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Mr. Traughber's History Exam


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first up-right walking apes
Founded by Mahavira (great hero). Taught extreme asceticism; purification from selfishness allowed for an end to the incarnation cycle. Good karma. Appealed because of no social classes
Christians who emphasized the human nature of Jesus
Yellow River that provided great irrigation in the Indus river valley, named so because of the loess soil that flows down it.
Huang He River
herding people who were indo-European migrants
first use in 3500 BCE, used in long distance trade by 3000 BCE
the wheel
the common name of an ancient Pacific Ocean archaeological culture which is believed by many archaeologists to be the common ancestor of several cultures
spread on the Silk Roads, becomes major Chinese religion
Spread of Buddhism
village in Pakistan, over the Indus River Valley, we have very little information because of the undecipherable language. Everything we know is from artifacts
The 17 hymns composed by Zarathushtra. Most sacred texts of Zoroastrianism.
a Greek polis located west of Athens, where the Athenians defeated the Persian army
creates monarchy disguised as a republic, lays foundation for Roman Empire and a stable government
Augustus Caesar
three perspectives (Rome was too large, had a military collapse, and entered a state of Decline), but most believe was defeated by Germanic Hun invasions
Fall of Rome
Alexander conquered nearly the entire known world, from Greece, through Persia, and all the way to India. Although this was a great conquest, Alexander died before he could actually start acting as the ruler of his empire, and the land was then split among three of his generals.
Alexander's conquest
student of Plato-384-322 BCE-idea of the Golden Mean-always take the Middle Route.
a strict principle of non-violence
"sitting in front of," used as the basic teachings of early Indian societies (Aryan and Dravidian). Serving as basis for later Indian religions like Hinduism
a social class division, very strict "castes" (Portuguese origins) with hereditary positions
caste system
Cuneiform, wedge and streaked writing on clay tablets. Only the highly educated and the elite could write.
Mesopotamian writing
Founded by Zarathushtra in 6000 BCE. Was a main religion in Persia. It was monotheistic. The Avesta is the holy book, which includes the Gathas. The religion philosophy is about good vs evil. The good god is Ahura Mazda. The evil is Angra Mainyu.
stories of the fifth king of Uruk and his friend. It showed insight into human nature at the time.
Epic of Gilgamesh
first Chinese dynasty founded by King Yu
Xia dynasty
non-religious things
The time during Ashoka's reign which expanded to all but the southern tip of India
Peak of Mauryan
appoints conquered people to senate, senate made advisory, and gives conservative land to army veterans
Julius Caesar
Egypt united all territory between Nile delta and first cataract into a unified kingdom stronger than any other Nile state. There was an upper (south) and lower (north) Egypt.
Egypt Unites
first Christian council, from this came the Nicene Creed
Council of Nicaea
men totally dominated the household, and public affairs in China
427-347 BCE-Humans should strive for the Idea of Good. Small group of Guardians-philosphers should govern people.-No democracy-ordinary people were amateurs
seasonal winds in the Indian Ocean that sailors used to navigate for trade.
decentralized government and very stable
Gupta politics
to achieve Moksha and escape reincarnation
goal of hinduism
creatures belonging to the family Hominidae (including humans and human-like species)
Greek historian who named Egypt the gift of the Nile. Recorded history for the first time for history's sake at the battle of Salamis.
bones that were put into fires and priests would read the cracks to tell the future
oracle bones
A stricter form of Buddhism, that was only for the very religious, as opposed to Mahayana Buddhism, which appealed to the public
Theravada Buddhism
prominent ruling city in the Indus River valley, good trade center
Middle-eastern languages
King who ruled between the earlier Han and later Han dynasty
Wang Mang
469-399 BCE-told students to question themselves and their moral character. Taught to reason. Was sentenced to death-drank poison with friends.
the Qin state dominated its neighbors and imposed centralized imperial rule throughout China by establishing Legalist policies.
Unification of China
Extended the Persian empire. He was one of the greatest of the Achaemenid emperors. He conquered as far as the Indus River and as far west as southeastern Europe. His empire had a population of 35 million. He was known for an administrator than as a conqueror.
women could not participate in legal and political life, the cults allowed women to participate out of the home life. Cult of Dionysus was a popular cult for women.
Greek Women
Chandra Gupta forged alliances with powerful families in Ganges valley and was and established a kingdom in 320 CE
Gupta creation
occurred when King Philip the Macedonians conquered Greece in 338 B.C.E. after Greece had been weakened by the Peloponnesian War.
