forestry stuff
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- Scandent
- Climbing, as a plant
- Altrical
- Confined to the nexting place for a period after hatching
- Mast
- The fruit of the oak and beech (acorn, beechnut) or other forest trees, used as food by animals.
- Crepuscular
- Of, pertaining to, or resembling twilight. Appearing or flying in the twilight.
- Evolution
- Any process of formation or growth or development. The evolution of man, the drama, athe airplane, the automobile, etc.
- Diurnal
Of or belonging to the daytime. Active by day as certain birds and insects.
- A Melanism
- A color variation caused by excessive amounts of brown pigment.
- Albinism
- A color variation caused by a complete absence or degeneration of the pigment
- Moribund
- In a dying state. On the verge of extinction or termination.
- Anthropomorphic
- Ascribing human form or attributes to beings or things not human
- Varmint
- An animal that people would consider as undesirable or causing damage to people or their commercial products.
- Browse
- Tender shoots, twigs, and leaves of trees and shrubs used for food by wildlife
- Senile
- Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of old age.
- Arboreal
- Pertaining to trees. Living in or among trees. Adapted for living and moving about in trees, as the limbs and skeleton of opossums, squirrels, monkeys, and apes.
- Relict
- A plant or animal species living in an environment which changed from that which is typical for it.
- Endemic
- Peculiar to a particular locality
- Fossorial
- Digging or burrowing. Adapted for digging, and the hands, feet and skeleton of moles, armadillos, etc.
- Ecology
- The branch of biology which treats of the relations between organisms and their environment. The branch of sociology concerned with the spacing of people and of institutions and their resulting interdependency.
- Precocious
- Forward in development, especially mental development, as a child. Prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, etc.
- Nocturnal
- Of or pertaining to the night. Active at night, as many animals.
- Precocial
- Birds. Active, down-covered, and able to move about freely after hatching.