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the use of psychological techniques and prinicples for treatment
Biomedical Therapy
treatments to reduce or eliminate SYMPTOMS of psychological disorders by altering the way an individual's body (brain) functions
Anti-Anxiety Drugs
(tranquilizers) makes you less excitable and more tranquil
symptoms: extreme stress, anxiety, or problems sleeping
side effects: fatigue, drowsiness, motor-impairment
extended use can cause dependancy
ex: Xanax & Valium
used to regulate mood
3 types:
MAO inhibitors
increase particular neurotransmitters like norepinephrine 7 seratonin
- works on 60-70% of all depressed ppl
- takes 2-4 weeks to start working
side effects: restlessness, fainting, trembling
ex: Elavil
SSRI's (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor)
keeps seratonin form leaving the synapse where it can excite the neurons
ex: prozac
MAO Inhibitors
they are toxic to your body
-Dietary restrictions
ex: Nardil
used for bi-polar patients- keeps you from reaching the extremes of emotion
Anti-Psychotic drugs
diminish agitated behavior, reduce tension, decrease hallucinations & delusions, improve social behavior & producs better sleep patterns
- it is an inhibitor- blocks dopamine
- used for severely mentally disordered patients esp. schizophrenics
ex: clozapine & thorazine
side effect: tardive dyskinesia (twitches, shaking)
Tardive dyskinesia
symptoms like parkinsons disease
-twitching, shaking
Cognitive Therapy
- helping the client reorganize thoughts
- challenge any distortions
used for: depression & phobias

Stimulus- Thought- Emotion
(Cog. therapy)
- thoughts mediate between stimuli and emotions
behavior- thought- emotion
collaborative partners
- client and therapist work together, both have homework
Rational emotive Therapy (REBT)
-Albert Ellis
- we all strive to be happy
- we are all prone to adopting irrational beliefs and behaviors which stand in the way of our happiness
-irrational words
irrational words
should, ought, must...
EXTREME WORDS- lead to sadness 7 guilt
ABC Framework
A- Activating events
B- Beliefs
C- Consequences
A- Activating events
look at actual events and the client's interpretation of them
our evaluations- are they rational or irrational?
C- consequences
emotions, behaviors, and other thoughts
Goal of ABC
disputing irrational beliefs
(ones with major emotional impact)
3 primary insights (REBT):
1)choice involved- concious or unconcious to choose to think rationally or irr.
2)conditions and past do not disturb you, it's your choice how you interpret the past, present, and conditions of your life
3) It's hard work, but you can chage your philosophies and become healthy
Rational Therapy
help clients replace their absolutist philosophies (irr. words)
- all humans are failable- life is not easy
Rational therapy homework
looking at your irrational beliefs and find a more rational way of looking at it
coping mechanism
you end up developing one so you can find and attack irrational beliefs
Behavioral Psychotherapy
1- Behavioral therapy(Classical conditioning)
2- Behavioral modification
(Operant Conditioning)
try to replace undesirable behaviors with more desirable ones
Systematic desensitization
a technique where anxiety may be reduced by counter-conditioning using relaxation- use opposite feeling to unlearn a fear
1) Relaxation
2) Need to construct an anxiety hierarchy
3) pair relaxation w/ anxiety hierarchy
- fear evoking stimuli are presented in one's imagination or live
- the therapist continues to provide fresh anxiety provoking cues as the client becomes calmer
- body brings back calm becuase you must balance out
Assertiveness therapy
modifying maladaptive interpersonal behaviors
step-by- step
relearn how to behave properly (while giving a speech, etc.)
Behav. mod.
Token economy
get a reward based on the number of tokens you recieve for doing something (ex. stickers, stars, etc. are recieved for doing chores)
have to give something that is considered rewarding to the person
Humanistic Therapy
-looks at the whole person
- behav. is connected to self-image and inner feelings
- look at meaning, how we see ourselves
- how we see ourselves
- focus on the "HERE AND NOW"
5 basic humanistic viewpoints
conditions of self- worth
self- actualization
1) a person is more than a sume of their parts as a whole
2)Interpersonal relationships
3)A person is aware of who they are and how they respond to the world
4)WE have free will
5)A person is conciously deliberate
Person- Centered therapy
Catrl Rogers
If certain conditions are present in the attitude of the therapist, than powerful growth will take place in the client
3 things that must be in place in Humanistic therapy
1) genuiness
2) Empathy
3) Unconditional Positive regard
the ability of the therapist to be aware of their own inner experience and allow it to come out in therapy
The therapist must be able to understand what the client is experiencing
Unconditional positive regard
full acceptance and caring for the client
non-judgemental and understanding
Existential Therapy
focuses on finding meaning in your life
- freedom to make choices
- awareness of our individualism
- the threat of meaninglessness
goals of Existential Therapy
1) increasing self- awareness and authentic liviing
2) taking responsibility for and looking at the consequences of your choices
3)finding personal meaning in your life
4) coping with anxiety
5) living in the present
Group Therapy
- a group of clients and 1 or 2 therapists
- one main theme for the group
-focus on interpersonal relationships & interactions
- group members learn from each other
- group leads discussion
-10-15 sessions several yrs
-1-3 hrs. long once every 2 weeks
ex:(prisons, eating dis., grief, support groups)
Family Therapy
Freud & Roger
- the most influential force comtrolling human behavior is internal, subjective beliefs that a subject has about their family
-looks at patterns of interaction & behavior
Open System (fam therapy)
during therapy the family is seen as an open system- triangles w/ in system
1) which parts are interconnected
2)Is it stable?
ex: dad- mom- child interconnected
- can't understand one person without understanding the other parts
goal of triangle
understanding WHAT is happening- can break pattern and form helathier relationships - pos. interaction
- creates an emotional network
- try to change interactions within triangle
-outside factors coming into triangle can create new triangles
- Freud
-min.2 yrs.
1) requires daily visits
2) psychiatrists
3) hardly say aything- only talk to make interpretation
4) lie on couch w/ analyst out of sight
5)say WHATVER comes to mind- free association
-not really used anymore
Psychodynamic therapy
- uses sam principles of understanding mind as psycho ana. diff techniques
1) meet once a week
2) client & therapist sit face to face
3) more communication between the two- "directive"- therapist can guide
- still looking at unconcious motivation
Free association
Say WHATEVER comes to mind- even rambling
client experiences feelings towards the therapist (ex: love, jealousy, anger, hate)
- can cause probs. w/ therapy
- feelings may stem from a past relationship (are brought out)
- feelings have no realtion to the therapist
counter- transference
therapist develops feelings for the client (usually sexual)
anything that interrupts the progress of analysis(ex: being late, missing a session, avoiding particular issues)
- defense mechanism
- usually comes up when you hit a subject that you don't want to talk about
Dream interpretation
unconcious motivations come through in symbols in dreams
1-12 sessions- breif therapy
20 sessions
2 yrs. + bolsters
Drug therapy
Biological treatment in which drugs are perscribed in order to produce specific changes in mood or behavior
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
- for SEVERE or unresponsive depression
- a low voltage electric current is applied to patient's brain for a few miliseconds
- risks of memory impairment and brain damage
-probably increases the supply of neurotransmitters
- very effective method- esp. when nothing else works
cognitive behavioral therapy
help people not be self- defeating
Gestalt Therapy
Talking to a chair

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