Final Review
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- In his exquisite version of "Amazing Grace" Mark O'Connor paid homage to...
- a New York man beaten to death by the police
- What does a conductor always start on?
- Beat 1; always goes down
- Which famous architect designed a house with a river flowing through it?
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Leo Tolstoy believed that the arts should do what to the audience?
- Infect
- According to Dr. WInter, the final exam will be cumulative because
- life is cumulative
- The 12 bar blue pattern became a staple of early jazz because...
- it enabled various performers to improvise within certain harmonies
- In the Druid's Theater production of Playboy of he Wester World, what was the commentary on the human condition?
- poor culture, marriage opportunities in Ireland
- What kind of form does "Harlem Air Shaft" use?
- 3 A-A-B-A themes connected by a bridge
- What is Jelly Roll Morton known for being?
- one of the first important composers of Jazz
- Consort
- a close knit group
- Woodwinds
- made from wood; produces sounds by means of vibrating air columns (wind) in conical tubes- the other half of "wood-wind"; flute, piccolo, oboe bassoon, clarinets, english horn
- What was used against dancing in a public art form in the late 19th century and early 20th centuries?
- dancing can lead to prostitution; you cannot dance and be a good Christian; dancing is unhealthful exercise
- The Strings
- there are the bowed string instruments; most expressive instrument besides voice; violin, viola, cello, double bass
- Embouchure
- creating the proper position of the mouth, lips and musical around it (French Word)
- T/F: Louis Armstrong was the first African American man to perform regularly in places like New York's Carnegie Hall and Boston's Symphony Hall.
- True
- The jazz musician who proclaimed that he was the inventor of jazz was...
- Jelly Roll Morton
- Professor Winter is allergic to what?
- cats
- Did "Fats" Domino write the tune for "My Baby Rocks Me with A Steady Roll?"
- No
- According to Richard Leppert in his book Art and the Committed Eye, what is the principle mean through which we learn to maneuver through space and time?
- sight
- Der Rosenkavalier
- german composer Richard Schauss created this famous opera
- Orchestra is a (blank) with a (blank) in control, it is not a democracy.
- Dictatorship; conductor
- What realization and change of philosophy of the record industry lead to the promotion of "gangsta" rap?
- controversial was popular
- The single-reed conical bore orchestral woodwind instrument which gets the least play in orchestras due to its turbulent history is the
- saxophone
- The middle of the string section between the voice of the cello and the violin is called the...
- viola
- What type of tradition did jazz rely on?
- Oral tradition
- English Horn
- like the uncle of the oboe; no on callis it the "english horn" called the "horn"
- Professor Winter is the world's leading scholar on which classical composer?
- Beethoven
- What is Creoles?
- offspring of Europeans and blacks
- Is it true that "the first rock 'n roll' song was written in 1955?
- No
- What is Professor Winter's concise definition of art?
- one or more humans which create something as commentary on the human condition
- Modern Bowed String instruments
- consists of wooden frame with 4 strings stretched between the end of the fingerboard and tailpiece
- Movement
- a self-contained, largely independent portion of a larger piece; i.e. string quartet
- What is symbolized by the Blue Dragon's 3 endings?
- struggle for identity, we don't always see where we are going the characters in the play don't know how their lives will go as we don't, they are lost and now so are we, we have the power to change our destiny, modern china's destiny is unsure and is struggling between modernism and advancement, and a value of tradition and ancient culture
- How many reeds is needed to make a piercing/comical sound?
- 2
- Dr. Winter said that Roy Lichenstein's painting of Blonde Waiting was commentary miraculously enforced by what feature?
- everything in the picture is blonde, the bed even the alarm clock
- Viennesse Classicalism
- launched the modern orchestra; discovered in late second half of 19th century; first permanent concert orchestra in the 1840s in New York- Leipiz
- Who said, "the modulations we manufactured were the weridest, espcially if some new cat walked in with his horn and tired to sit in with us?"
- Dizzy Gillespie
- Chamber Music
- music played by small ensembles; i.e. string quartet with one performer to a part
- A Symphony orchestra is a machine that runs by the (blank) of lots of people who represent (blank) of the machine
- teamwork; parts
- What is Frank Dwyer's concise definition of theatre?
- hurtling through time towards death
- The singer known as Lura entertained the audience thoroughly as an opening act for Tania Libertad despite what technical limitation?
