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First Semester Glossary Def.


undefined, object
copy deck
the use of force of threats to frighten people or government to change their policies
open door policy
a policy, proposed by the U.S. states in 1899, under which all nations would have equal opportunities to trade in china
the the adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit
a 16th century movement for religious reform, leading to the founding of Christian churches that rejected the pope's authority
an early 19th century movement in art and thought, which focused on emotion and nature rather than reason and society
the belief that people should be loyal mainly to their nation- that is, to the people with whom they share a culture in history-rather than a king or empire
geocentric theory
in the middle ages, the earth-centered view of the universe in which scholars believed that the earth was an immovable object lacked at the center of the universe
factors of production
the resources- including land, labor, and capital that are needed to produce goods and services
a machine for beheading people, used as means of executing people, during the French Revolution
a philosophy based on the idea that people giving meaning to their lives through their choices and actions
a policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially
the right to vote
the politics or reality--the practice of tough power politics without room for idealism
a member of a loosely organized fighting force that makes surprise attacks on enemy occupying his or her country
habeas corpus
a document requiring a prisoner to be brought before a judge so that he can decide whether his/her imprisonment is legal
a land controlled by another nation
the spanish soldiers, explorers, and fortune hunters who took part in the conquest of the americas in the 16th century
the growth of cities and migration of people into them
a Japanese from of poetry consisting of three unrhymed lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables
an economic system in which all means of production-land, mines, factories, railroads, and businesses -are owned by people, private property does not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally
an independent geopolitical unit of people having a common culture and identity
Coup D' Etat
a sudden seizure of political power in a nation
scientific revolution
a major change in European thought, starting in the mid-1500's, in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs
to cancel or set aside
the economic system based on private ownership and the investment of money in business ventures in order to make a profit
great fear
a wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789
the everyday language of people in a region or country
a group of people who, who in 1620, founded the colony of Plymouth in Massachusetts to escape religious persecution in england
home rule
a control over internal matters granted to the residents of a region by a ruling government
sepoy mutiny
an 1857 rebellion of hindu and muslim soldiers against the British in India
a dutch colonist in south america
"sphere of influence"
a foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities
the use of troops or ships to prevent commercial traffic from entering of leaving a city or region
the process of creating a government elected by the people
bill of rights
the first 10 amendments to the US constitution, which protect citizens basic rights and freedoms
in spanish colonial society, a colonist who was born in Latin America to spanish parents
federal system
a system in government in which power is divided between a central authority and a number of individual states
congress of vienna
a series of meetings in 1814-1815, during which the European leaders sought to establish long-lasting peace and security after the defeat of Napolean
emancipation proclamation
a declaration issued by the US president Abraham Lincoln in 1863, stating that all slaves in confederate states were free
a foreign policy based on the consideration of the strategic locations of products of other lands
prejudice against jews
a policy in which a nation forces of encourages a subject people to adopt its institutions and customs
monroe doctrine
a U.S. policy of opposition to European interference in Latin America, announced by President James Monro in 1823
a policy of treating subject people as if they were children, providing for their needs but not giving them rights
in the british empire, a nation, allowed to govern its own domestic affairs
a warrior of Islam
a movement founded in the 1890s to promote the establishment of a jewish homeland in palestine
middle passage
the voyage that brought captured africans to the west indies, and later to North and south america, to be sold as slaves--so called because it was considered the middle leg of the triangular trade
relating to the church of england
continental system
Napolians policy of preventing trade between great britain and continental europe, intended to destroy great britains economy
enlightened despot
an 18th century european monarch who was inspired by enlightenment ideas to rule justly and respect the rights of subjects
the british-controlled portions of India in the years 1757-1947
an economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all
pacific rim
the lands surrounding the Pacific Ocean especially those in Asia
the regions of southeastern europe now occupied by greece, albania, bulgaria, romania, the european part of turkey, and the former republics of yugoslavia
a renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical text and focused on human potential and achievements
industrial revolution- James watt=godfather of IR (James watt also perfected the steam engines)
the shift beginning in England during the 18th century, from making goods by hand to making them by machine
atlantic slave trade
the buying, transporting, and selling of africans for work in the americas
