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Chapter 14


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when Parliament restored the monarchy in the person of Charles II in 1660
Louis XIV
took over supreme power of France.est strict routine.
Cardinal Richelieu
Louis XIII's chief minister.strengthened power of monarchy.took away Huguenots political and military rights but preserved religious rights.set up network of spies to uncover plots by nobles. crushed conspiracies and executed conspirators
James II
open and devout Catholic=conflict with Parliament. had two Protestant daughters Mary and Anne. Then had a Catholic son.fled to france.
English bill of Rights
gave Parliament the right to make laws and levy taxes and raise standing armies. gave citzens right to bear arms + jury trial. laid foundation for constitutional monarchy
Peter the Great
divided Russia into provinces. hoped to create well ordered community by law
how many wars did Louis XIV wage
Battle of Lepanto
where did Spain defeat the Turkish fleet
ultra catholics
extreme catholic party that strongly opposed Huguenots. in north and northwest they could recruit and pay for large armies
nightly dances where "witches" feasted and danced
created by Fredrick William of Prussia.levies taxes for army and oversees its growth.was electors chief instrument to govern the state
magic. caused hysteria. common people usually single or widowed women were charged with this
El Greco
his work expressed mannerism. was from the island of Crete. after studying in Venice and Rome then moved to Spain. painted elongated and contorted figures. the mood depicts religous upheavals
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Italian architect and painter.completed St Peters Bascilica in Rome.action exuberance and dramatic effects. created highly decorated wooden throne for St Peter
spanish fleet
Toleration Act of 1689
granted Puritans but not Catholics, the right to free public worship
Charles II
son of Charles I. sympathetic to Catholics-suspended law that Parliament passed against Catholics. put Catholics to high positions
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
who decreased imports and increased exports, granted subsidies to new industries, built roads and canals, raised tariffs and created a merchant marine
russian nobility
Edict of Nantes
king issued this edict that recognized catholicism as official religion of France but also gave the Huguenots right to worship and enhoy all political rights
Cardinal Mazarin
chief minister for Louis XIV who took control of gov. crushed a noble revolt.
who granted the Toleration Act of 1689
Glorious Revolution
almost no bloodshed. when William and Mary took over the monarchy in England from James II and accepted the Bill of Rights
Elizabethan literature
cultural flowering in England in 16th and 17th century. during reign of Queen expressed in drama
Peter the Great
part of Romanov dynasty. became czar 1689. absolutist and (drok). went west.
who did Peter the Great fight to gain territory of the Baltic Sea?
Ivan the Terrible
first ruler to take the title czar.expanded territories east.crushed boyars. known for his ruthless deeds-killed his son
Elizabeth Tudor
ascended throne in England. smart confident and careful. repealed laws favoring Catholics. issued Act of Supremacy.Church of england=moderate protestant. modrate in foreign policy and balanced power. feared war would be disastorous to england.
Thirty Years' War
last of religious wars. began in 1618 in land of Holy Roman Empire.between Catholic forces led by Hapsburgs and Protestants(calvinists) nobles in Bohemia. soon more countries entered. most destructive war in Europe. mainly on German soil
Peter the Great
who westernized Russia and made a book of Russian etiquette. created great military and first Russian navy.
Romanov Dynasty
dynasty that wascreated to end the Time of Troubles. the Zemsky Dobor or national assembly created this dynasty that lasted until 1917
supporters of the king in the English Civil War
Lope de Vega
wrote at least 1500 plays that are witty charming action packed and realistic. he wrote his plays to satisfy audience and for money
Peace of Westphalia
ended war in Germany in 1648.stated that all German states including calvinists could determine their own religion. each state was now independent and recieved power to conduct its own foreign affairs
parlimentary forces in the English Civil war
Louis XIV est a royal court that was his house, held chief offices of the state and where powerful subjects came for favors and offices
Philip II
Spanish King. consolidated lands including spain, netherlands and parts of italy and americas. insisted on strict conformity to Catholicism. led spectacular victories and defeats
Sun King
Louis XIV's nickname
brought artistic Renaissance to an end.emerged in italy in 1520s and 1530s. art in this era reflected this new enviorment by deliberately breaking down High Reniassance principles of balance harmony and moderation
House of Valois
strongly Catholic dynasty in France.
all power rests in one
William Shakespeare
dramist, playwright, actor and shareholder in chief theater co. master of english language and human psycology.
United Provinces of the Netherlands
northern provinces in Netherlands became...
St. Petersburg
what did Peter the Great create? or what was the capital of Russia
Henry of Navarre
political leader of Huguenots and part of Bourbon dynasty.became king of France- became catholic to be accepted. when he became king fighting france came to end. issued the Edict of Nantes
French Protestants that were influenced by John Calvin
Act of Supremacy
made by Queen Elizabeth Tudor. it claimed that she was the only supreme governor of church and state
Miguel de Cervantes
wrote Don Quixote one of the greates pieces of literature. Spanish
Thomas Hobbes
wrote Leviathan to deal with disorder. before humans were solitary and brutish they were guided by ruthless struggle for self-preservation. absolute power was needed to preserve society
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
controller general of finances for Louis XIV. sought to increase the wealth and power of France by using mercantalism.
extreme Puritans that made up Oliver Cromwells new model army
Philip II
who waged war with Netherlands to strengthen control and crush Calvinism.
ceaser in Russia
Spanish Netherlands
17 provinces and one of richest areas of Philip IIs empire. opposed Philips efforts. calvinist destroyed catholic churches
House of Bourbon
ruled the southern French kingdom of Navarre. noble Huguenots. and was next to line for succesion of the royal line
John Locke
wrote political work Two Treatisies of Government. before organized society, lived in state of freedom and equality. humans had certain natural rights-life, liberty and property. problems exsisted in state or nature. ideas were used to support a constitutional government. ideas found in Declaration of Independence and US constitution
Louis XIV
who removed nobles and princes from royal council and kept them busy with court life and out of at local level and bribed local officials. anti protestant policy. developed standing army.added land to northeast
Charles I
who imposed more ritual on the Church of England and forced Puritans to accept his religous policies making many go to America
Hapsburg Empire
created new empire in eastern and south eastern europe-austrian empire. nvr became highly centralized, absolutist state because there are so many different national groups. empire was a considerable size
Prussian landed aristorcracy who also served in the army
Philip II
most catholic King
divine right of kings
believed first by James I. that kings receive their power from God and are responsible only to God
Rump Parliament
cromwell purged it of non supporters and it became this
William the Silent
who led a growing resistence in Netherlands against Spanish
Charles I
son of James I. believed in the divine right of kings.sons= Charles II and James II
new movement that began in Italy. painting=dramatic effects to arouse emotions. reflected search for power. magnificence and richly detailed
Protestants in England inspired by Calvinist ideas. did not like the kings strong defense of church of england. wanted more protestant church. gentry formed important part of House of Commons
James I
Elizabeth Tudor's cousin. King of Scotland. believed in the divine right of kings. strong defense of Church of England. son Charles I
supporters of the king in the English Civil war
Oliver Cromwell
military genius.created New Model army.fought for God.purged parliament of any non supporters. executed CHarles I. abolished monarchy and House of Lords. created commonwealth and then set up military dictatorship

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