- small voice range
- According to Dr. Winter, the symphony orchestra is most like football because...
- both are an effort of intense teamwork
- What is live thater and why does Frank Dwyer prefer it?
- no microphones, it's intimate, real and "sexy"
- What is the "12 bar blues" consist of?
- a regular, repeating harmonic pattern divided into 3 phrases of 4 bars each; the patter is usually a progression
- What is avant-garde french for?
- avant-garde is french for "front-line" as in the military
- Who did NOT participated in improvisation?
- Frank Dwyer
- Professor Winter has structured AA 10 in "non-linear order because he wants to get across to us that life is...
- random
- The saxophone's prestigious seat in jazz can possibly be seen as a result as...
- racism in the opera
- Mark O'Connor exquisite version of Amazing Grace played homage to a New Work Man wrongfully beaten by police but the piece's composer was paying homage to what?
- all the slaves who had been taken from Africa
- The brightest, highest members of the brass section which can out shine like lasers most of the ensemble and have great heroic sounds are
- the trumpets
- Queen Latifah is important in the history of Rap because...
- she won the international rap competition
- Jelly Roll Mortion gives himself this unmistakeable and presumptuous title:
- the inventor of jazz
- When Thespis first began to act on stage, he was referred to as a...
- liar
- What is Professor Winter's concise definition of art?
- commentary on the human condition
- One of the first composers in Western musioc who was extraordinary because she was a woman composing in the Middle Ages.
- Hildegard de Bingen
- Who was the "Moody of the South" and what significance did he/she have on the history of dance?
- Samuel Porter Jones, Said you could not dance and be a good Christian, was one of the leading reasons why a violin (aka fiddle) would be hidden in the walls of an Appalachian Cabin as told to us by Mark O'Connor
- Which hazz greats was the son of a White House Butler?
- Duke Ellington
- Clarinets
- developed in the 1720's; appears on the printed page is different in pitch from the notes that sound; 2 principles: mellow A- clarinet brilliant Bb- clarinet
- What were the elements of rap culture in the 1970's-1980s?
- breakdancing, dee-jaying, grafatti art
- In the middle ages in Europe, in order for people in the back of large Medieval Cathedrals to hear better, the monks began to sign the services; this was finally written down and standardized as:
- Gregorian Chant
- String Quartet
- violin, violas, cellos
- Southwest aired a commercial in which a customer is pleasantly surprised that there are no extra fees for the first two bags. The point was reinforced with...
- The Hallelujah Chorus by Handel
- Instruments which make their sound by being struck, scraped, shaken, or smashed are referred to as
- percussion
- The song from which rock 'n roll gets its name was written by...
- Trixie Smith
- Franz Joesph Hayden
- 1732-1809; austrian composer whose fame eclipsed that of Mozart; born poor died rich (American Dream); 2nd child of 17 children; started signing career in church
- The artist Chihily makes all his very beautiful art using only what?
- glass
- According to Dr. Timothy Rice's presentation on Bulgarian Folk Music, the fluctuations of pitch and vibrato in the singing of the Prin region represent what?
- the geography and landscape of the land, the land had hills and mountains
- The Turkish song, "Oh oh" looks at what?
- looks at both backwards at Turkish traditions and forward at change
- What AA 10 Concepts occur when one culture takes another and assumes it into their own culture without giving him original credit, as examplified by the Manwich commercial?
- Cultural Appropriation
- What is the goal of the string instruments?
- play absolutely together, yet with a great deal of expression
- Opera
- a drama set to music; a dominate form of music from the 17th-19th century
- Viola
- rougly 20% larger than the violin; designed for obscurity, receives the most attention in romantic orchestras
- According to Tim Rice's book, a bulgarian bride's dress would be adorned with what before the wedding?
- paper money
- Trimpani
- resembles other drums- a skin (formally cowhide, today normally plastic) is drawn tightly over a round frame (made of either brass or cooper); ability to "tune" it to specific pitches by tightenings or loosening screws on it's side
- What type of singers are Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith?
- Blues
- Monumental 20th century composer who fore fronted the "atonal revolution" taught at UCLA and painted self-portraits (portraits are in the readings online):
- Arnold Schoenberg
- Tuba
- relatively new in the symphony orchestra; introduced in the 2nd half of the 19th century; when the tuba plays, the floor should shake
- Other than the conductor, the second in command of the orchestra is 1st chair violinist, who is called the
- concertmaster
- In the 1910's in America, the word "jazz" was African American slang for...
