed petition of right, but then ignored it for years; eventually found guilty of treason and murder; executed by his own people trial
holiest city for Muslims; kaaba located there; Muhammad's birthplace
Catherine of Aragon
1st wife of henry viii; strong catholic; did not bear son for henry viii, so he divorced her for anne boleyn
system of rule in Europe in middles ages...helped with protection of all....both political and economic
carthangian general who led army and elephants to rome through alps
"holy war" for muslims; usually fought to defend islam....dying in a jihad means direct path to heaven
fought english civil war against cavaliers; oliver cromwell was leader; middle class members of parliament
daugher of anne boleyn and henry viii; ruled as protestant; queen of england; elizabethan settlement allowed for a peaceful religious time after long tumultuous time
mary Tudor
determined to return england to catholicism (after brother edward was protestant); killed many non-catholics in england; one of Phillip II's 4 different wives; daugher of henry viii and catherine of aragon
followers of charles I during English Civil War; wealthier, upper class citizens
hellenistic astronomer and mathmatician---proposed world was centered around earth
suleiman the magnificient
ottoman ruler; extended muslim lands, tried to get into europe--unsuccessful; still ruled the largest empire in the world at the time
head of the Roman Catholic Church...leader of the Bishops...lives in Vatican City
Plato's Republic
book about how to govern and live life....favored monarchy
effects of black death
cost of labor went up; 1/3 of population; prices went up
also known as yathrib; muhammad fled to here for safety from Mecca; 2nd holiest city to muslims
spanish trading post in SE asia; stored gold and silver here from new world to trade with china
louis xiv
absolute monarch of france; believed in divine right; built versailles; lived very extravagantly; fought many wars for france and catholicism; revoked the Edict of Nantes
studied human anatomy; first to detail the human structure
first Holy Roman Emperor, kept diligent records, appointed officials to rule parts of land, emphasized education
greek; father of history--wrote "persian wars"
agricultural product that helped soil replenish nutrients...helped in the production of more food
golden horde
mongolian armies that controlled Russia and attacked europe
capital of Eastern Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire; major port and city on trade routes
"da vinci of the north"; artist, etc---helped spread the ideas of the renaissance to northern europe
high city...partenon is on the acropolis
center of hellenistic world...named after Alexander the Great
portuguese trading post in SE china
spanish armada
fleet of spanish ships (130 ships; 20000 men); goal was overwhelm and destroy england; unsuccessful due to weather; began the decline of spanish power
vasco de gama
portuguese explorer: first to sail to india by going around the Cape of Good Hope; established portuguese trading posts in India; led to much wealth for portuguese
mediterranean civilization---good sailors/traders--invented first alphabet
greek; physician; established doctor's oath called hippocratic oath
muslims who believe the caliph could be any muslim---not a relative of muhammad
byzantine ruler--put together book of laws (justinian's code) and tried to regain the glory of rome for byzantine empire
chief christian apostle----first pope
charles ii
son of charles I; reestablished church of england after commonwealth; followed petition of right unlike his father
missi domenici
Charlemagne's officials who handed out rulings, checked on roads, and made sure things went well
wrote Aeneid
highest greek god
charles martel
grandfather of charlemagne, rallied/led christian/frankish troops against Muslims at Battle of Tours
ignatius loyola
founded the jesuit order of catholic priests---part of the catholic reformation which rebutted the protestant reformation

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