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Matthews - Overall Review


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Leonardo Da Vinci
____________ was a highly talented printer, writer, inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, musician, and philosopher.
The ming Emperor _____________ sponsored overseas voyages to extend China's influence.
Congress of Vienna
The goal of the _____________ was to create a plan to restore order and stability to Europe after the turmoil of the Napoleonic Wars.
Catherine the Great
_____________ seized power from her husband Czar Peter III.
Maria Theresa
Charles VI approved a document called the Pragmatic Sanction, which would allow his daughter, _____________ to take the empire at his death.
As a result of the Seven Years' War, _____________ emerged as the strongest military power in Europe.
Scientific Revolution
During the _____________, scholars began to challenge traditional authorities, pose theories about the natural world, and develop procedures to test those ideas.
Jews were often forced to live in a particular part of the city called a _________
City-dwelling merchants, factory owners, and professionals were known as the _____________.
THe radical _____________ Club adopted policies supported by the lower middle class and the poor.
William Harvey
English physician _____________ explained the workings of the human heart.
Huge estates in the Americas called _____________ grew cash crops such as sugar and tobacco.
When he reached the Caribbean islands, the Italian sailor _____________ believed he had reached the Asian islands known as the Indies.
The Treaty of _____________ ended the Thirty Years' War.
Columbia Exchange
The _____________ refers to the global transfer to plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas.
Fance was required to pay a large _____________ to other countries to compensate them for damages.
Protestant Reformation
The __________was a reform movement in Europe in the 1500's what was a reaction to dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church.
Taj Mahal
The greatest example of Mughal architecture was the _____________, built in Agra
In the _____________ system, Spanish colonists received land in the Americas and a number of Native American workers in exchange for teaching the workers about Christianity.
_____________ Buddhism, a form of Buddhism adopted by many Japanese feudal warriors, stressed discipline and meditation as ways to focus the mind and gain wisdom.
Great Wall
The Ming restored China's _____________ to improve defense against a renewed Mongol threat to the north.
National Assembly
The Third Estate proclaimed itself a legislature called the _____________.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
_____________ wrote, "Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.
Before the Age of Exploration, the flow of luxury goods to Europe from China and India was controlled by _____________ merchants.
Declaration of Independence
In July 4, 1776, the _____________ was adopted by the Continental Congress.
Charles Borromeo
_________, Archbishop of Milan from 1560 to 1584, took decisive action to implement reforms decreed by the Council of Trent.
Sir Isaac Newton
_____________ developed the law of universal gravitation.
The Chinese word "Ming" means _____________.
Mary Wollstonercraft
In her 1792 book, "A Vindication of the Right of Women," _____________ argued that if men and women had equal education, they would be equal in society.
A new kind of mathematics called _____________ could be used to predict the effects of gravity.
Balance of Trade
Mercantilists believed a country should mine gold adn silver as well as establish a favorable _____________, or export more goods than it imported.
Zahir ud-Din, better known as _____________, or "the tiger," defeated the rulers of Delhi and established the Mughal Empire in India.
Peace of Augsburg
in 1555, the _____________ gave each German prince the right to decide whether his state would be Catholic or Protestant.
THe _____________ theory held that earth was the center of the universe and that the sun, moon, and planets revolved around it.
Suleyman I
The Ottoman Empire reached its height of power and cultural achievement under the leadership of _____________.
Storms known as the _____________, meaning "divine wind," saved Japan from Mongol invasion in the 1200's
The main Chinese export to Europe during the Qing dynasty was _____________.
The pope would not allow King Henry VIII to ahve his marriage to Catherine of Aragon ___________, or declared invalid based on church laws.
Sir Thomas Moore's book, _______, contains a vision of a perfect, but nonexistent, society based on reason.
A new type of ship that was light and fast and highly maneuverable was known as the _____________,
The Prince
Machiavelli's book, ___________, advised rulers to separate morals from politics.
General _____________ led the American troops in the War for Independence.
the term ________ came to being when Lutheran princes in the German parliament issued a protest against the 1529 movement to suppress Lutherans in Germany.
A government in which church and state are joined and whose officials are considered to be divinely inspired is called ____________.
The _____________ was used for most executions during the Reign of Terror.
Taj Mahal
The _____________, the greatest example of Mughal architecture, was built during the empire's cultural golden age.
After conquering Constantinople, the Ottomans made it their capital city and renamed it _____________.
Roman Catholic Clergy
The First Estate was made up of _____________.
The purpose of the _____________ by Denis Diderot was to promote knowledge.
Italian wars
The ____________, a series of wars in which France and Spain vied for control of the Italian peninsula, helped spread the Italian Renaissance throughout Europe.
In the 1600's, a new type of drama emerged in Japan called _____________, in which actors sing and dance, pausing to interact with the audience.
A Spanish military leader who fought against the native people of the Americas was called a(n) _____________
The _____________ was the response to the spread of Protestantism by the Catholic Church.
The _____________ colony in Virginia was settled by people intending to make their fortunes by finding gold and silver,
The ______________ was a period of renewed interest and remarkable development in art, literature, science, and learning.
The swing voters in the National Convention, called the _____________, eventually switched their support to the Mountain.
Middle Passage
The _____________ refers to the spread of people of African decent throughout the Americas and Western Europe.
In a _____________ company, investors pool their money to fund large businesses and jointly take the risk of losing that money if the company fails.