- sexual intercourse
- T/F: Because jazz is at heart an improvisatory style, there has to have been thousands of jazz composers?
- True
- What is Buddy Bolden known for?
- player who is credited with first playing jazz in New Orleans
- The aspect of Jazz which has most defied western notation is...
- swing
- Libretto
- text or story of an opera
- What does Mark O'Connor believe about art?
- art is ahead of it's time
- What did "Fats" Domino play in 1955?
- My Baby Rocks me with a steady roll
- What is a "swing band" or a "big band?"
- consisted more than 7 musicians; suited to the spacious dance halls that were opening in cities across the country; offered full programs on concert stages
- Jazz singer who impacted the world with the song called "Strange Fruit" a commentary and protest on lynching's in the 1940s and 1950s.
- Billie Holiday
- What example of B-Bop jazz from the readings did Charlie Parker record with Dizzie Gillespie and Thelonious Monk?
- Bloomdido
- What song is Jelly Roll Morton known for?
- Dead Man Blues
- The famous panter working in the 1660's known for rendering his subjects with intrepid realism?
- Rembrandt
- The Big Band composer who was half white and half black wrote out a lot of parts for his musicians and was the leading composer of the Big Band Era Jazz.
- Duke Ellington
- 2 principles of clarinets
- mellow A-clarinet; brilliant Bb-clarinet
- Members of Romantic Orchestra
- conductor, strings, woodwinds, the brass instrument, precussion
- What type of instrument is a piano?
- precussion instrument
- Orchestra
- started in the 17th century; based on the core sounds of string instruments
- What was not an element of rap culture in the 1970s and 1980s?
- cadillacs
- String Quartet
- ensemble consisting of 2 violins, viola, and cello; a work composed for this ensemble; most prestigious genre of private music in Viennese Classicism; strings are ideally suited to the expressive intimate, balanced nature of chamber music
- from CA 1850-1920, social dancing in America was...
- a crucial means of raising your social standing
- Tania Libertad only spoke to the audience in what language?
- spanish
- What does Professor Winter think is the heart of the symphony?
- the strings because they are luscious and closest sounding to the Human Voice
- Who was Mark O'Connor influenced by?
- Benny Thomasson, Stephanie Grapello, Niccolo Paganini
- According to Muchael Nitaris, what is the most important thing to remember for a successful improv session?
- make sure you talk about issues, human commentary, or else it gets meaningless and not funny, remember "yes and..."
- The play Spring Awakening by Austrian playwright Frank Wedekind deals primarily with...
- dawning teenage sexuality and its tragic repression
- The image is of who and what is it an example of?
- Notorious BIG/cultural appreciation
- Which dances are originated in American?
- Chicken Scratch, Ragtime, Grizzly Bear
- What is the definition of B-Bop or bop?
- style of jazz singing in which the performer sings rapid lines to nonsense syllables, commonly known as "scat"
- Soundboard
- the vibrations of the instrument (from the body of the instruments); the movement activates the airwaves to produce the tones we hear
- String Quartet Classical Harmonies
- known as 7 chords, contains 4 pitches; includes a combination of 2 violins, viola, cello provides the full range of a classical orchestra
- Trombone
- unique; it is the only wind or brass instrument that controls it's pitch by means of a slide rather than value; trombonists will tell you they have a 'sense of memory' of where to place the slide; they also have their ears to make any slight adjustments
- Crook
- long piece of metal tubing connecting that instrument to the reed; from the 17th century from England (Bassoon)
- The string bass of the brass section (lowest and foundation member) is the
- Tuba
- Did Ellington use improvisation?
- no, he began to write out his songs
- Who is known as the world's leading scholar?
- Beethoven
- What instruments are considered "at pitch" play?
- flute, piccolo, oboe
- What is Dr. Winter's opinion of International Endowment for the Arts and what extend do we support the arts in America per tax payer?
- It should be abolished; 42 cents in America
- Comedians like Chris Rock are at their best when they use juxtiposition and caricature to get a what?
- truths about the human condition
- In Ellington's popular song "Harlem Air Shaft" how many variations is he driving on a bar song pattern?
- there are 3 variations and 32 bar song patterns
- American can best be described as a multi-layered culture that...