Fall of Greece
The Persians were very tolerant to the people they conquered. They let them keep their religion along with other things. This was one of the first empires to rule tolerantly and still survive for a long time.
Persian tolerance
Center of maritime trade and from 2200-1450 was center of Mediterranean trade, advanced, lived on island of Crete in Knossos, there were many major palaces on the island between 2000-1700 BCE, had a colony on Cyprus after 1600, had flush toilets,
Minoan culture
The Four Noble Truths (1. all life is suffering 2. there is an end to suffering 3. removing desire removes suffering 4. this may be done through the eight-fold path (right views, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration))
Buddhist doctrine
Administrative and taxation districts governed by satraps
Liu Bang (206-195 B.C.E.) established a dynasty shortly after Qin Shihuangdi had lost power and named it the Han in honor of his Homeland
Han origin
Central American civilization that arose around 1200 bc, before the Maya civilization. Notable features of this civilization were irrigated agriculture, urbanism, and the beginnings of calendar and writing system
Much of our knowledge about Ashoka and the Maurayn empire comes from the great pillars he built. He put his teachings and policies on the pillars called edicts.
Ashoka's pillars
Nomadic people who's origins were located in the central steppes of Asia
Homo Sapiens, most creative and thoughtful of the forms
Modern Humans
India was unified by empires that arose after a political vacuum left after Alexander's death
Unification of India
large Peasant rebellion in the Han Dynasty due to the unequal land distribution.
Yellow Turban Rebellion
Linear A. Symbols stand for syllables. Hasn't been deciphered yet
Minoan language
envoy to the West first reliable info about the European trade market
Zhang Qian
After death of Ashoka, empire suffered from financial and economical difficulties and deoended on military to enforce laws. Soldiers overpaid in times of peace and the overspending led to debasing (lowering precious metal amount but coin value doesn't change. Lost control of Ganges valley in 185 BCE
Fall of Mauryan
An ancient people that lived in the Pacific islands of the Philippines, Taiwan, and Malaysia. They developed trade with other people such as the Chinese in the beginning of the first millennium.
the Olmecs urban society was supported by corn beans and squash, and the Chavin ate seafood
Mesoamerican Food
time before written language was used to record events
ritual where women kill themselves when her husband dies to show devotion
Mesopotamia (Babylonian), created by Sargon of Akkad (2370- 2315 B.C.E.)
First empire
a Mayan creation epic; showed that all cultures and religions had a creation epic
Popol Vuh
Grandson of Chandragupta, who ruled at the high point of the Mauryan dynasty; he expanded it to all but the southern tip of India, and integrating it as he expanded.
when the emperors of China claim this, to claim that they have the support of the God
Mandate of Heaven
It reflected a powerful urge to identify meaningful cycles of time and to understand human events in the context of those cycles. It consisted of two kinds of years, a solar year that consisted of 365 days for agriculture, and a ritual year for daily affairs.
Mayan calendar
popularized and by Constantine and made official religion of Rome by the Edict of Milan
"Roman Peace" period of time started by Augustus
Pax Romana
In the ancient Roman Republic, the two Consuls were elected by patricians and held military and civil power. The Romans instituted a republican constitution that entrusted executive responsibilities to these consuls.
an advisor to ChandraGupta. He devised procedures for the government of Chandraputas realm. Some of his advise survives in the ancient Indian political handbook known as the Arthashastra.
Powerful leader of the Xiongnu, who were a nomadic people located in the central Steppes of Asia
The Mayans contributed to mathematics by inventing the number zero, and used a symbol to represent zero mathematically, which allowed for manipulation of large numbers.
Mayan Math
Diocletian officially splits into Latin West and Greek East, reunited under Constantine only to be divided again
Roman Empire Division
light vs. dark; good vs. evil; two deities having an eternal battle on Earth
period from 480 through 430 B.C.E. when drama, poetry, philosophy, architecture, & science reached new heights in Greece. It was also a period of intellectual and artistic learning and of peace and prosperity. Finally, it was very influential to future civilizations, even though it was very short and ended with a civil war.
Greece's Golden Age
Enormous plantations organized by wealthy elites from the conquered lands. Slaves worked tirelessly on these plantations.
Rome began to develop into a large estate as it became faced with threats of neighboring villages, the Etruscans, and the Gauls. To face these threats, the Romans responded with war and expansion.