Coup d'etat
Napoleon took control of French government in a(n) _____________, a forced transfer of power.
The workers of the Third Estate were known as the _____________, meaning "without knee breeches."
The economic theory of _____________ held that a nation's strength depended on its wealth.
Korea was known as the _____________ Kingdom because of its isolation from the rest of the world.
Divine Right
Absolute rulers argued that they ruled by _____________, a concept that held that the monarchs received their power from God.
Nicolaus Copernicus
_____________ was the first scientist to create a complete model of the solar system combining physics, astronomy, and mathematics.
A movement, person, or group that has a worldly rather than a spiritual focus might be called _______.
John Locke
_____________ argued that people had a right to overthrow a government that does not protect their natural rights.
In response to the spread of _____________, the Church began a series of reforms known as the Counter-Reformation.
Lorenzo de Midici
_____ was a well-educated poet from a powerful family in Florence who supported the arts.
James I
King _____________ began the Stuart dynasty in England.
The supreme military leader of Japan, called the _____________, ruled in the emperor's name.
To encourage the export of manufactured goods governments provided _____________, or grants of money, to help business-people start new industries
The _____________ played a key role in the Age of Exploration because it let sailors know at any time which direction was north.
Although Ferdinand Magellan was killed in the Philippines, the remainder of his crew were the first to _____________, or sail completely around, the globe.
Forbidden City
The Ming emperor Yonglo moved China's capital to Beijing and built an imperial city within it that became known as the _____________.
Bartolomeu Dias became the first European to attempt to sail around the southern tip of _____________.
Council of Trent
The _________________, which met off and on until 1563, was convened by Pope Paul III to examine the criticisms made by Protestants about Catholic practices
Parliament voted to bring back the English monarchy, an event known as the _____________.
Sea dogs
_____________ were English ship captains supported by Queen Elizabeth I who attacked Spanish treasure ships coming from America.
The doctrine of _____________ holds that God knows who will be saved and therefore guides the lives of those destined for salvation.
Rulers of the Ottoman Empire were called _____________.
Constitutional Monarchy
In England, the _____________ limited the power of kings and queens, prevented them from becoming absolute monarchs.
A monarchy limited by law is called a _____________ monarchy.
The _____________ established a colony at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.
Henry the Navigator
_____________ of Portugal established a court for navigators and others interested in exploration.
Paris Sans-Culottes
Of the three political factions that made up the National Convention, the _____________ were the most radical.
Adam Smith
In "The Wealth of the Nations," author _____________ argued that the economy would be stronger if the market forces of supply and demand were allowed to work freely.
St. Helena
napoleon was sent in exile to _____________, where he died six years later.
Elizabeth I
_____________, firmly established the Church of England and persecuted Catholics during her reign.
Placing a _____________ on imported goods makes those goods more expensive, which discourages people from buying them.
In the early 1500's the Church taught that the pope could reduce a soul's time in purgatory through the purchase of a(n) _____________.
Edict of Nantes
In 1598, the compromise known as the _____________ gave certain rights to Huguenots as a way to restore peace in France.
Charles I
_____________ was the first European monarch to be formally tried and executed by a court of law.
czar Alexander I
_____________ was the Russian ruler when Napoleon invaded in June 1812.
Common Sense
Thomas Paine's pamphlet _____________ argued that the American colonies deserved to be an independent nation.
Continental System 1806
Napoleon's plan, called the _____________, restricted trade with Great Britain.
_____________, which means "way of the warrior," was a strict code of ethics in feudal Japan.
Spanish Succession
The War of the _____________ was fought to prevent France and Spain from being ruled by members of the same family.
Duke of Wellington
During the Battle of Waterloo, British troops were led by _____________.
French Calvinist Protestants were called _____________.
Martin Luther
_____________ wrote theses in which he denied the power of indulgences to remit sin and criticized the power of the pope and the wealth of the Church.
Asia Minor
Anatolia id also known as _____________.
_____________ is an economic system in which most economic activity is carried on by private individuals or organizations in order to seek profit.
Common Wealth
A republican government based on the common good of all the people is called a(n) _____________.
Petition of Right
In order to get money from Parliament, Charles I signed the _____________ in 1628, which placed limits on his power.
Leonardo Da Vinci
_________ painted The Last Supper and The Mona Lisa
_____________ founded the Mughal Empire in 1526.
El Greco
The Spanish painter _____________ was famous for his elongated human figures.
The Mughal leader Jahangir came into conflict with a religious group known as the _____________, whose religion blended elements of Islam and Hinduism.
The _____________ wanted to purify the Church of England.
enlightened despots
Monarchs who ruled according to Enlightenment ideas became known as _____________.
Beginning with Ivan the Terrible, absolute monarchs in Russia were known as _____________.
Philip II
When Charles V abdicated in 1556, his son, _____________, took over the Netherlands, Spain, Sicily, and Spain's colonies in the Americas.
In feudal Japan, local _____________, powerful warlords who held large estates, gained control of their own territories and battled on another for power.
_____________ was a philosophe who was imprisoned twice and exiled from his country during his lifelong struggle for justice, religious toleration, and liberty.
Christine de Pisan
Italian-born writer ___________ championed equality and education for women.
The church court of Rome , known as the _____________, tried people who were accused of being Protestant
Elite soldiers who were loyal only to the sultan were called _____________.
The title for the Safavid Empire's ruler, meaning "king" was _____________.

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