- bubbles-up
- Which artist formulated the following mathematical equation: Rage + Women= Power?
- Barbara Krueger
- According to Dr. Winter, the Symphony Orchestra is most like Football because...
- both are an effort of intense teamwork
- How does jazz not sound like any other music?
- It is strongly accented duple meter coupled with unprecedented rhythmic freedom in the melody lines invited listeners to dance
- What best describes the style of the extraordinary American violinist and composer Mark O'Connor?
- a mix of country fiddling and classical violin techniques
- Aaron Williams was the first person to tell you that jazz is at the...
- core of his artistic soul
- What did Ellington's father do for a living?
- butler for the White House
- The characteristic of jazz is most resistant to conventional music notation is...
- swing
- What AA10 concept occurs when one culture takes something from another and assumes it into their own culture without giving the original credit, as exemplified by the Manwhich commercial?
- cultural appropriation
- The Baroque Classical composer who wrote the Chaccone we heard in class (on the violin and the piano) and also the composer of the Toccata and Fugue in D minor, shown with the white powered wig on the midterm was...
- J.S. Bach
- What does a conductor always end on?
- Beat 3 or Beat 4; always up
- A musical score in the composer's own writing is referred to as what?
- autograph
- Classical Quartet
- generally built off of 4-movement plan; fast opening movement, slow movement, a munite (dance moderate meter) and a quick finale (last movement)
- What is Frank Dwyer concie definition of theater?
- hurtling through time towards death
- comedians such as Chris Rock are at the funniest when they...
- use caricature and juxtaposition to get at truths about the human condition
- Besides Mickey Hart himself, what other 3 continental drumming cultures were represented n the Global Drum Project by Zakir Hussein, Sikiru Adepoju and Giovanni Hidalgo?
- Indian Tabla, African (Nigerian) Talking Drum, Latin (Precussion)
- What is Duke Ellington's most popular song at the height of his career?
- Harlem Air Shift
- According to Frank Dwyer's rendition of the Noon Witch with the UCLA Philharmonia and Neil Stulberg conducting, why did the boy's mother call the evil witch?
- the boy was misbehaving and not listening
- The defining characteristic of the Waltz is that...
- it has 3 beats per measure
- According to Richard Leppert in his book Art and the Committed Eye, what is the principal mean through which we learn to maneuver through space and time?
- Sight
- What example of the B-Bop jazz from the reading did Charlier Parker record with Dizzie Gelespie and Thelonious Monk?
- Bloomido
- Flute
- there is a lower and middle registers of the flute
- Precussion
- generally things you hit or shake or smack together; timpani, triangle, cymbal
- "Race records" refer to...
- recordings originally distributed only in predominantly black areas
- What is the main parallel of History of Rock 'n Roll to the history of Jazz?
- the absorbance of a black music into white culture without regard to its traditions and meanings
- During the first WW who were the 3 people that were composing music that broke all the traditions of jazz?
- Debussy, Schoenberg, and Stravinsky
- Double Bass
- defensive tackle of strings; roughly double the size of the cello; has thick strings; sounds like they could shake a building; people that play double bass are generally taller than average because it requires longer arms
- Bassoon
- longest instrument (4 ft tall); stored on the top and bottom halves separate from the bottom half, leading 3 manageable pieces to go into a case
- What type of vocal style did Louis Armstrong consist of?
- mellow, smooth, relaxed
- Where was the birthplace of Jazz?
- New Orleans
- Brass Instruments
- all the brass instruments are played outdoors, now can be played indoors, beginning with Beethoven, brass instruments gradually assumed the roles as prominent as those granted to the woodwinds; instruments used to introduce the Kings and Queens; trumpet, french horn, trombone, tuba
- The composer of the opera Die Rosenklavier we saw a section acted out in class was...
- Richard Schauss
- Triangle
- 17th century when Turkish military bands first becomes popular; cymbals, triangle, brass drums, oboe like instruments would lead their troops into conquered cities
- Dr. Dre is important in the history of rap because...
- he was the teacher of the next generation of rappers
- Who was the most trumpeter of b-bop?
- Dizzy Gillespie
- How many people were in Ellington's Band?
- 19 players
- What woodwind instrument makes a warm fuzzy sound?
- Bassoon
- Hector Berlioz and Richard Wagner
- Berlioz from France; Wagner from Germany; among the first composers to wield the baton as a major part of their musical activities
- What artist made the art called "Running Fence" which consisted of a fence that extended for 24.5 miles
- Christo
- Who became a master of Crown Heights reggae?
