1A Vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- penance
- voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing
- vacuous
- empty, lacking in ideas, stupid
- Apathy
- lack of passion, excitement or emotion
- derision
- ridicule, mockery
- derogatory
- belittling, lessen in merit
- apprehension
- anticipation of adversity or misfortune
- Malaise
- a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness
- lethargy
- lack of energy; sluggishness; torpor; lassitude
- indignation
- strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base; righteous anger
- concur
- To agree.
- fawning
- to exhibit affection or attempt to please
- hapless
- deserving or inciting pity
- wisps
- a small bunch or bundle, as of straw, hair, or grass
- lament
- a cry of sorrow and grief
- staunch
- loyal; faithful; dependable
- woodenly
- without spirit, animation, or awareness - dull stupid
- mackinaw coat
- a short, double-breasted coat of a thick woolen material, commonly plaid
- perfunctory
- performed merely as a routine duty
- apprehension
- suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil
- impending
- about to happen; imminent
- bemused
- bewildered or confused
- nobility
- a privileged class holding hereditary titles
- pomegranate:
- a chambered, many-seeded globose fruit with tough, red rind, and edible, acidic seeds
- droned
- to talk in a persistently dull or monotonous tone
- juncture
- a point of time made critical by a connection of circumstances
- derision
- the use of ridicule or scorn to show contempt
- douse
- to plunge into water
- castellated
- built like a castle esp. with turrets and battlements
- The Fates
- 3 goddesses (Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos) who control human destiny
- waxen
- having the paleness of wax
- ruminate
- reflect deeply on a subject
- pugnacious
- inclined to quarrel or fight readily, quarrelsome
- reprehensible
- to voice disapproval of- Criticize
- Conducive
- tending to produce something favorable
- belligerently
- warlike; given to waging war
- slough
- an area of soft muddy ground OR a condition of despair
- appreciation
- gratitude; thankful recognition
- Mottle
- a colored spot - mosaic
- boisterous
- rough and noisy; clamorous
- deft
- skillful in physical movements
- emanating
- to flow out, issue, or proceed, as from a source or origin; emit
- sedition
- rebellious disorder
- lumbered
- to move ponderously
- feeble
- physically weak, as from age or sickness, weak intellectually or morally, lacking in volume, brightness, distinction
- skitter
- to glide or skip lightly or quickly
- rendezvous
- a meeting planned at a certain time and place
- complacently
- a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like
- Revel
- (verb) to take great pleasure or delight -- (n) boisterous merrymaking
- mollified
- to soften in feeling or temper, as a person; pacify; appease
- inadvertantly
- unintentional
- miser
- a stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living miserably)
- lapse
- an accidental or temporary decline or deviation from an expected or accepted condition or state
- impartial
- lack of favoritism, neutral
- atrocity
- the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane
- writhe
- to twist the body about, squirm
- beseeched
- to implore urgently
- egress
- the act of going, esp. from an enclosed place; an exit
- Nymphs
- female spirits of classical mythology who lived in forests, bodies of water, and other places outdoors
- patronize
- treat condescendingly
- relish
- pleasurable appreciation of anyting; liking
- interminable
- incapable of being terminated; unending, having no limits.
- cryptic
- having a secret or hidden meaning
- morose
- gloomily or sullenly ill-humored
- Chasm
- A yawning fissure or deep cleft in the earth's surface; gorge
- receptive
- able or quick to receive, take in, or admit
- brittle
- easily damaged or destroyed; fragile; frail
- precede
- to go before, as in place, order, rank, importance or time
- aloof
- at a distance, esp. in feeling or interest; apart
- pantomime
- the art or genre of conveying a story by bodily movements only as in drama or dance
- symbol
- something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention
- reverence
- deep respect tinged with awe
- peruse
- to carefully read
- profusely
- given freely and in large amount, often to excess
- plaintively
- expressing sorrow or melancholy; mournful
- urbane
- sophisticated, elegant, refined in manners
- Obtuse
- lacking quickness, not intellectually sharp
- propitiatory
- intended to reconcile or appease
- cesspool
- any filthy recepticle or place
- stilted
- stiffly dignified or formal
- ingress
- the act of going in or entering; the right to enter
- dog
- woof
- collateral
- a security pledged for the repayment of a loan
- secluded
- withdrawn from or involving little human or social activity
- paraphernalia
- equipment, apparatus, or furnishing used in or necessary for a particular activity
- Blithe
- carefree, joyous without thought or regard
- ominously
- foreboding, threatening
- Abject
- Utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, contemptible
- jovial
- endowed with a hearty, joyous humor
- imperiously
- marked by arrogant assurance
- whim
- an odd or capricious notion or desire, a sudden or freakish fancy
- hermetic seal
- A seal that is considered airtight (EX: Tin Cans are hermetically sealed)
- Bade
- (past tense of bid - pronounced BAD) to command; order; direct
- Iridescent
- Displaying a play of lustrous colors like those of the rainbow
- infinitude
- The state or quality of being infinite; an immeasurably large quantity, number, or extent; an infinite quantity
- foment
- to instigate or promote development
- contemplate
- to look at or view with continued attention
- complexion
- the natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin