ch. 05 dermatology
undefined, object
copy deck
- measles - incubation period
- 8-12 days
- measles - prodrome
-high fever
-cough, coryza, conjunctivitis - small irregular red spots w/central gray/bluish white specks on buccal mucosa
- Koplik spots = measles
- measles - rash
-begins 5 days after Sx onset
-starts on head, moves caudally -lasts 4-5 days
-erythematous maculopapular rash - measles - complications (2)
1.acute encephalitis
2.subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) - rubella - incubation period
- 14-21 days
- rubella - Sx
-slight fever
-generalized lymphadenopathy
-erythematous maculopapular rash (<5 days) - measles - confirmation
- serologic testing
- rubella - confirmation
- serologic testing
- roseola infantum - bug
- HHV-6
- roseola infantum - progression
-abrupt fever (103-105) for 1-5 days
-maculopapular rash follows (trunk -> peripheral)
-leukocytosis -> leukopenia - erythema infectiosum - bug
- parvovirus B19
- Fifth disease
- erythema infectiosum (parvovirus B19)
- erythema infectiosum - progression
1.slapped cheeks
2.rash starts on arms -> trunk, legs - lacy rash
- erythema infectiosum
- pregnant + parvovirus B19 = ?
- hydrops fetalis
- erythema infectiosum - complications (3)
2.hemolytic anemia
3.encephalopathy - hand-foot-mouth dz - bug
- coxsackie A virus
- hand-foot-mouth dz - prodrome
- -fever, anorexia, oral pain
-fever, anorexia, oral pain
-ulcer crop (tongue, oral mucosa)
-vesicular rash (hands, feet) - hand-foot-mouth dz
- "football" shape vesicles w/surrounding erythema
- hand-foot-mouth dz
- chickenpox - incubation period
- 10-21 days
- chickenpox - prodrome
-mild fever
-rash - chickenpox - rash progression
- trunk -> peripheral
- chickenpox - infectious length
start: 24 hrs before rash
end: lesions crustify - chickenpox - confirmation
- chickenpox - complications
3.pneumonitis - herpes zoster - dormant site
-pain along dermatome
-fever + malaise
-vesicular eruption
-resolves in 1-2 wks - herpes zoster (shingles)
- measles, rubella, roseola infantum, erythem infectiosum, hand-foot-mouth, varicella, shingles - Tx
- supportive
- chickenpox - contraindicated med
- ibuprofen (increased risk of streptococcal cellulitis)
- fever in children - contraindicated med
- aspirin (Reye's syndrome)
- IC children + chickenpox exposure - give what med?
- VZ Ig (w/in 96 hrs)
- varicella/shingles - Tx med
- acyclovir
red macules -> bullous eruptions on erythematous base -> varnish coating
look like cigarette burns - bullous impetigo (s.aureus)
- papules -> vesicles -> painless pustules -> honey-colored exudate/crust
- nonbullous impetigo (s.aureus or beta-hemolytic strep)
-marked diffuse erythema
-skin tenderness
-abrupt onset
-superficial flaccid bullae -> rupture
-beefy red weepy surface
-(+) Nikolsky sign - staph scalded skin syndrome
- separation of epidermis on light rubbing
- (+) Nikolsky sign
- infxn of shaft of hair follicle
- folliculitis
- carbuncles
- accumulation of furuncles
- most common bug in hematogenously spread cellulitis
- strep pneumoniae
- superficial tinea infxn - 3 bugs
3.epidermophyton - annular lesion w/peripheral scaling (looks like a ring)
- tinea corporis
- patches of scaling & hair loss, itching, lymphadenopathy
- tinea capitis
- scaling in "moccasin" distribution
- tinea pedis
- erythema, scaling, maceration in inguinal creases
- tinea cruris
- tinea versicolor - bug
- Malassezia furfur
- superficial tan/hypopigmented oval scaly lesions in X-mas tree distribution
- tinea versicolor
- if diaper rash > 4 days, then suspect...(bug)?
- candida
- candida diaper rash - Tx
-barrier creams - stimulus for sebaceous gland development
- androgens
- drugs exacerbating acne
5.bromides - T/F: nodulocystic acne associated w/scarring?
- true
- T/F: acne - best Tx is combo?
- true
- acne - topical & oral meds?
benzoyl peroxide
retinoic acid - pinpoint bleeding
- Auspitz sign (psoriasis)
- psoriasis Tx - main goal?
- keep skin hydrated!
- most severe form of erythema multiforme
- Stevens-Johnson's syndrome
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome - most common causes (2)
2.Mycoplasma infxns - most severe form of cutaneous hypersensitivity
- toxic epidermal mecrolysis
- epidermal layer sloughing (2)
1.staph scaled skin syndrome
2.toxic epidermal necrolysis - smooth pink/brown dome-shaped papule (benign)
- Spitz nevus
- mole w/depigmented ring
- halo nevus
- mole assessment
Diameter - halo nevus associated w/...
2.melanoma - most common cause of recurrent erythema multiforme
- herpes simplex virus HSV
- tinea versicolor - Tx
- selenium sulfide shampoo