- An Hasidic Jew who grew up in the US
- Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit" was remarkable because...
- a female singer had never been political before
- Low woodwind instrument with a warm fuzzy wood sound
- bassoon
- Transposing instruments
- clarinets, english horn
- Piccolo
- pitched an octave higher than the standard flute; wooden fife used in the 17th century military ensembles
- Cymbal
- oldest instrument; ancient cultures such as the Babylonians fate back to at least 1500 BC; associated largely with military music
- During the 19th century, brass bands were particularly popular in...
- the New Orleans
- What is swing?
- melody that comes through one long phrase, with little of the antecedent- consequent sense of phrase structure
- The white board leader who allowed black to perform in his band was...
- Benny Goodman
- Which dances are NOT originated in America?
- Waltz
- Who was Aaron Williams?
- performer, teacher, composer from Kansas City; served as a precussionist, keyboardist, vocalist, drummer and tap dancer; published and sold works of solo marimba, small ensembles and drumlines
- Double Reed Instruments
- oboe and bassoon use a single reed folded into two opposing section
- What is known as the types of instruments that is closest to sounding like a human voice?
- String Quartet
- What kind of car does Professor Winter's drive
- White BMW
- Composer of the classical period who had a lot of whit and write the "farwell symphony" the "surprise symphony" and the string quartet we heard in class
- Franz Joesph Hayden
- The Italian violin virtuoso Niccolo Paganini was believed by many of his contrmporaries to...
- be in league with the devil
- The saxophone was an invention on the order of which classical composer and why?
- Hector Berlioz because to fill a proposed sonic hole in the symphony orchestra
- Turnable kettledrums that provide impact to the orchestra are called....
- tympani
- In 1759, this composer because Kappelmiester before working for the Prince Esterhazy?
- Hayden
- Louis Armstrong was not only an important composer, but he was also...
- played the trumpet and sang
- According to example quotes from Elizabeth Aldrich's from the Ballroom to Hell the ballroom dance floor was what for women?
- the woman's batthlefield
- What did incredible and rarely seen thing did Tania Libertad do in the encore of her Royce Hall concert?
- sang without the micro (acapella)
- In the drum beat taught to us by Aaron Williams, what gets hit only on beat 3?
- snare drum
- Violin
- high range, natural melody instrument; most glamourous of the string instruments; before the first rehearsal the conductor checks the violins to make sure they all have the same sound
- The form of John Philip Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever" is...
- A-A-B-B-C-Break-C-Break-C
- A 19th century violinist who was thought to be in league with the devils because his abnormally virtuosic technique was?
- Niccolo Paganini
- It is clear that art...
- both reflects and leads culture
- Dr. Timothy Rice told us that the Famous Bulgarian Bag pipe set was made from what?
- a goat
- Who is Edward Kennedy (Duke) Ellington?
- greatest jazz composer of all time, and perhaps the most gifted American composer of the 20th century
- In the Blue Dragon there was potentially offensive commentary on the condition in which Chinese City?
- Shanghai
- The Takacs Quartet with Musikas featured the music of which composer?
- Bela Bartok
- Bow
- string that is stretched between both ends of the wooden stick
- What is the oldest instrument?
- Flute
- Can't touch this by MC Hammer is most like Snoop Dogg's What's My Name? because...
- both songs uphold the original mission statement of Rap (make rapper cool)
- The highest instrument in the orchestra is the
- piccolo
- What types of instruments are used for hunting?
- Brass instruments
- The difference between B-Bop and Swing (big-bang jazz) is most clearly shown by the fact that...
- B-Bop did not make use of lyrical singing line like Big-Band music did
- The originator of Rap music was...
- DJ Kool Herc
- How many reeds does a mellow sound make?
- 1
- What will you sometimes find in the walls of a desert Appalachian Cabin?
- a fiddle
- Who was the most brilliant practitioner and saxophonist?
- Charlie ("Bird") Parker
- Trumpet
- party concial party cylindrical trumpet is to the brass family what the violin is to the strings; play in the symphony orchestras, jazz combo's, brass quintet, and in the marching band
- Professor Winter has structured AA10 in "non-linear" order because he wants to get across that life is...