members of the society of Jesus, a roman catholic religious orders founded by Ignatius of Loyola
the theory, proposed by Jeremy Bentham in the late 1700's, that government actions are useful only if they promote the greatest number of people
a direct vote in which a country's people have the opportunity to approve or reject a reposal
checks and balances
measure designed to prevent any one branch of government from dominating others (montesquieu's idea)
a person who leaves his native country for political reasons, like the nobles and other who fled France during the peasant uprisings of the French revolution
Edict of Nantes
a 1898 declaration in which the French king Henry IV promised that Protestants could line in peace and could set up houses in some French cities
"Jewel in the crown"
the british colony of India
Treaty of Tordesillas
a 1494 agreement between portugal and spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the atlantic ocean would belong to spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to portugal
a pardon releasing someone from punishments due for a sin
a member of a polynesian people who settled in New Zealand
catholic reformation
a 16th century movement in which the roman catholic church sought to make changes in response to the protestant reformation
Peace of Augsburg
a 1555 agreement declaring that the religion of each german state would be decided by its ruler
a type of Japanese drama in which music, dance, and mime are used to present stories
theory of evolution
the idea proposed by charles darwin in 1859, that species of plants and animals arise by means of a process of natural selection
the doctrine that god has decided all things beforehand, including which people will be eternally saved
absolute monarchy
a king or queen with unlimited power and seeks to rule society
columbian exchange
the global transfer of plants, animals, and diseasees that appeared during the european colonization of the americas
a person of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry
a government controlled by religious leaders
an adoption of the social, political, or economic institutions of Western--especially European of American--countries
to withdraw formally from an association of alliance
in the Ottoman empire, the policy of taking boys from conquered christian people to be trained as Muslim soldiers
concerned with worldly rather than spiritual matter
divine right
the idea that monarchs are god's representatives on earth and are therefore answerable only to god
triangular trade
the transatlantic trading network along which slaves and other goods were carried between Africa, England, Europe, the west indies, and the colonies in the americas
in spanish colonial society, colonists who were born in Spain
scorched-earth policy
the practice of burning crops and killing livestock during wartime so that the enemy cannot live off the land
favorable balance of trade
an economic situation in which a country sells more goods abroad then it buys abroad
persons of mixed european and african ancestry
in marxist theory, the group of workers who would overthrow the czar and come to rule russia
an imaginary land described by Thomas More in his book Utopia
one of the fenced-in fields created by wealthy british landowners on land that was formerly worked by village farmers
"overlord" or "one with power" title for ottoman rulers during the rise of the ottoman empire
penal colony
a colony of which convicts are sent as and alternative to prison
an economic policy nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought
Opium War
a conflict between Britain and China, lasting from 1839 to 1842, over Britain's opium trade in China
extraterritorial rights
an exemption of foreign residents from the laws of a country
a number of any of the people of australia
Manifest Destiny
the idea, popular among mid-19th century americans, that it was the right and the duty of the US to rule north america from the atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean
a period of European history, lasting from about 1300 to 1600, during which renewed interest in classical culture led to far-reaching changes in art, learning, and views or the world
boer war
a conflict, lasting from 1899 to 1902, in which the boers and the british fought for control of territory in south america
a group of people who sought freedom from a religious persecution in England by founding a colony at Massachusetts Bay in the early 1600s
scientific method
a logical procedure for gathering information about the natural world, in which experimentation and observation are used to test a hypothesis
a member of the elite force of soldiers in the ottoman empire
an 18th century european movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of society
boxer rebellion
a 1900 revolt in china, aimed at ending foreign influence in the country (attempt to drive foreigners out of china)
Balance of Power
a political situation in which no one nation is powerful enough to pose a threat to others
laissez faire
the idea that government should not interfere with or regulate industries and businesses
crop rotation
the system of growing a different crop in a field each year to preserve the fertility of the land
a formal agreement--especially one between the pope and a government, dealing with the control of church affairs
social contract
the agreement by which people define and limit their individual rights, thus creating an organized society of government
Reign of Terror
the period, from mid-1793 to mid-1794, when Maximilien Robespierre ruled France nearly as a dictator and thousands of political figures and ordinary citizens were executed
a philosophy based on the idea that nothing can be known for certain
social darwinism
the application of charles darwin's ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies- particularly as justification for imperialist expansion
heliocentric theory
the idea that earth and other planets revolve around the sun

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