Indian Theater
undefined, object
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- Asvaghosa
- earliest known author of sanskrit drama
- Bhasa
- ealiest significant dramatist- 13 plays
- The vision of Vasavadatta
- Bhasa's play, shorter than the others
- Kalidasa
- Master of sanskrit drama, claims Bhasa as predessor
- Prakrit
- Local lanuage or dialog
- Kuttiyattam
- Theater preformed in Karala, Means "play", "together"
- Natyassastra
- Means "Science of Theater" Most important Indian drama text
- Ramayana
- epic, tells of the abduction of Sita by Ravana
- Mahabharata
- longest single work, epic
- puranas
- historical or semi-historical stories
- Sudraka
- Wrote the Little CLay Cart, his only work, refered to himself in prolog as a king
- Rg Veda
- Veda or recited praise
- Sama Veda
- 3rd veda, ancient core Hindu Scriptures
- Siva
- Destroyer God
- The Little Clay Cart
- One of the acknowledged Masterpieces, written by Sudraka
- Carudatta
- Hero in The Little Clay Cart
- Vasantasena
- Heroine in The little CLay Cart, Is a courtisan and in love with Caradatta
- Samsthanaka
- one of the few villians in Sanskrit Drama, is humorous
- Maitreya
- Companion of Carudatta, loyal to him in the end
- Aryaka
- an escaped prisoner destined to overthrow the king and become king himself
- Brahaman
- The idea of the divine
- srngara
- the erotic Rasa
- Sahrdaya
- audience- someone who responds with their heart
- bhava
- to exist, personal emotion, become Rasa
- Sutradhara
- Stage manager, one versed in the Sutras
- Nepathya
- green room
- vrtti
- mode of moral conduct
- Nataka
- play of love and valor, must have a hero king
- Christina Abubyerfaisly
- Beautiful, curly-headed girl, married to Stephen Byerly and generally obsessed with Star Wars, Diet Coke and Cold stone ice cream cakes
- Julia Clarke
- An enchanting Marketing student who one day wishes to see all of the "World's Biggest Things"
- Bharata
- Wrote the Natyasastra, the name of the son of Dusyanta (Shakuntala), means "an actor"
- Indra
- god who convinced Brahma to create Natyaveda ( drama, veda), inaugerated the first play
- Brahma
- Creator God, was convinced by Indra to create drama
- Kshatriya
- 2nd caste of Hindu system, a member of the kightly or military order, considered to be the Arya (related to aristocracy)
- Vaisya
- 3rd caste includes merchants, farmers, landowners, and artisians (tradesmen)
- Sudra
- 4th caste, untouchables, not having to do with wealth but with family, laborers (peasants)
- Yajur Veda
- religious texts focusing on liturgy and ritual, written b/w 1500BC and 500BC
- Atharva Veda
- 4th veda, the sacred text of Hinduism
- Visvakarma
- a solor diety and architect who built the cities and palaces of the gods, master craftsman and artisian
- Yajna
- a vedic ritual of sacrifice performed to please the Devas (sometimes Brahman) which involved pouring oblations into the fire, important part of the Vedas
- Puja
- religious rituals performed by Hindus on a variety of occasions, usually daily, must be done after a shower or bath
- Indus Valley Civillization
- ancient civilization on the Indus River in Northern India
- Mohenjodaro
- city in the Indus Vallety Civilization
- Harappa
- city in Punjab
- Panini
- ancient grammerian, formulated 3,959 rules of Sanskrit morphology
- Alexander the Great
- conquered much of India
- King Asoka
- Indian emperor who elevated Buddhism to the official state religion
- Patanjali
- reputed author of the Yoga Sutra (a major work containing aphorisms on the practical and philosopical wisdom regarding practice of Raja Yoga) as well as commentary of Pa_ini's Sanskrit grammar
- Mahabhasya
- monumental work in the tradition of Paninan grammar, composed by Patanjali in a lively and absorbing conversational style
- Krsna
- Is seen as the Supreme Person (God) and thus the origin of all other incarnations, in Sanskrit has literal meaning of "black" or "darK" refering to Krishna's dark black/blueish complexition
- Kamsa
- the maternal uncle of Krshna. When it was fortold that the eight child of his sister would be his killer, he resolved to put to death all the children of his sister. To save Krisna from his fate, Vasudeva had him brought up as the son of a Yadava chieftain. When Kamsa came to know that his would be slayer had escaped, he sent many of his demonic henchmen to kill the infant, however Krishna killed them all and later his uncle in a wrestling match
- Bali
- monkey something?
- Vidushaka
- a clown and commentator on passing events. Of unserious mien, he carreid with him a bagful or frivolity sarcasm, wit and wisdom
- Dharma
- righteousness, religious duty, social order, reight conduct, or simply virture, beings that live in harmony with Charma proceed more quickl towards personal liberation
- Karma
- a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The effects of those deeds and these deeds actively create present and future experiences, this making one responsible for one's own life and the pain in others
- Kama
- Hindu god of love, a young, hansome, winged man who wields a bow and arrows, a son (or creation) of Brahma, creator of the universe.
