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all first semester terms


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william shakespeare
the greatest play writer of all times
a brilliant cultural movement in the 1300s that started in italy and then spread into the rest of europe and caused an explosion of creativity in art, writting, and thought
thomas jefferson
a political leader who wrote the declaration of independence
nobles and others who had fled france. hoped to undo the revolution and restore the ld regime
english civil war
a war fought between the royalists or cavaliers and the puritans. the charles supporters and non
the reign of charles II when he restored the monarchy
spanish colonial social classes
peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, mulattos, indians
a group of government ministers, or officials
large groups of social classes people were divided into under the old regime
congress of vienna
a series of meetings to set up policies to achieve this goal of collective security and stability for the entire continent
continental system
the blockade napoleon set up to prevent all trade and communication between great britain and other european nations
rule of the people
peace of augsburg
a famous religious settlement where the princes agreed that each ruler would decide the religion of his state
large social gatherings where people talked about enlightenment ideas
tennis court oath
the pledge 3rd estate delegates took to stay in the tennis court until they had drawn up a new constitution
a branch of the legislative branch made up of patricians
the name of the religion founded by jesus
national assembly
an assembly formed from the the 3rd estate delegates from the estates-general that passed laws and reformed in the name of the french people
a group of governmental ministers or officials
klemens von metternich
by far the most influential representative at the congress of vienna and was the foreign minister og austria
government-run public schools
louis XVI
france extravogent spending, indecisive monarch during the 1770s and 1780s
wordly rather than spiritual and concerned with the here and now
a forcible closing of ports
checks and balances
a built-in system that let each branch check the actions of the other 2
heliocentric theory
copernicus' theory that planets orbited the sun
glorious revolution
the bloodless overthrow of king james II
napoleons last bid for power
cardinal rishelieu
the strong minister who made up for all of louis XIII (henry IV's son) weaknesses
scientific revolution
when scholars replaced old assumptions with new theories, change in european thought
ten commandments
the jewish written code of laws
coup d' état
a sudden seizure of power
françois marie arouets pen name. he published more than 70 book of political essays, philosophy, and drama
habeas corpus
laws that gave every prisoner the right to obtain a document ordering that the prisoner be brought before a udge to specify the charges against him
a government ruled by a small group of noble, land-owning families
a technique that shows 2 dimensions on a flat surface
reign of terror
the period of robespierres rule`
oliver cromwell
a puritan general who began defeating the cavaliers turning the tide toward the puritans
an assembly of representatives from all three estates. louis XVi called the ,eeting that had not been held in 175 years
people who financially supported artists
glorious revolution
the bloodless overthrow of king james II
marie antoinette
louis XVII wife who went on extravogent spending sprees and made many governmental decisions that her husband couldn't
great fear
a wave of senseless fear
social contract
an agreement citizens had with the government
an influentisl writer who devoted himself to the study of political liberty
peninsular war
a war between the spanish and french on the iberian peninsula where napoleon lost about 300 men. this increased spains nationalism
constitutional monarchy
laws limited the rulers power in the government
simón bolívar
a wealthy venezuelan creole general who declared venezuela its independence from spain
a new intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought and the power of the individual to solve problems
mary wollstonecraft
a very persuasive woman who published an essay called aa vindication of the rigts of woman in 1792
scientific method
a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
constitutional monarch
where laws limit a rulers power
an intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
edict of nantes
king henry II declared that the huguenots could live in peace in france and set up their own houses of worship on some cities
war of the spanish succession
the long struggle that followed the countries joining together in union
geocentric theory
the belief that the earth is the center of the universe
concert of europe
a series of alliances that ensured nations would help one another if any revolutions broke out
battle of trafalgar
the one major battle napoleon last. it was a very important naval battle against britain
josé de san martín
an argentinan who left his army for bolívar to command and defeat peru for freedom
old regime
the old ways of the european government
scorched earth policy
this is involved burning grain fields and slaughtering livestock soas to leave noting for an enemy to eat
parisian workers (lowerclass) and small shopkeepers who wanted the revolution to bring greater changes to france and wore regular trousers
a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the prophet muhammam
the followers of luther and his separate religious group
maximilien robespierre
a jacobin leader who slowly gained power. his supporters set out to build a "republic of virtue" by wiping out every trace of frances past
isaac newton
great english scientist helped to bring together their break throughs under a single theory of motion
christians who belonged to non-catholic churches
charles I
james I's son who took the english thrown
a passionately, commited to individual freedom, philosophe
napoleon bonaparte
a very powerful leader who seized power and brought many good things on french as well as many many bad
miguel hidalgo
a priest in the small village of dolores who took the first step towards mexico's independence
the native language of a person
catherine the great
she ruled russia from 1762-1796. she was a well educated empress who read works of philosophes and exchanged letters with voltaire
spaniards born in latin america who could not hold high level political office but they could rise as officers in spanish colonial armies
declaration of independence
a document written by thomas jefferson based on the enlightenment idea of john locke that justified the colonistsrebellion
galileo galilei
italian scientist, built on new astronomy theories
legislative assembly
a bosy formed from the new constitution that was part if the legislative body and had the power to create laws and to approve or reject declarations of war
hundred days war
the end of napoleon's last bid for power ending with the exalation of napoleon to st. helena by the british
an ideal place with no greed, corruption, or war
set aside or overlook
a single person called a king or monarch rules the government
the group of people at the top of the spanish american society who had been born in spain, the iberian peninsula
the church of england with elizabeth as its head
a pardon that a priest imposed from sin
persons of mixed european and indian ancestry
jean baptiste colbert
the minister of finance who greatly assisted louis XIV
johann gutenburg
german craftsman that perfected the printing press
the idea that nothing can ever be known for certain
a system for controlling a society
persons of mixed european and african ancestry and enslaved africans
holy alliance
a signed agreement between czar alexander I, emperor francis I of austria, and king frederick william III of prussia that said they pledged to base their relations with other nations on christain preinciples in rder to combat the forces of revolution
balance of power
a goal of metternich so that no country would be a threat to others
the monotheistic religion of the hebrews
the social critics of the period in france
napoleonic code
this gave the counrty a uniform set of laws and eliminated many injustices, but it limited liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights
a radical political orginization jean-paul marat edited a news paper called "friend of the people" he called for the death of all those who continued to support the king
people who collected taxes and administered justice
direct democracy
a form of government in which citizens rule and make laws directly rather than through representatives
louis XIV
most powerful ruler in french history. in his view, he and the state were one and the same
an agreement with pope pius VII that established a new relationship between the church and state
a vote of the people
bill of rights
10 amendments added to the constitution that protected basic rights
a religious reform movement that began in the 16th century
a 14ft tall beheading machine used t slaughter masses in the french revolution
a government ruled by a few powerful people
josé maría morelos
the leader that took over for hidalgo and led the revolution for 4 years until agustín de iturbide defeated him
roman catholic church
developed from roman christianity and became the most powerful institution in europe
spanish peasant fighters in the peninsular war
the period of charles II rule that he restored that monarchy
a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to elect the leaders who make governmental decisions
a grand, ornate design in art
enlightenment despots
monarchs who embraced the new ideas and made reforms that reflected the enlightenment spirit
federal system
power divided between nation and state
john locke
a philosopher who believed that people could learn fro experience and improve themselves
the principle agreeing that as many possible of the rulers whom napoleon had drivin from their thrones be restored to power
neo classical
a simple and elegant style that borrowed ideas and themes from classical greece and rome

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