- random
- The artist who painted coke cans and himself in frag as comment on the human condition was?
- Andy Warhol
- What were the 5 seeing beyond sight concepts presented to us by Tony Diefell?
- distortion, refraction, reflection, transparence, illuminance
- The most remarkable feature of the piano rag, "Pickles and Peppers" is...
- that it follows exactly the shape of Sousa's march, "The Stars and Stripes Forever"
- What are stings made out of?
- 18th century- sheep gut to limit sound; 19th century- the strings were wrapped the ower stings in silver and/or gold to increase longevity and sound; today strings are wrapped in steel or cooper
- Bassists
- people that play the double bass; sit on tall stools and myst have a large vehicle to transport the instrument
- Western Music (2 aspects)
- opera and string quartet
- What was Duke Ellington's son's name, who ended up taken over his concert when he died?
- Mercer Cumminham
- What is jazz?
- Jazz is a part of a response to the institutionalized oppression that persisted long after the abolition of slavery; it was how the African Americans expressed themselves in music of their own devising
- Aaron Williams said that the cymbals on the drum kit are the drummer's what?
- expression
- the avant-grade n the 20th century was partially a reaction of what
- WWI and WWII
- Why was B-bop discovered?
- wanted to distance themselves from the more staid elements of jazz as praticed by the swing bands, and show hostility toward anyone who refused to accept their new style of jazz
- Is it true that organist Cameron Carpenter was enthusiastic for the audience and brought out rarely heard tone colors from the Royce Hall instrument?
- yes
- Cameron Carpenter opened his organ recital with what piece of music?
- Theme from Harry Potter
- Why does the strings always sit in front of the other orchestral instruments?
- string are quieter
- Cello
- official designation is "violencello" but most musicians and audiences refer to it simply as the "cello"; more than 2x as large as the viola, late Romantic Orchestras; has a wider range; few centuries ago, cello was only being played by men because the between the legs playing position was considered un-lady like; today many of the finest cellists are women
- Leo Tolstoy believed that the arts should do what to the audience?
- infect
- The oboe is fundamentally different from the similar-looking clarinet because it has what?
- double reed
- What sets America apart from Europe?
- America favors pop-culture, Europe favors high culture
- Social dancing in America is primarily an issue of...
- bubble-up
- When Thespis first began to act on stage, he referred to as a
- liar
- T/F: Is Louis Armstrong one of the greatest improvisers of his time that has inspired countless imitators but from the very beginning, has had his own individual style also?
- True
- Conductor
- known as the "leader" usually head of the violins; conductors grew from a necessary but journeyman tast into a highly refined art form that was not without its dictatorial dimensions
- What was the first recording date for Jazz?
- 1917
- What is a chaconne?
- repeated ground bass line; a bassline which repeats over and over again with variation in the upper voice
- French Horn
- bottom we might imagine we are hearing a tuba, at the top of the trumpet; the most dangerous instrument to play because of the rich creamy tone can lead all too easily to a splat heard everyone in the audience
- What is the highest, brightest instrument and known as a lightbeam?
- Trumpet
- Oboe
- ability to carry over long distances; originally performed outside; 17th century French King Louis XIV (14) consort of oboes
- Who is the inventor of rap?
- DJ Kool Herc
- What type of rhythm did Jelly Roll Mortion's song have?
- a blend of ragtime with the improvisatory style of blues
- This 20th century composer who wrote the musical of West Side Story was also one of the greatest conductors who ever lived.
- Leonard Bernstein
- What type of music was rock 'n roll originated from?
- Jazz
- Who was the Moody of the South and what significance did he have on the history of Dance?
- Samuel Parker Jones, he said you could not dance and be a good christian
- According to Frank Dwyer, there are 3 parallel journeys in any play. What are the 3?
- the characters in the play, the audience, the actors
- Grandmother Flash was famous for...
- inventing the record scratching technique
- Although many bands of the time were using hundreds, even thousands of players, John Philip Sousa's band only used this number, no more, no less?
- 48
- What instrument is a tuneable kettle drum that provides impact to the symphony
- timpani
- What is the definition of the blues?
- a New Orleans jazz that was plaintive style of singing and playing
- What was true about Jasmine Club?
- it existed in New Orleans; Jelly Roll Morton played piano there during the "services"; It was called the "jass"
- What did Prince Nikolas do which freed Hayden to leave the estate and discover he was famous?
- he died