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Chapter 5 and 6 test part 2


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their civilization was named after Minos, the legendary king of Crete. had colorful frescoes, art, worshipped bull and earth goddess, excellent sailors
Had an assembly consisting of all adult male citizens 2. A council of elders that proposed laws next two kings, next 5 ephors elected by the assembly for one year terms monitored the kings and the citizens, had unlimited power to act as guardians of the state, and all the rules of Sparta tried to make every adult male citizen part of an efficent military machine
The government of Sparta
a blind poet, period was called The Homeric Age. Known for The Iliad and the Odyssey. Based on the Trojan War, and the adventure of Odissius
New form of writing developed after the Minoans got in contact with the Indo-European speaking groups
linear B
Athenians defeated Darius and the Persians in 490 BC on the plain of Marathon.
Battle of Marathon
Son of Darius, sent a vast army from every part of the Persian empire. Had 100,000 soliders and marched from Thrace and Macedonia.
moved into the fertile areas of Peloponnesus, Crete and southwestern Asia Minor.
One of history's greatest thinkers and teachers. Did not rely on the teaching method of memorization, but wanted people to think for themselves Believed in unwise for unskilled people to hold positions the power and tried to get people to understand the real meaning of love, friendship, duty, patriotism, honor, justice, became known for Socratic method of teaching that involved persistent questioning.
Writing developed by Minoans, which has not yet been deciphered
linear A
Famous Greek mathematician who developed geometry, based on geometric theorems.
Son of Philip II, and skilled military commander, unified Greece and defeated Persian empire
Alexander the Great
persian ruler and tightend persian rule and raised taxes. Easily crushed the revolts, wanted to punish Athens dor support of Greek rebels and control of the city-states on the mainland. Sent Persian army, and landed in Greece. Landed on coast of Attica and Persian war began. Lasted for 10 years until Greeks won
Believed that Earth and other planets moved around the Sun, but failed to convince other scientists of his theory
Student of Plato who wrote the Ethics and Poetics. Also believed that logic was the foundation of knowledge. Ethics- concluded that the arts balance order and restraint contributed to happiness. Poetics- examined Greek drama. Politics- concluded that government should be controlled by the middle class
A system of alliances including Athens and some 140 other city-state. League was dominated by Athens and by 450 BC, became the Athenian empire
Delian League
seized power as tyrant. A wealthy aristocrat and a relative of Solon who developed a following among the lower classes. Remained power until 527 BC. Improved the economy and exiled nobles who disagreed with him.
First historian of the Western world
Scientist of the Hellenistic period who used geometry to measure spheres, cones, and cylinders. Calculated pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Greatest sailors and traders in history, introduced the alphabet in 750 BC to the Greeks.
War between Athens and Sparta who were rivals and practiced different forms of government. Athens were democratic and Sparta were less democratic
Peloponnesian War
served as archon in 621 BC, given credit for Athens first written law code, laws were severe and harsh. Harsh law Draconian law
Greek philosopher who developed the Tomic theory that the entire universe is made up of tiny particles of matter which he called atoms.
Considered the founder of medicine, believed that all disease comes from natural causes and not as punishment from the gods, wrote the Hippocratic oath for doctors to help the sick according to the ability and judgement
Sea battle between the Athenian fleet under Themistocles and the Persian fleet of Xerxes.Athenians took advantage of their position to ram the PErsian ships and engage in hand to hand combat defeating the PErsian fleet
Battle of Salamis
One of Socrate's students who wrote the Republic describing the ideal organization of society, believed people should do the work for which they are suited. Believed the ideal government was an aristocracy or government ruled by an upper class
Founder of Epicurian philosophy that believed the purpose of life is to seek pleasure and avoid pain
King of Macedonia who developed the first regular paid army in Macedonian history. Used cavalry for fighters on horseback, infantry- soliders trained on foot, archers, and a phalanx- consisting of rows of soliders equipped with long spears
Phillip II of Macedonia
Leader of Athens. Persuaded his people to abandon their city. Tricked Xerxes into attacking the AThenian fleet in the Salamis strait.
Best known Cynic, who scorned pleasure, wealth, and social position. Believed that selfish and insincere motives underlie people's actions
Leader of Athens from 461 BC to 429 BC. Governed Athens at its greatest power and prosperity
Calculated the circumference of the Earth.
Greek sculptor famous for two exquissite statues of Athena and the statue of Zeus at the temple of Olympia. Once consider one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Created large works of the gods or before the gods
1. small size- typically 30- 500 square miles 2. small population- usually fewer than 10,000 people 3. setting on a hill- acropolis 4. public meeting place- agora or marketplace
Four things that Greek city-states have in common
the palace of Minos, legendary king of Crete
Founder of Skepticism that believed people cannot know how things really are. Someone who doubts generally accepted ideas
King Leodias of Sparta leading a force of 300 Spartans defeated a much larger Persian army.
Battle of Thermopylae
Created more delicate, life like, life size figures and expressed the Greek admiration for the beauty of the human body
overthrew aristocrats and son of Peisistratus. Made sweeping changes that turned Athens into a democracy.
First Greek philosopher who tried to understand the origins and nature of the universe
First scientist to use trigonometry, to calculate the times of eclipses of the Sun and moon, and the length of the year.
Socrates was put on trial on charges of impiety or not showing proper respect and for corrupting the minds of Athenian youth. He was condemmed to die by drinking a poison made from the hemlock plant
What charge led to Socrates conviction and how did he die
Another sculptor who lived during the golden age, famous for the Discus Thrower
Dominated the Greek mainland, built fortfied cities in Peloponneus. Cities were MYcenae, Tiryns, and Pylos. Conquered Crete and turned adopted many elements of Mionan civilization
Established the Stoic philosophy who believed that divine reason directs the world. Believed in fate
First philosopher to study geography using maps
One of the finest public speakers in Athenian history who opposed King Phillip II.
a respected and trusted leader became archon in 594 BC. mediated the dispute between debtors and creditors. Divided the Athenian citizenry into four groups based on wealth. Set up a court composed of a large number of citizens to which a citizen could appeal an unfavorable decision
Mathematician who developed the Pythagorem theorem. The square of the hy[otnuse of the right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides. A2+ B2= C2
Greek historian who wrote the history of the Peloponnesian War. Believed that studying the past yields an understanding of human nature

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