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Science final


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In the U.S ____ are responsible for much of the make up of smog
sulfuric acid
Acid rain is created when emmisions from coal burning power plants combine with moisture to form ____ _____
some marine animals use the calcium is water to form _____
currents on the western coasts of continents are usually _____ because they are near the poles
non-point source pollution
polution that enters a body of water from a large area is called __________
line connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure
in a cold front the cold air sinks underneath the warm air, in a warm front a warm air mass meets a cold air mass and the less dense air goes above the more dense air
what is the difference between a warm front and a cold front
humid areas
acid rain is more of a problem in ______
point source pollution
pollution that enters the water from a specific location
Mediterranean intermediate waters
dense water from the mediterranean reaches the atlantic it flows to depth of 1,000m to 2,000m forming the ________
most currents south of the equator turn _____
________ deals with moral values about what is good or bad
soft brown coal made from peat is called ________
the horozontal difference between the crests or troughs of two adjacent waves is called ______
some of the substance dissolved in seawater come from _______
particulate matter
consists of fine solids and liquid droplets
when vertical circulation brings deep cold water to the surface
thick puffy clouds are called ______ clouds
in a wave only the ______ moves forward
some coal contains high amounts of ________
the Coriolis affect cause most currents North of the equator to turn to the _____
what is the use of knowledge to make or produce tools
What is an educated guess or statement that can be tested
a __________ forecasts the weather using data collected from many sources
natural gas
what forms is a gaseous state under similar conditions as oil
the density of seawater is affected by temperature and ________
wall cloud
tornadoes form from a type of cumulonimbus cloud called a ____ _____
as a water wave approaches the shore the wave hieght ________
Newton's observations about motion are examples of scientific ______
using old materials to make new ones is known as ___________-
sea level
as the trough of a wave thousands of kilometers long approaches the shore ______ _____ seems to drop
a _______ forms where cold and warm air masses meet
large enough amount of a mineral that it can be mined for a profit
low layered, gray clouds that produce drizzle are called ________ clouds
human waste that goes into drains is called __________
scientists THINK that the water in the ocean is water vapor released by _________ into the atmosphere
Air mass
A ________ is a large body of air that has the same properties as Earth's surface over which it developes
In 1850 Joseph Henry secretary of the smithsonian institution started drawing ______
the lowest point of the wave is called the _____
millions of drops of water suspended in the sky
high tide
occurs when the crest of a wave thousands of kilometers long approaches the shore
when the sun, the moon and the earth form a right angle we have _______- tides
what is a waste rock that must be removed before a mineral can be used
diplomats from around the world have focused on eliminating the use of __________
a process of observing, studying and thinking about things to gain knowledge
tropical seas
Hurricanes form over __________
a chemical proccess that removes unwanted elements from the metal being processed
low pressure systems
One place where ________ form is along fronts
solar, wind, geothermal
give three examples of inexhaustible energy
the air's sinking motion makes it difficult for air to rise and clouds to form
high pressure generally means good weather, because _________
raindrops that pass through a layer of freezing air near the ground become _______
wave height
as a wave slows and its crest and trought move closer together the ___ ______ increases
sodium and chloride
most of the salt in seawater is made up of ______ & _____
relative humidity
what is the measure of the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount needed for saturation
surface current
water that moves parralel to earth's surface is a _____
the present state of the atmosphere
a combination of smoke and fog is called _____
the interaction of air, water and _______ results in weather
Earth's rotation
the Coriolis effect is caused by _______
gravitational pull
tides are caused by a giant wave produced by _______ ___________
tidal range
the difference between the level of the ocean at high tide and at low tide is called the ________
stratus clouds that form near the ground
non-renewable resources
resources used faster than the Earth can replenish them are called _______
photochemical smog
a brown smog formed with the aid of sunlight is called ________
what is a factor in an experiment that can change
