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Japans 72


undefined, object
copy deck
ehagaki (絵葉書)
a picture postcard
egoisuto (エゴイスト)
an egoist
doyō (土曜)
Saturday, Sat.
ee (ええ)
yes; Well, Let me see; Eh?, What?
dowasure suru (度忘れする)
to forget (for the moment), to slip from one's memory
earobikusu (エアロビクス)
Ebisugao (恵比須顔)
a smiling/beaming face [-> 笑顔]
eiga (映画)
a motion picture, a moving picture, a movie, a film, a picture, [Collectively] the movies, the cinema
eichi (英知)
wisdom, intellect
dōzokugaisha (同族会社)
a family partnership, an affiliated concern
Ei-Futsu no (英仏の)
Ei-Bei no (英米の)
Eibungakusha (英文学者)
a scholar of English literature
eiga ni deru (映画に出る)
to appear on the screen
Eibun de (英文で)
in English
Edo (江戸)
Yedo, Edo
Edokko (江戸っ子)
a (native) Tokyoite
eien no (永遠の)
eternal, everlasting, immortal
egaku (描く)
to draw, to picture, to sketch; to make a picture; to depict, to describe; to picture a thing to oneself, to imagine
eirotanchō (嬰ロ短調)
B sharp minor
ebi de tai o tsuru (海老で鯛を釣る)
to throw a sprat to catch a herring/mackerel/whale
doyō (土用)
midsummer, the dog days
eigakai (映画界)
the cinema world, the screen world, filmdom
doyomeku (どよめく)
[聴衆が] to be stirred, [事が] to make a stir, to ring, to resound
ego (エゴ)
the ego; egoism
dozoku (土俗)
local customs
eigasutā (映画スター)
a movie star, a film star
ebi (海老)
a lobster, a prawn, a shrimp
eakon (エアコン)
an air conditioner, air conditioning
eiei toshite (営々として)
strenuously, assiduously, [to work] hard, like a bee
e (絵)
a picture, a drawing, a painting, a sketch, an illustration
echiketto (エチケット)
etiquette, [食事の] table manners
doyadoya (どやどや)
in a crowd, noisily
efude (絵筆)
a paintbrush
e o kaku (絵をかく)
to draw/paint a picture
Eibun (英文)
English (writing)
e no yōna (絵のような)
dōzō (銅像)
a bronze statue
dōzokukekkon (同族結婚)
eguru (抉る)
to scoop out, to gouge, [心を] to pierce
e (柄)
[道具の] a handle, [櫂の] a grasp, a crank, a haft, [パイプの] a stem
dōzoku (同族)
the same family, the same tribe
eiga o mi ni yuku (映画[を見]に行く)
to go to the movies/cinema
ebichairo (海老茶色)
reddish brown
eigakantoku (映画監督)
a director
eigasai (映画祭)
a film festival
Ebisu (恵比須)
the god of wealth
Eibungakushi (英文学史)
a history of English literature
eirochōchō (嬰ロ長調)
B sharp major
doyasu (どやす)
to beat, to drub; to roar, to thunder, to scold, to call down
egoizumu (エゴイズム)
doyomeki (どよめき)
a stir [among the audience]
eigakyakuhon (映画脚本)
a scenario
Eborashukketsunetsu (エボラ出血熱)
Ebola hemorrhagic fever
e (餌)
food, feed, [釣の] a bait, a prey
ei (鱏)
a ray
ehon (絵本)
a picture book, an illustrated book
Eibunpō (英文法)
English grammar
edamame (枝豆)
green soybeans
eiga (栄華)
prosperity, splendour, pomp, glory, luxury
eigakan (映画館)
a cinema theater, a movie house
Eibungakka (英文学科)
a department of English (language and literature)
ei (嬰)
a sharp (#)
eien (永遠)
eternity, immortality
eien ni (永遠に)
eternally, everlastingly, immortally
Eibun ga jōzu de aru (英文が上手である)
to write good English
Eibuntaipu (英文タイプ)
English typing
egao (笑顔)
a smiling/beaming face [-> 恵比須顔]
Eibungaku (英文学)
English literature
dōzuru (動ずる)
to be shaken, to be perturbed, to be upset, to be put off
egokoro ga aru (絵心がある)
to have a taste/talent for painting
eidan o kudasu (英断を下す)
to take a resolute step, to take drastic measures
egatai (得難い)
hard to get, difficult to obtain
doyadoya oshikakeru (どやどや押しかける)
to throng
eda (枝)
a branch, a bough, a twig, a spray
doyōnami (土用波)
high waves in midsummer
eibinna (鋭敏な)
keen, acute, sharp, [神経が] sensitive, clever
efuemuhōsō (エフエム放送)
an FM broadcast, a Frequency Modulation broadcast
dōzo (どうぞ)
please, pray, I beg; by all means

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