Latino/Latin Theatre
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- Latin Theatre
-not all one race
-not all one language
-not all one religion - ican peon
- lazy outlaw
- macho
- hot latin lover
- Latindad
desendence of caribbean or latin theatre - tropicalization
- racism/stereotypes placed on latin americans
- retropalization
- taking tropicalization and turning it on its head, often very weird
- self-tropicalization
- exaggerating tropicalization to get a point across (not in realism)
- El Teatro Campesino
-the peasant theatre
-formed by Luiz Valdez in '65
-beginning of Latin Theatre in US - Luiz Valdez
-formed El Teatro Campesino
-directed La bamba and zoot suite (one of first plays on broadway) - Maria Irene Fornes
-most realistic drama ever
-designs, directs, writes
-teaches ppl and playwrights
-cuban american
Fefu and her friends
Conduct of Life - Josefina Lopez
- successful, 1st playwright to use retropalization, "real women have curves", contemporary playwright
- Cherrie Moroga
- lesbian chicano, "Shadow of a Man", "Heroes and Saints", contemporary playwright
- Naobustamentante
- performance artist in America the Beautiful, very large
- Guillermo Gomez
- "Pena" movie, made fun of studying human beings such as Indians, chicano
- Carmelita Tropicana
-wears fruit hat