a boundary formed by two colliding air masses
Scientific _________ explains what will happen, but not why
a build up of positive and negative charges in clouds
Lightning results from ________
sulfurous smog
burning fossil fuels in electrical power plants helps create
surface currents
currents that are powered by wind are called ____
they follow the scientific method and never let personal bias affect the outcome of the experiment
How do scientists deal with ethics in their jobs
a line that connects points of equal temperature is an _______
station model
weather information collected by meteorologists at specific locations
scientific theory explains why something happens, scientific law just states that it will happen
what is the difference between scientific theories and scientific laws
scientific method
problem solving by following steps to draw a conclusion is known as the __________ ______
fossil fuels
coal, oil and natural gas that are formed from decaying plants over millions of years are called
if you see breakers, you know you are looking at waves near ____
air pressure
great masses of air molecules pushing down from above
violent whirling wind associated with thunderstorms
burning fossil fuels
one cause of air pollution is _______
surface currents distribute ______ from equatorial regions to other areas of Earth
National Weather Service
In 1970 in the U.S. the Weather Bereau was renamed the __________ _________ __________
in circles
how do water wave particles move
gravitational force
tides are essentially the result of _______ ______-
what are compounds containing hydrodgen and carbon atoms
violent storms generally form along _______ fronts
methane hydrates
stable molecules that contain carbons and are formed below sea level under low temperature and high pressure is called
fertilizers and pesticides
farms often pollute water through the use of __________
the highest clouds are known as _______
sunlight reacts with waste gases to form _____
salt may be removed from seawater in ____
observations and experiments
Scientists use what to find answers to problems
What instrument is used to measure air pressure
Dependant variable
the variable being measured is the _______ _______
North Atlantic deep water
Dense, cold water around, Norway, Greenland and labrador sink to the sea floor and form the lower layer of the _______
a violent, whirling wind that moves in a narrow path over land is called a ______
independant variable
the variable that changes is the __________ ________
What are the variables that do not change in an experiment
radio active waste
what is one of the disadvantages of nuclear energy
a person who studies weather
lungs, blood and eyes
air pollution affects people's _____
high, white feathery clouds associated with fair weather are ______ clouds
personal opinion that may affect experiments
the oceans (supposedly) originally formed from water vapor that condensed, fell as rain and then collected in _______
drift mining
the removal of coal that is not close to earth's surface through a horozontal opening in the side of a hill or mountain is called
the air near the ground cools to it's dew point
water droplets can form on surfaces at night when the air is clear because _______
dew point
the temperature at which air is saturated and condensation begins is know as the _______
the highest tides are ______ tides
when air holds all the water vapor it possibly can, we say it's _____
they form under similar conditions
how are tornadoes and thunderstorms related
what is a layer of organic sediment
density currents spread out ______ along the sea floor
Weather instruments such as the thermometer and the anemometer were invented in the ________ in Italy
the density of seawater can be increased by a _________ in temperature
warm, moist
an air mass that forms off the south east coast of the U.S is __________
line connecting points of equal temperature
Biomass energy is derived from burning organic materials such as wood, garbage and ______
what is the most abundant fossil fuel in the world
a ph scale, an acid or a base
a measure of the strength of acid can be obtained by using
isobars connect points of equal atmospheric pressure, isotherms connect points of equal temperature
what is the difference between isobars and isotherms
what is a standard to which experimental results can be compared
bacteria, runnoff from mines, oil and gasoline
water pollutants include _______
putting scrubbers on power plants
air pollution can be controlled by ____________
when moisture condenses and falls to the ground as rain, snow, sleet or hail we are enperiencing _______
density current
when more dense seawater sinks under less dense seawater a ____ forms
damage to buildings and forests
a consequence of acid rain is
blocking off air circulation
mountains can contribute to smog by __________
use public transportation
a way for individuals to reduce air pollution is to ________
at higher temperatures air can hold ______ moisture than at lower temperatures

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