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W.S. Quiz


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a comment made by a character to the audience that reveals his or her inner thoughts and is not supposed to be heard by the other characters on stage
What is aside?
What theater was William Shakespeare part owner of?
in latin
In what language did Elizabethan grammer schools teach?
What was the name of William Shakespeare's son?
a trait that will eventually bring about a characters downfall
What is a tragic flaw?
What perios spanned over most of William Shakespeare's life?
What was William Shakespeare's hometown?
a lighthearted play that ends happily
What is a comedy?
The Globe theater had so many sides it appeared to be what?
a brief drama within a play that reflects on the larger play
What is a play within a play?
avoided political entanglements
What did Elizabeth accomplish by remaining single?
a play set in the past, usually about royalty and the struggle for power
What is a history play?
stratford grammer school
Where did William Shakespeare attend school?
a speech made by a single character on stage who reveals his thoughts to audience
What is a soliloquy?
of plague
What did Hamnet die of?
James Burbage
Who built the first successful public theater?
Stratford-upon-avon in England
Where was William Shakespeare born?
the doctrine of passive obedience
What did Elizabeth insist her subjects follow?
a history play
What kind of play did a red flag indicate?
produce plays in english
What did Elizabeth make it acceptable to do?
a well-to-do farmer
What was Anne Hathaway's dad?
a cannon went off in the first performance of Henry VII and it cought on fire
What happened to the Globe theater in 1613?
a tragedy
What kind of play did a black flag indicate?
What kind of plays were Hamlet and Macbeth?
the divine rights of kings
What did Elizabeth believe in?
a humerous scene or incident that appears in a serious play to relieve emotional intensity
What is comic relief?
April 23 1564
When was William Shakespeare born?
What kind of poems did William Shakespeare write?
the Spanish Armada
In 1588 England became a world power with the defeat of who?
Lord Chamberlains men
What was the name of the theater company William Shakespeare first worked for?
When was the first successful theater built?
by encouraging and patronizing the arts
How did Elizabeth spur a cultural awakening?
asserts that God gives a monarch the right to rule
What is the divine right of kings?
Anne Hathaway
Who did William Shakespeare marry?
What king ruled after the death of Elizabeth 1?
since God had appointed the monarch, any act of rebellion was an act of disobedience against God's will
What did the doctrine of passive obedience stat?
Kings men
What did William Shakespeare's acting company become known as after the death of Queen Elizabeth?
In what year did William Shakespeare get married?
a serious play with a disastrous ending
What is a tragedy?
Wood from The Theatre wasused to build what theater?
a comedy
What kind of play did a white flag indicate?

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