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Semester Theater Vocab-exam


undefined, object
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The people (other than the actors)who operate the production
Crew members working on lights, sound, sets or special effects
Stage Manager
Calls allstage cues. Runs show once opening night arrives
Performing together as a company rather than as individuals
The House
Where the audience sits
All senery of production
Part of the stage that extends beyond the curtain towards the audience
Part of the stage that extends beyond the curtain towards the audience
The drape or painted canvas that masks the back of the stage
Fit up
When set and lights are put in there places for a show
Piece of senery made from canvas streched over a wooden frame
The space abover the stage into which senery can be hoisted
Fly In
To bring a set piece or curtian down from fly space
Fly out
To bring a set piece or curtian into fly space and away from the stage
Foot Lights
A row of lights along the front of the stage
Front of house
the frame above the autitorium/stage on which the lights are hung
Get in/get out
to construct set up or dismantle and remove a set
To mark out
Mark a plan of the stage area on the rehearsal floor
To mask
Cut off the view of the audience, perhaps using flats
in the wings or backstage
in view of the audience
The rake
the slope found on a sage which goes upward toward the back of the stage
to strike
to dismantle or remove the set
Plate put in front of a stage light to create an effect with the lighting
Procenium Arch
Frame that surrounds the front or opening of a traditial stage
standard stage with audience in front with wings on sides
Theater in the Round
The audience surrounds the stage
Thrust stage
the audience is seated on three sides of the stage
The actors text
vibration of sound
Placing your Voice
Choosing how far your voice will carry
Placing your voice carefully thru intention and focus
Using the muscles in your face and mouth to say words clearly
Using the muscles in your face and mouth to say words clearly
To go up
forget a line
remind an actor of his lines during a performance/rehearsal
Ad Lib
Inpovise a speech
Physical activities of an actor which reveal his or her character during a performance
Pre-arranged signal that tells the actor or stage manager to proceed with the next action
A speech, spoken to the audience before the play begins
walk down
Curtain call
Peg board
Where actor/crew cheak in wichen they arrive at the theater
make it up as you go along
playing off the audience
being aware of the audiences reaction and tailoring your performace to their response
when an actor is scripted to speack directly to the audience he should choose 3 to for indiv. to spread thruout the audience and speak to them with eye contact
The audience is the final player in any production. The actor must be aware of their attention an speed his lines so the audience can feel the rythum of the scene as well as keep with what is being said. Timing is often demonstrated when an actor must wait for the audience laughter to being to die down.
Rythum of playing a scene
The smallest and most natural unit of a scene. A section of the play in which one character leads or dominates or in which one idea is expressed.
To draw attention to one's self when not appropriate or to block the audiences view of an actor or set piece
Any familliar theatrical custom that is accepted unquestioningly by the audience. An "aside" is an example of a convention.
filling the space in which you are acting by focusing
preparation to discover the many levels of a role
The struggle between opposing ideas, intrests or forces in a play. The exsistance of conflict either external or internal within a character is central to drama
Given Circumstances
Everything you need to take into account when creating your role.
when no physical action occurs;the action occurs inside the performer
text preparation
making artistic choices about the script
moving your character analysis from thinking to feeling. Examining your character by looking at it in many different ways
Spirit Gum
Special glue used to adhere items to skin
the fee paid to the playwright or publisher in return for the right to preform work in public.
a long narrow drape which masks the overhead areas of a proscenium stage, usually hanging in front of each lighting batten to mask the instruments
a tall, narrow drape used to mask the wings on a proscenium stage.
Christopher Marlowe
16th century english playwright and poet. His plays focus on the ambitious, powerful, bombastic hero.
16th century elizabethan playright. Considered the gradest playwright of all time.
french actor/ playwright in the 17th century. performed for king lousi XIV, remembered for making comedy respectable
Henrik Ibsen
19th century noregian playwright. emigrated to italy and became famouse for his vision of pshychological realism.
Anton Chekhov
russian playwright. Most celebrated 19th century russian dramatist known to the west
bertolt brecht
early 20th century german dramatist/poet/director and songwriter. Much of modern theater theory was influenced by his techniques
Helene Weigel
20th century actress. Most famouse for her work with brecht ran the Berliner Ensemble with brecht and continued to do so after his death.
Elenora Duse
Leading italian actress of the late 19th century and an inspiration to stanislavsky
early 20th century russian actor/teacher. Created the stanislavsky approach to acting; looking for the truth of performance within an actor.
stanislaskys greatest pupil and disiple
neil simon
20th century american dramistist top of his profession in the 60is
Dario Fo
20th century italian actor/director/playwright. popular in the 1960's for his focus on satire and farce
Arthur Miller
America's greatest living playwright
Tadashi Suzuki
20th century jabanese director/playwright/ theorist. Experimented with combining eastern techniques with western, replaced test-based theater with actor-basted theater, and used kabuki theater to explore non-stanislavskian acting
Roman clown c.254-184 B.C. who used his characters to satirize daily life.
Pride against the gods. Beliving man is equal to the gods. Comedy was originally developed by the greeks to challenge this feeling.
Procession in ancient greek society where dancers dress in a ridiculous manner to mock those who act self-important
play by moliere, written completely in rhyme.
explores the human struggle to relate to god or fate, or more recently to a predestined psychological pattern of life.
Commedia dell'arte
ancient italian performance style which depends greatly on physical humor and standard characters.
Avant-garde theater
experimental theater that attemps to break new ground. This kind of theater may abandon many of the traditional theatrical elements.
japanese puppet theter. based on kabuki plays
an exaggerated comedy based on broadly humorus usually stock, situations and physical (slapstick) jokes.
Kabuki Theater
National theater of japan (along with noh drama, which predates it) utilizing stylized make-up and scenery and elaborate costumes.

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