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Formally charge a public official of misconduct in office
15th Amendment
Prohibits the denial of voting rights to people because of their race or color or because they have previously been slaves
Freedman's Bureau
Government agency which assissted former slaves and poor whites in the South by giving food and clothing and by setting up hospitals and schools
Tenant Farming
System in which farm workers supply their own tools and rent farmland for cash
Period of rebuilding that followed the Civil War
Red Cross
Established by Clara Barton who led it for 23 years and broadened its purpose to provide relief to civilians as well as soldiers in times of natural disaster
Fort Sumter
Southern fort in Union hands in 1861
Ironclad ship used by the North in the Civil War
Free-Soil Party
Political Party formed in 1848 to oppose the extension of slavery into the US territories
Panic of 1873
Series of financial failures that triggered a five-year depression in the US
Bleeding Kansas
Name applies to the Kansas Territory in the years before the Civil War, when the territory was a battleground between proslavery and antislavery forces
Radical Republicans
Congressional Republicans who wanted to destroy the political power of former slave-holders and to give African Americans full citizenship and the right to vote
Compromise of 1850
A series of congressional measures intended to settle major disagreements between free and slave states
Black Codes
Discriminatory laws that were enacted in many Southern states after the Civil War that severly restricted African Americans' lives
Popular Sovereignty
Principle that the residents of a territory should have control over their own affairs-particularly the power to decide wheter to admit slavery
Favoring of the interests of native-born people over the interests of immigrants
Compromise of 1877
Series of congressional measures under which Democrats agreed to accept Republican President, Rutherford B. Hayes
14th Amendment
Made all persons born or naturalized in the US-including former slaves-citizens of the country
Secret organization that used terrorist tactics in an attempt to restore white supremacy in Southern states after the Civil War
Northern Democrat who advocated making peace with the Confederacy during the Civil War
Drafting of citizens for military services
Wad-Davis Bill
Vetoed by President Lincoln, that would have given Congress control of Reconstriction
Income Tax
Tax on individuals' earnings
White Southerner who joined the Republican Party after the Civil War
Ironclad ship used by the South in the Civil War
Suprise attack on Grant by Confederate troops in Mississippi
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Law, enacted in 1854, that established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska that gave thier residents the right to decide whether to allow slavery
Confederate camp where prisoners had no shelter and drank from the same stream that served as their sewer, about 1/3 of prisoners died
Battle near sluggish creek, more than 26,000 people died, Union led by McClellan, Union War
Personal Liberty Laws
Statutes, passed in nine Northern states in the 1850s, that forbade the imprisonment of runaway slaves and guarenteed jury trials for fugitive slaves
Formal withdrawl of a state from the Union
Emancipation Proclamation
Executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves in all regions in rebellion against the Union
Freeport Doctrine
Idea, expressed by Stephen Douglas in 1858, that any territory could exclude slavery by simply refusing to pass laws supporting it
Republican Party
Modern political party formed in 1854 by opponents of slavery in new territories
Anaconda Plan
Three-part strategy by which the Union proposed to defeat the Confederacy in the Civil War
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude
Know-Nothing Party
Name given to the American Party, formed in the 1850s to curtail the political influence of immigrants
Home Rule
State's powers of governing its citizens without federal government involvement
Northerner who moved South after the Civil War
Wilmont Proviso
Meant that California as well as territories of Utah and New Mexico would be closed to slavery forever
Bull Run
First major battle of Civil War which was a Union victory
Habeas Corpus
Court order requiring authorities to bring a prisoner before the court so that the court can determine whether the prisoner is being held legally

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