Vocabulary some
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- skin lesion pre cancerous fair skinned people
- actinic keratosis
- cancer involves cells from the lining of walls of organs
- adenocarcinoma
- benign mouth ulcer
- aphthous ulcer
- deepest layer of the epidermis
- basal layer
- vesicle containing fluid
- bulla
- infection with a fungus moist cutaneous areas
- candidiasiss
- temporary yellowing of the skin
- carotenemia
- acute spreading bacterial infection deep subcutaneous tissues
- cellulitis
- skin lesion from syphilis
- chancre
- scab
- crust
- bluish discoloration of skin due to lack of blood flow
- cyanosis
- pressure sores
- decubitis
- area of skin with sensory nerve
- dermatome
- any skin disease without inflammation
- dermatosis
- infection of nail fold
- eponychia
- shingles a painful skin rash
- zoster
- flat burning itching on the skin urticaria
- wheal
- blisters
- vesicles
- chiken pox
- varicella
- allergic reaction itching hives
- urticaria
- mechanical ridgidity of the cells
- turgor
- fungal disease of the hair
- trichomychosis
- beneath the finger or toe nail
- subungual
- bacteria occuring in chains
- stretococcal
- in the form of layers
- stratified
- cyst containing matter
- steatoma
- bacteria found in clusters
- staphylococcal
- facelift
- rhytidectomy
- any prurulent skin disease
- pyoderma
- abcess in the cleft of the buttocks
- pilonidal cyst
- dry scab
- eschar
- stripping the skin of the top layers
- excoriation
- benign tumor usually on the breast
- fibroadenoma
- an organism producing offspring different than itself
- heterogenesis
- illness with multiple abcesses under armpits and groin area
- hidradenitis suppurativa
- skin hair and nail derived from ectoderm
- integumentary system
- thickening of the skin exaggeration of the normal skin markings
- lichenification
- a spot on the skin
- macule
- procedure of freezing the skin to excise tumors
- Mohs surgery
- any disease caused by a fungus
- mycosis
- inflammation of the skin in the folds around the nails
- paronychia
- pitted skin surface overlying carcinoma of the breast
- peau d'orange
- pinpoint round red spot hemorrahage
- petechia
- cauterization of tissue using electric current
- electrocautery
- contagious skin condition usually in children around face nose and mouth vesicles and pustules
- impetigo
- kind of gland found in armpits and pubic region
- apocrine gland
- strong protein fiber found in the dermis
- collagen
- main part of the hair surrounds the medulla
- cortex
- hard outer layer of hair
- cuticle
- layer of skin under the outer layer
- dermis
- sweat gland found on forehead palms of hands and soles of feet
- eccrine gland
- top layer of skin
- epidermis
- elastic fiber housed in the dermis
- elastin
- small channel in the skin where the hair grows
- follicle
- tough protein substance in hair and nails
- keratin
- process of nail formation
- keratization
- skin cell that produces the protein keratin
- keratinocyte
- cells found in skin that help protect the body from infection
- Langerhans
- whitish crescent shaped part of the nail
- lunala
- skin below the nail
- matrix
- soft center part of hair
- medulla
- dark brown or black coloring found in the hair
- melanin
- epidermal cell that produces melanin
- melanocyte
- large part of the nail
- nail plate
- area at the bottom of the follicle where hair growth takes place
- papilla
- tiny projections on the surface of the dermis
- papillae
- soft thickened bulb at the base of the hair embedded in the skin
- root
- small gland in the underlayer of the skin that produces the oil sebum
- sebaceous gland
- oil that lubricates hair and skin
- sebum
- part of the hair that projects from the surface of the skin
- shaft
- layer of fat under the skin
- subcutaneous tissue