English Grammar 2
undefined, object
copy deck
- a (an)
- without, not
- acro
- tip, top, end
- ant, anti
- against, opposite
- aut, auto
- self
- dys
- bad, ill, difficult
- eu
- good, well
- hetero
- different
- homo
- same
- hyper
- over, above the ordinary
- hypo
- under, less than ordinary
- macro
- large
- micro
- small
- mis
- hate
- mono
- one
- pan
- all, complete
- peri
- around
- poly
- many
- prot, proto
- first
- pseudo
- false
- tele
- far off
- phobia
- fear, dread, aversion
- acrophobia
- fear of being at great height
- agoraphobia
- fear of open spaces
- claustrophobia
- exhibiting a fear of closed spaces
- hydrophobia
- abnormal fear of water
- pyrophobia
- fear of fire
- arachnophobia
- fear of spides
- zoophobia
- fear of animals
- antophobia
- fear of everything
- homophobia
- fear of gay people
- Francophobe
- one who fears or dislikes people from France
- monophobia
- fear of being alone
- photophobia
- morbid aversion to light
- xenophobia
- aversion to foreigners
- necrophobia
- fear of death or dead bodies
- astrophobia
- fear of lightning
- Anglophobe
- one who fears or dislikes people from England
- homophobic
- exhibiting a fear or dislike of gay people
- spermophobia
- fear of germs
- hypnophobia
- fear of sleep
- antipathy
- aversion, dislike
- apathy
- lack of feeling
- empathetic
- understanding
- pathetic
- arousing pity
- pathos
- qualtiy in drama, speech, music, literature, or events that arouses a feeling of pity/sorrow
- sympathy
- compassion
- sympathetic
- compassionate
- telepathy
- transference of thoughts and feelings of one person to another by no apparent means
- apathetic
- indifferent
- empathy
- the complete understanding of another's feelings
- homeopathy
- medical practice that treats disease by adminstering minute doses of a remedy
- osteopathy
- treatment of disease by manipulation of bones, muscles, nerves, etc.
- osteopath
- a practitioner of osteopathy
- pathology
- branch of medicine dealing with the nature of disease
- pathologist
- a practitioner of pathology
- pathogen
- a virus or organism that can cause disease
- pathological
- due to disease
- pathogenic
- causing disease
- psychopathic
- insane
- sociopath
- one who is psychopathic and antisocial