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ch. 01 emergency management


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pediatric cardiorespiratory arrest: top 3 causes
1.respiratory (45%)
2.cardiac (25%)
3.CNS (20%)
airway management goals
1.relieve obstruction
2.prevent aspiration
3.promote adequate gas exchange
blind finger sweep: bad choice b/c...
foreign body may be further forced down oropharynx
T/F: hyperextension of neck may result in airway obstruction
Breathing: how to check
1.chest wall movement
uncuffed tube: used for what age group? why?
age < 8 yrs

reduce risk of subglottic edema & stenosis
narrowest part of airway in children age < 8
cricoid ring (provides seal for uncuffed tube)
endotracheal tube size
4 * (age/4)
T/F: neonates require premedication for intubation
false (done w/o premeds)
infant intubation rapid-sequence
1.preO2 w/100% O2
2.vagolytic drug (atropine)
4.cricoid pressure
succinylcholine: what do you give before this med?
defasciculating med (vecuronium)
Circulation: assess by...
2.cap refill
most sensitive measure of intravascular volume status in children
heart rate
most sensitive measure of adequate circulation
capillary refill
if no pulse, then start...
chest compressions
secondary survey: includes...
1.head-to-toe exam
2.Glasgow coma scale
why do children cool/lose heat quickly?
high surface-to-body mass ratio
3 stages of shock
compensated stage of shock
essential organ perfusion
nl BP, urine output, cardiac fxn
uncompensated stage of shock
endothelial injury
increase in toxic materials
most common type of shock in children
hypovolemic shock
distributive shock: increased / decreased resistance
decreased resistance
compensated septic shock: warm / cold?

uncompensated septic shock: warm / cold?
warm = compensated

cold = uncompensated
septic shock: must give what meds?
abx = resuscitation med
basic CPR: x breaths/min
20 breaths/min
basic CPR: compression location for infant vs. older child
infant: lower 1/3 sternum

older child: 1 finger below intermammary line on sternum
basic CPR (infant): compression depth, rate, method
depth:0.5-1 inch
rate: 100/min
method: 2 fingers on sternum
basic CPR (older child): compression method, rate, depth
method: 1 or 2 hands on sternum
rate: 80-100/min
depth: 1-1.5 inch
supraventricular tachycardia + hemodynamically stable: tx
vagal maneuvers
procainamide amiodarone
SVT + hemodynamically unstable = Tx
synchronized cardioversion 0.5-1 J/kg
increase to 2 J/kg if unsuccessful
v-tach + hemo stable = tx
amiodarone/procainamide (prolong QT interval)
v-tach + hemo unstable = tx
synchronized cardioversion 0.5-1 J/kg

increase to 2 J/kg if unsuccessful
pulseless v-tach / v-fib = Tx
nonsynchronized defib (2J/kg -> 4 J/kg -> epi -> lido + shock ->
vasomotor tone abnormality = x shock
distributive shock

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