- Artha
- a sanskrit term referring to the idea of material prosperity, one of the four goals of life, achieveing widespread fame, having elevated social standing,
- Ju-ya Clarke
- wonders how Stina talked her into taking this crazy class
- Stina Marie
- wrote too long of definitions considering she just needs to get a C in this class
- Sankukarna
- Ravana's attendant that does entrance dance in "Tornayudhanka"
- Nangyar
- sings short religious songs in Kut.
- Kerala
- along arabian seacost in southwestern india, where Kut. is from
- Malayalam
- regional language of Kerala
- Perumals
- the ancient rulers of Kerala
- Cakyar
- half Brahman and half non-Brahman, had gone through investiture of sacred thread so could act in male roles in Kut.
- Nambyar
- had not undergone thread ceremony so could not act in the plays
- Sugriva
- monkey prince in Bhasa's play
- Valin
- Sugriva's (monkey prince) older brother, was slain by Rama in Bhasa's play
- Meghaduta or "The Cloud Messenger"
- Kalidasa's greatest Sanskrit poem
- mandakranta
- 17 syllable meter used in "The Cloud Messanger", means "the slowly approaching"
- yaksha
- the speaker in "The Cloud Messenger",, who is a demigod, exiled to Mount of Rama and sends a messenge in a cloud back to his wife
- shetras
- warriors
- bhramen
- priests
- Natyasastra
- means "script of dance"
- natyacaryas
- a company of actors
- tauripa
- the musicians
- nata
- the actor-dancers
- natyakara
- the playwright
- mukutakaraka
- the crown-maker
- abharanakrt
- the maker of onrmaments
- rajaka
- the dyer
- citrakara
- the painter
- abhinaya
- "that which carries the meaning", acting
- angika
- bodily acting
- angas
- main limb (body)
- upangas
- secondary limb (face)
- caris
- poses or stylized movements
- mandalas
- series of caris (poses or stylized movements)
- gati-pracar
- gaits and movements
- vacika
- voice control, includes speech and song
- atubhasa
- grandiloquent language of gods and supermen
- aryabhasa
- refined speech of kings
- jatibhasa
- mother tounge of ordinary individuals
- mlecchabhasa
- corrupt tounge of foreigners
- aharya
- that which is produced through nepathya (costumes, props, make-up, etc)
- pusta
- props and scenery
- angaraeana
- make-up
- alamkara
- accessories and ornamentation used for decorum
- sanjiva
- animals or representations of animals
- sattvika
- 4th element of abhinaya, nobody really knows what it was
- purvaranga
- preliminaries: dancing, musicians warm up, rituals
- rangadvara
- door of the theater, sets the mood of the play
- nrtta
- pure dance, no interpretive meaning
- nrtya
- panamemic dance
- natya
- dramatic dance
- karanas
- basic movements
- angaharas
- basic choreographic sequences
- tata
- stringed, harp-typed instruments
- susira
- wind-blown instruments, most ancient
- ghana
- cymbals, used to keep time
- avanaddha
- drums
- sthayin
- repetition of the same note
- arohin
- notes employed in ascending order
- avarohin
- notes employed in the descending order
- samcarin
- notes employed in a mixed matter
- bhols
- set pattern of rythem that immitate drums, stylized, used in practice when drums are not there
- kuttampalam
- a special temple theater in which Kuts are performed
- jarjara
- a banner staff which Indra used to smash the asuras who tried to disrupt the first drama
- mandala
- should be drawn onto the stage
- geah (sp?)
- clarified butter, used to feed the gods
- asamyuta-hasta
- when one hand is ued to sign
- samyuta-hasta
- when two hands are used to sign
- Hastalakshanadipika
- the ancient guidebook for hand motions in sanskrit
- hasta
- hand gesture
- this class is
- pointless
- spring break is
- so close
- restoration will
- rock the casba
- school in general is
- meaningless
- i wish i could
- eat ice cream
- you are
- doing great
- jukia clarke is
- my hero
- nandi
- prayers at the beginning of a play
- slokas
- stanzas
- rasa
- juice
- smara
- word meaning love and memory
- neti
- hero
- bastu
- plot
- vibhava
- the cause
- anaubhava
- involuntary reaction
- vyabhicaribhava
- deliberate act
- sthayibhava
- rasa
- vira
- heroic rasa
- kollam
- ritual designs used in karala
- Bhavabhuti
- esteemed sanskrit playwright
- Harsa
- king playwright, wrote political plays
- this test is
- almost over
- dance is
- tonight!!
- stina
- finished her dance, but is changing to another version of the song
- julia has
- studied for too long
- we should
- skip the test
- this essays
- scares stina