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Japans 381


undefined, object
copy deck
rajikase (ラジカセ)
[Infml.] a boom box
rachi suru (拉致する)
to carry away, to kidnap
Raionzu Kurabu (ライオンズ・クラブ)
the Lions Club
raikō suru (来航する)
to visit
rafuna fukusō (ラフな服装)
casual wear
raiu ga aru (雷雨がある)
to have a thunderstorm
rabugēmu (ラブ・ゲーム)
[Tennis] a love game
raiun (雷雲)
a thundercloud
rabukomedī (ラブ・コメディー)
a romantic comedy
rafu (裸婦)
a woman in the nude, a nude woman, a naked woman
raijōsha (来場者)
an attendant, [Generally] the attendance, the audience [-> 来会者]
raku (楽)
ease, comfort, relief
rakkasan (落下傘)
a parachute
rafuna (ラフな)
raireki (来歴)
one's career; an origin, a history
rakan (羅漢)
Buddha's disciples
raitoban (ライトバン)
a van, a station wagon, an estate car
rakuban (落盤)
a cave-in
raketto (ラケット)
a racket, a bat, a paddle
rakka suru (落下する)
to drop, to fall (down)
raihinseki (来賓席)
the seats for guests, [Notice] For Guests
rakuna (楽な)
raigetsu (来月)
next month
raden (螺鈿)
mother-of-pearl, nacre
rakko (猟虎)
a sea otter
raisan suru (礼讃する)
to admire, to adore, to praise
rajio o kiru (ラジオを切る)
to turn off the radio
raichō (雷鳥)
a ptarmigan
rajiodorama (ラジオドラマ)
radio drama
rakkyō (辣韮)
a shallot
raimugi (ライ麦)
rabu (ラブ)
rakuni (楽に)
easily, with ease, without difficulty, comfortably
raise (来世)
the next world, the other world
raijō suru (来場する)
to attend
raitā (ライター)
a (cigarette) lighter
rainen (来年)
next year, the coming year
raitā no ishi (ライターの石)
a lighter flint
rakuba suru (落馬する)
to fall from a horse, to be thrown off a horse
raishū no kyō (来週の今日)
a week from today, this day week, today next week
rajio o kakeru (ラジオをかける)
to turn on the radio
rakkasei (落花生)
a peanut
raihō o ukeru (来訪を受ける)
to have/receive a visit
raburetā (ラブ・レター)
a love letter
rakkasanbutai (落下傘部隊)
a parachute troop, a paratroop
rakuchaku suru (落着する)
to be settled, to come to a settlement, to come to an end
raito (ライト)
[Baseball] the right field; a right fielder; a light
rakkan o yurusanai (楽観を許さない)
Things are by no means reassuring
rachi ga akanai (埒があかない)
to make little progress; to be mere waste of time
rainā (ライナー)
[Baseball] a liner, a line drive
raigetsu no kyō (来月の今日)
this day next month
rai-Nichi suru (来日する)
to visit Japan
raibukonsāto (ライブ・コンサート)
a live concert
raibaruishiki (ライバル意識)
rai (来)
next, coming
rakuni kurasu (楽に暮らす)
to live in comfort, to be well off
rakkan no nai (落款のない)
rakkanteki (楽観的)
rainen no imagoro (来年の今頃)
about this time next year
rakkan (落款)
a writer's signature, a painter's signature
rajio (ラジオ)
a radio
raiu ni au (雷雨に会う)
to be caught in a thunderstorm
rairakuna (磊落な)
frank, unaffected
raihinshitsu (来賓室)
a reception room
Nyūyōkuraiden (ニューヨーク来電)
a telegram from New York
rakuni suru (楽にする)
to make oneself at home, to make oneself comfortable, to relax
goraigō o ogamu (御来迎を拝む)
to view the sunrise
raishū ni sonaeru (来襲に備える)
to provide against an attack/invasion
rabo (ラボ)
a (language) lab, a laboratory
rakuni naru (楽になる)
[気が] to feel relieved, to feel relief; [生計が] to better off
raishun (来春)
next spring, the coming spring
raikyaku ga aru (来客がある)
to have a visitor
raishū (来週)
next week
raichō suru (来聴する)
to attend
raikaisha (来会者)
an attendant, [Generally] the attendance, the audience [-> 来場者]
raikan suru (来観する)
to visit
raimei (雷鳴)
thunder, a thunderclap
raihai (礼拝)
worship; church service
raikansha (来観者)
a visitor
ragan (裸眼)
the naked eye
raibaru (ライバル)
a rival
rajioyose (ラジオ寄席)
radio vaudeville
rabushīn (ラブ・シーン)
a love scene
raibu (ライブ)
rakkan suru (楽観する)
to have an optimistic view, to be optimistic
rajiotaisō (ラジオ体操)
radio gymnastics
raiden (雷電)
a thunderbolt
raihin (来賓)
a guest
raba (騾馬)
a mule

Deck Info