Beginning of Rome
"Anointed One"
Jesus Christ
he was a conqueror until his war against the Kalinga cost thousands of lives and he changed his ways and turned to Buddhism
Ashoka's conversion
presided over a prosperous and productive society. They erected temples, palaces, and statues to advertise their power and authority, also worked to extend Egyptian authority well beyond Nile valley and the delta.
New Kingdom pharoahs
Semitic people who pressured Egypt; Horse riding nomads; Had advanced weaponry. They also captured Memphis from the Egyptians
Rome arose from origins both obscure and humble. Legends say that Romulus and Remus almost did not survive infancy because their evil uncle abandoned them by the flooded Tiber River, expecting them to drown. However, they were rescued by a she-wolf and raised to be strong and courageous. Romulus then killed his brother Remus and went on to form the city of Rome.
Roman Origins
Wars between the Romans and the Carthaginians for control of Sicily in the Mediterranean, in which the Romans won
Punic Wars
founded by a sage named Laozi, the central concept is dao, which means "the way." The chief moral virtue is wuwei - disengagement that individuals refrain from advanced education and from personal striving. It called for individuals to live simply, unpretentiously, and in harmony with nature.
Ruler of Athens (461-429 B.C.E.) ruled during the high point of Athenian Democracy. He constructed massive public works that brought prosperity to Athens
Egyptian symbols, the Greeks called the writing hieroglyphs, from two Greek words meaning this:
holy inscription
ecological degradation, deforestation for the land led to erosion and less rain - turned land into desert
Harappan decline
one of the most prominent items of trade, skillfuly made in China by raising silkworms
treated worse then men, had less rights
Women in Mesopotamia
Dynasty in China that was established by Liu Bang shortly after the fall of the Qin Dynasty
otherwise known as xiao, which reflects the high significance of the family in Chinese society. It obliged children to respect their parents and other family elders, look after their welfare, support them in old age, and remember them along with other ancestors after their deaths.
Filial piety
means "land between the rivers"
Conquered Bablyonian empire in 1595 BC
The first great Persian empire which began under Cyrus and reached its peak under Darius.
developed from up right walking apes called Australopithecines, which were members of the Family Hominidae
Origins of Man
to get to Nirvana, enternal peace
goal of buddhism
proclaimed the First Emperor, who united China into its first dynasty. He established a precedent for centralized imperial rule, which remained the norm in China until the early twentieth century. He also pointed China in the direction of political and cultural unity, China has remained politically and culturally unified to the present day.
Qin Shihuangdi
Australopithecus => Homo Erectus => Homo Sapiens and Homo Neandertalensis (Homo Neandertalensis branched off of Homo Sapiens, but they existed at the same time) => Cry Magnon
Order of Hominids
Greek city-states that dominated the surrounding areas (the term originally referred to a citadel or fortified site)
Epic tale written by Homer, was in poem format, described the battle of Troy
The Illiad
a time when the China was in constant war between its city states, occurring right after the fall Zhou dynasty and not ending until the formation of the Qin dynasty
Period of the Warring States
Emperor of Rome who makes Christianity legal in the Roman Empire by establishing the Edict of Milan, and helps to expand Christianity. Thought to have saved Christianity.
Alexander conquered as far as the Indus River valley and most of Europe. He united most of Asia and Europe, which led to an increase in trade.
Alexander's military
the world after Alexander's conquests when traditions, especially Greek traditions expanded greatly. empires governed sophisticated societies and participated in long-distance trade.
Hellenistic World
First woman to become Pharaoh of Egypt, she served as co-ruler with her stepson Tuthmosis III
Integration of the Chinese culture to those who migrated there
"persons or people" African peoples who originally lived in present day Nigeria, around 2000 B.C.E. they began a century-long migration that took them to sub-Saharan Africa, very influential people (esp. with language)
Battle between the Greek and Persian fleets located in a narrow strait where the Greek's faster, lighter ships won the battle. It was the first battle in History to be recorded for History's sake.
Battle of Salamis
Imperial spies that traveled throughout the empire with their own military forces conducting surprise audits of accounts in the provinces and collecting intelligence reports.
Eyes and Ears
also called Confucius, who developed the religion of Confucianism. He was a strong-willed man who did not often get along with others. His sayings and teachings are collected in a book known as the Analects, which has profoundly influenced Chinese traditions. Confucuis emphasized several qualities in particular: li, ren, and xiao. He had two later disciples, Mencuis and Xunzi.
Kong Fozi

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