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greeks 2


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The greeks lived in the center of what
the Aegean sea the sea became the greeks link to other peoples, products, and ideas.
city state means
in acient greece, the isolated cities of the dark ages developed into these city-states, which were independant , self- governing units. each city-state include a city and the territory surounding the city , similar to those of acient mesopo tamia. no central power ruled them
Democracy means
athenians developed a new form of goverment that put the power to make decisions into the hands of the people. it is a goverment by the pople citizens share in the decisions making with goverment officials.
monarchy means
a system of goverment in which a king rules over group of people . in acient greece, the king of a citystate was also unuasually the head of the most powerful family. when the king dies usually passed on his power to govern to his eldest son. this system of goverment was used before the dark age
oligarchy means
a system of goverment in which a few people hold power and rule the end of the dark age a small group of nobles shared power equally with the king in many city-states
Tryant means
a ruler whos seizes power by force sharing with no one in the acirnet greece many people supported tryants because these leaders promised to reform the laws laid poor. some tryants did this but others wer harsh and greedy and were sometimes overthrown
Barter means
a system of trade in which people exchange goods but dont exchange money an example is exchanging one type of products such as grain directly for another such as olives until 500 bc athenians did most of their trading through barter
Comedies means
Funny plays or humerous play that as happy ending like commedies made fun of a wide range of topics from polotics to everyday life
Tradegy means
a serious drama in which the hero is brought to defeat by a character flaw the greeks acted out these stories during festivals
Sactuaries means
a building that honors the gods a sacres plase the greeks built honor their gods people from the entire aegean world traveled to these places to worship their many gods most of these were ing the form of temples example olympia was a sancurary to honor zues
Ephors means
five govermentleaders in the citystates of sparta that were elected by the citizen assempley these people proposed ne laws the held powerful positions in spata goverment they often ignore the citizen vote
Helots means
state slaves in the greek city state of a sparta who were assighned to a particuler plot of land form. these people received some of the crops as their wages and turned the rest over to the owner of the land the owner of the land gave a portian of his crops to the goverment which provided him with daily meals if a spartan could notr affored these eals he would lose his rights as a citizen
the rugged montains and the bays and the inlets did what to greece
divided greece into many small, isolated regions
in the early civilizations what was important
greece had a climate that was similar to what
southern cakifornia
why could the farmers always farm all year
mild winters and hot summers
what were the four main crops
grapes olives wheat and barley
how did greece trade there items
sea trade
what are some peoples that they traded to
civilizations such as egyptians phoenicians and persians
when was the minoan civilization
200 bc - 1400 bc
what was the first civilization and where was it located and what was the main city
located island of crete first civiliation minoan main city knossos
which civilization conquer the minoans and when
Mycenaeans around 1400 bc
which civilization became the dominant civilation and when
mycenaeans from 1400 bc to 1100 bc
which culture began to decline
which culture began to decline and what started to happen
the myceneaen and it started to become the dark age
when did the dark age start and end
100 bc to 800bc
what happened in the dark age
trade came to standsill the written language disapeared and people lived in isolated villages
when did the dark age end then what started to happen
700 bc the population increased trade increased and the isolated cities developed into larger city-states
Greek city states flourished when and what was it called
700 bc to 500 bc and its called the age of expansion
when did the athens develope and what new goverment was formed and what did the goverment do
700 bc to 400 bc and the new form of goverment is called democracy and it let the people make decisions-goverment by the people
what are the two types of democracy and what did the goverments do
first is the reprensentative which citizens elect officials to make decisions for them and direct where all citizens meet regulary to vote important issues
before the dark age the people in greek city states were ruled by what and what was it called
they were ruled by kings and it is called a monarchy
at the end of the dark age a small gorup of nobles and wealthey landowners shared what equilly with the king
the power
at the end of the dark age there was a small group of nobles and wealthy land lowners shared what equilly with the king and waht was it called
the power and it was called oligarchy
what form of govermwnt seized power by force and were good people in the begginning and promised to reform laws and aid the poor but then became greedy harsh to the people and were thrown out
citizen ship in athens was a privlage reserved for relatively few people and men over what age could become a citizen
what age di you have to be and what did your parents and grandparents had to be
you have to 18 and only your father and your grandfather had to be a citizen
athens had a population of what and how many were citizens and how many were only children and wives who were not ciizens
population of 300,000 45,000 citizens 145,000 were children and women
women had no politic rights at this time about how much were called metics and foriergners who were from other city states
35,000 people
what did the jobs that the metics and the foreigners have
traders shopkeepers and craftsman and the slaves did up the remainder of the populationdid farm land
farming and international trade were the econmic activities of the athenian society until what time di the athenians did most of thier trade by what system of trade
500 bc and they traded exchanded goods or services directly without using money
what time did the trade became easier and what was the goverment making
570 bc and the goverment was making gold and silver coins
what increased the athenian econemy
the siver and gold coins
the olympics began where and when
ancient greece around 776 bc
it was only opened to what sex and consisted only what event
only men could do the elympics and the event was a foot race of about 200 yards
later the olympics extanded and it included what events
longer races boxing discus throwing wrestling horse and chariot races
what was the main purpose of the olympics festivals and other events was to what
honor the gods and godesses
what was extremely important to the greeks
the greeks believed what about the gods and godesses
the thought the gods controled nature the world and the human world
the greeks built what to honor their gods and goddesses
sancuraries the four major sancturaries were delphi olimpia delos and eleusis
theatre was important to the ancirent greeks and they held festivals in which they performed to what
honor their gods
threed days devoted what plays and on the fourth day they did what
three tragic and on the fourth commedies
greeks defeated who in 479 bc Hint the destoryed the athens
the persians
who was the great athenian leader and rebuil athens by setting the major goals what were the three goals
pericles great athenian leader three goals military goal was to protect athens artistic goalt to make athins beautiful and the politic goal was to strengthan democracy
percicles was able to complete three tasks and what age was it called whe nhe completed them
the golden age
men assemble where at a market place which they bought goods and also what did they do there
agora and the also dbated important issues of the day with other athenian men and men also served a juror at law courts and they wnet to the out door gymnasiums to exercize in the afternoons
what did women do when men were at agora
sewing baking bread in clay ovens and cared for young children wives joined their husbands for only two events the might attend a play together or a religios parade or festival
the what war was fought between the athens and the spata
the peloponnesion war
how long did the athens and the sparta fight
431 to 404 bc
why did the peloponnesian war start
the athens had started to take control of delian loeague an alliance between man gods of the greek city stated that was formed to protect greece from outside enemies
the sparta asked what to the athens and what was the athens answer
free all the cities under their control or face war and the answer was that they refused
Who won the peloponnesian war and how
sparta and because the athens had a plague
sparta after winning the war did what to the athens
destroyed democracy but not city
what was important to athenian life
there were many philosophers throughout ancient historysuch as
plato aristotle most important socrates
the athenian goverment was scared of the socrates because
he tought his students to question all aspects of life and they thought he was chalenging the outhority of the goverment and corupteing youth
what happened to socrates
he was arrested placed on trial convicted by a narrow margin by the jury and sentenced to death by drinking hemlock
alexander the great great leader and military leader and conquorer of lands and created the largest what in the world
alexander was born where and who was his father
macedonia and his father is named king Philip of macedonia
alexanders vast empire consisted mainly of the regions of
greece,egypt,persia,and india

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