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Universal Manhood Suffrage
Principle that every man had the right to vote, regardless of whether he owned property
Helped popularize British ideas in France with his Letters on England
Principle that all former ruling families should be returned to their thrones
Coup d'etat
Seizure of power by force
Judicial Branch
Branch of the U.S. Government responsible for interpreting the laws.
The Napoleonic Code
A system of French laws formulated by Napoleon that became the foundation of many European legal systems.
Political movement that extended the principles of the American and French Revolutions with their ideals of individual rights and the rule of law
Merchants, manufacturers, and professionals of the city-dwelling French middle class
Enlightened Despotism
System of government in which absolute monarchs ruled according to the principles of Enlightenment
Treaty of Paris
This document brought an end to the American Revolution.
Agreement between Napoleon and the Pope that acknowledged Catholicism as the religion of most French citizens and in which the church gave up claims to its Revolutionary property
Louis XVI
French king during the French Revolution.
Olympe de Gouges
Led a group of women who wrote a declaration of rights for women that was rejected by the National Assembly
The drafting of men into military services
Compensation to nations for damages inflicted on them
Declaration of the Rights of Man
The document adopted by the National Assembly, that stated and defined the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
Scorched-Earth Policy
Policy of burning and destroying one's own crops and everything else that might be of value to intruders
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments to U.S. Constitution
Love of ones country rather than of one's native religion
American colonists who favored independence from Britain
Horatio Nelson
British Admiral whose fleet destroyed the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Wrote in The Social Contract that all people are born good but that environment, education, and laws corrupt them.
Procedure by which a government measure is submitted to the people for a vote
3rd Estate
The commoners of French society prior to the revolution. The class that was divided into the bourgeoisie, laborers and artisans, and peasants.
Foreign minister of Austria and chairman at the Congress of Vienna
Congress of Vienna
The allied countries met to settle political and territorial questions following the end of the Napoleonic Wars.
Thomas Jefferson
He was the principal author of the American Declaration of Independence
Denis Diderot
Edited and published the first edition of the Encyclopedia
French monarch who was restored to the throne by the allies after Napoleon was defeated
One tenth of a person's income that is paid to the church.
French word for "emigrants", French nobles who fled to other European countries.
Extremists who oppose a change and want to turn the clock back to the time before certain changes occurred
Popular Sovereignty
Belief that government is created by and subject to the will of the people

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